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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
because its a 2-d game with a hub world. it takes me out of it every time i go back to base

I dunno, La-Mulana had one of those and it kept it real, but that game's a different beast altogether. Goddamn I loved La-Mulana.


Ubisoft Marketing
I...agree with this…

You mean


Shovel Knight looks like every other one of those indie side scrollers that go "Hey remember nintendo games huehue" along with every other one like broforce and mercenary kings and whatever.

Memes memes memes too. Cause if we didn't get websites like reddit or youtube running memes into the ground then surely you'll love it in our video game.

Hey Portal had funny jokes let's go ahead and try to ape that but do it worse and run our own non-funny jokes into the ground. Hey is gungam style still a thing? Let's put it in.

I wonder if 30 years from now kids will be making games that look like Halo, AssCreed, and Skylanders?


Better off just playing metal slug or whatever nintendo game you loved on Virtual console or whatever

Eh, I dunno about that. I think games like shovel knight were on everyones game of the year for a damn good reason. Its a good video game, its a very good video game. Its good solid video game.

Its like sandwich you haven't had in a long ass time made right.

I wonder if 30 years from now kids will be making games that look like Halo, AssCreed, and Skylanders?
i think there is a kick start game trying to do that.


The thing about all those indie 8/16bit lovefests is they just don't get the feel right. The only one I played that has it is Rogue Legacy,
Man if you don't mind me asking. How much does USgamer pay you annually? If you don't want to answer, I completely understand. Salaries is something Americans keep close to their chest.

$40-45K, though I'm a contractor, so I take care of taxes/benefits on my own. The journalism game doesn't pay a ton, but I live decently (mostly because the girlfriend is a programmer, so she makes bank.) Game journalist (like a number of positions in the industry - a programmer tends to make more outside of gaming) is not a job to you do for the money or fame. Hell, most journalists in other fields live the same life.

People keeping salaries close to the vest is odd, because when you dig down, you find doing so only really helps employers. You get paid more than a fellow co-worker who does the same job? That's between the employer and that co-worker. I doubt employers want to get into that issue over and over again, so we have this culture of hiding our salaries, though sites like GlassDoor exist.


Does New Orleans count as its own country for food purposes? Cuz got dang do I love me some Creole food (minus the shrimp and crawdads). There is a small chain of Creole places in the Indy area named Yats that I love. If you can find a silver lining in your mom getting cancer, it's that Yats was right by the hospital so we got DOPE lunches every time we went for appointments or surgeries.


Does New Orleans count as its own country for food purposes? Cuz got dang do I love me some Creole food (minus the shrimp and crawdads). There is a small chain of Creole places in the Indy area named Yats that I love. If you can find a silver lining in your mom getting cancer, it's that Yats was right by the hospital so we got DOPE lunches every time we went for appointments or surgeries.
No, because we don't have a creole restaurant near by. Yes I am capricious.


Yo, what?


Sou Da

Does New Orleans count as its own country for food purposes? Cuz got dang do I love me some Creole food (minus the shrimp and crawdads). There is a small chain of Creole places in the Indy area named Yats that I love. If you can find a silver lining in your mom getting cancer, it's that Yats was right by the hospital so we got DOPE lunches every time we went for appointments or surgeries.

You're killing me.

Kitchen looks just like my mom's back in SC.

$40-45K, though I'm a contractor, so I take care of taxes/benefits on my own. The journalism game doesn't pay a ton, but I live decently (mostly because the girlfriend is a programmer, so she makes bank.) Game journalist (like a number of positions in the industry - a programmer tends to make more outside of gaming) is not a job to you do for the money or fame. Hell, most journalists in other fields live the same life.

People keeping salaries close to the vest is odd, because when you dig down, you find doing so only really helps employers. You get paid more than a fellow co-worker who does the same job? That's between the employer and that co-worker. I doubt employers want to get into that issue over and over again, so we have this culture of hiding our salaries, though sites like GlassDoor exist.

Word, honestly I think that's a pretty good salary. Good thing is you're doing something you love so I mean how many people can even say that? Most people struggle to break 35k doing something they probably hate because it was the only thing they could find.

And yea I agree about the whole not sharing salary info, but I've seen so many people just refuse to tell me their salaries for fear of judgement or something. I'm not here to judge, I just want to get a feel for how much any particular industry pays its people.
I honestly don't know whether or not to make thread about this, but I need help.

Right now, me and my family (me + mom + little brother) are living in my grandma's house with her. My grandma is taking daily medication for her cancer and needs daily care, but it's clear she's getting weaker. The issue isn't that though; my aunt, who has Power of Attorney while she's incapacitated (which she technically is) wants to kick us out of the house so she can sell it. She even went and told my mom "it's ok, I won't kick you guys out until she's dead."

All signs are pointing to us having to move, which pisses me off because the house location right now is fucking perfect; public transportation everywhere within walking distance, close to work (both for mom and myself), close to my little brother's school, etc. A quick Google search says that it's within the owner's right to make us move within a set number of days, but fuck man. I think we're fucked on this one.
Good luck to you, and your grandma, professor..


Thinking about getting into PS2 emulation, anybody have any experience with that? Should I just buy component cables for my PS2 instead to make it look less ass on my TV?

Eh, I dunno about that. I think games like shovel knight were on everyones game of the year for a damn good reason. Its a good video game, its a very good video game. Its good solid video game.

Its like sandwich you haven't had in a long ass time made right.
This is accurate.
Word, honestly I think that's a pretty good salary. Good thing is you're doing something you love so I mean how many people can even say that? Most people struggle to break 35k doing something they probably hate because it was the only thing they could find.

Little rough after taxes - I came from a full salaried position, so I'm use to money being taken out each paycheck, but now I just have to save and pay the big tax bill annually - but I certainly can't complain. I have a good life doing something I enjoy with enough freedom to explore my creativity.

And yea I agree about the whole not sharing salary info, but I've seen so many people just refuse to tell me their salaries for fear of judgement or something. I'm not here to judge, I just want to get a feel for how much any particular industry pays its people.

I have no clue if I'm on the high side. I'm definitely in a better position than those that have to work in San Francisco or New York, because they're burning most of their money on living expenses. Technically, I could probably get away like a bandit if I moved to the Midwest or Texas, since my salary isn't tied to location.

What you need to know? Hit me up, happy to chat about it with you.

Thanks! I'll either shoot you a private message or Twitter DM. Mostly trying to figure out what works for others and what doesn't. What people like to watch.


Shovel Knight looks like every other one of those indie side scrollers that go "Hey remember nintendo games huehue" along with every other one like broforce and mercenary kings and whatever.

Memes memes memes too. Cause if we didn't get websites like reddit or youtube running memes into the ground then surely you'll love it in our video game.

Hey Portal had funny jokes let's go ahead and try to ape that but do it worse and run our own non-funny jokes into the ground. Hey is gungam style still a thing? Let's put it in.

Dont play/enjoy games because of memes, brehs


I wonder if 30 years from now kids will be making games that look like Halo, AssCreed, and Skylanders?

More like Angry birds and CoD no?

Eh, I dunno about that. I think games like shovel knight were on everyones game of the year for a damn good reason. Its a good video game, its a very good video game. Its good solid video game.

Its like sandwich you haven't had in a long ass time made right.

I think Adventures of Square is better, Square is my GOTY. Course you wouldn't believe me about that would you Village? I guess cause it's not retail and just a mod based on another old FPS.

Dont play/enjoy games because of memes, brehs

based memes

And like Vince said above. I too refuse to play the borderlands game cause of the 'humor'.
i5 2500k with a 560Ti

so, a little old I guess

Overclocked? I've managed to run PS2 games on my tablet (Acer w700) so you should be ok. Which games in particular are you looking to play? There should be a wiki with configurations ando the like.

EDIT: The autocorrect on my phone is utterly insane.




I think Adventures of Square is better, Square is my GOTY. Course you wouldn't believe me about that would you Village? I guess cause it's not retail and just a mod based on another old FPS.

There are people on gaf who vouch for sonic 06, not saying square is that bad. What I am saying is, I'll believe people will vouch for anything.


Overclocked? I've managed to run PS2 games on my tablet (Acer w700) so you should be ok. Which games in particular are you looking to play? There should be a wiki with configurations ando the like.
MGS2, Shadow of the Colossus, FFX and FFXII

Probably Kingdom Hearts

Maybe God of War eventually when I find where the hell I put that disc

Mostly Final Fantasy for now. Tried the FF14 trial and it put me in the mood for real FF. (by which I mean, one that doesn't require a subscription
MGS2, Shadow of the Colossus, FFX and FFXII

Maybe God of War eventually when I find where the hell I put that disc

FF12 worked well on my home pc (i5 4670k @ 4.2Ghz, GTX 580), never tried 10 but I'd assume it would also work fine. You should also try the International Zodiac Job System English patch if you can.

SOTC was almost unplayable when I tried it.

Kingdom Hearts 1 worked perfectly too but fuck that game and those fucking gummi ships.


Shovel Knight doesn't strike me as "hey remember nintendo game us gamers huh huehuehue" so much as it does "this game could have existed alongside all the great platformers back in the day and nobody would have bat an eyelash."

Oh my god you're right

Shovel Knight would be in the back with Aero the Acrobat, Decap Attack, and Bonk.


Junior Member

you could honestly talk to these young people about the good and bad elements of sex, warn them about the mental and physical maturity required for it, and teach them to be safe about if you ever did it. Its not telling them to go fuck anything with two legs, but you could arm your children with knowledge so they'd be safer, smarter, wiser when the situation inevitably crops up.

IDK, teaching your kids about the world so they know how to operate when they inevitably leave the nest seems like some parenting 101 shit, but what do I know, meh.
I see I'm late but this. Talk to them at an early age. I don't have any results (my oldest is 10) but I've talked to him about sex for 2-3 years. I just remember not having family to talk to and getting it from my friends and pen videos. I think at that age, if they are acting on sex, there is a deficiency. Something is wrong.
But 11 years old though. I have a 9 year old sister and I wouldn't think about talking to her about sex for at least 5 more years.
By that time, you are already dead. You don't have to draw a picture and use adult language. But you do need to give them a way for you to answer their curiosity. Hell, they are getting their periods at younger ages. They could have a kid at 10. Then I guess there is always Maury.
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