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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

I honestly like that Psylocke gif. It looks like if Platinum made an X-Men game. I mean, yeah it's ridiculous, but ridiculous is good. Psylocke Rising: Revengeance.
But I'm sayin tho. Not even a proper tuck on the roll? Or even something that looks like a proper tumble?

I'm guessing it's Wire-Fu on a green screen. That always tends to look a bit off, or weightless. She looks like she's in a zero-G environment with how slowly she spins and lands. I think it would look better if it wasn't in slow-motion, and if that's not slow-motion, that's a bit odd. I feel like if one already watched a lot of wuxia, it wouldn't look as odd then.

EDIT: And what the fuck at the boob window? Psylocke's never had a boob window has she? Paging Slayven.


Junior Member
Ghostface's response to Skrelli is up on WSHH. Not exactly what I was expecting...

It's either Pee Wee or Emo Spiderman.

I Miss Barack Obama
David Brooks said:
Many of the traits of character and leadership that Obama possesses, and that maybe we have taken too much for granted, have suddenly gone missing or are in short supply.

The first and most important of these is basic integrity. The Obama administration has been remarkably scandal-free. Think of the way Iran-contra or the Lewinsky scandals swallowed years from Reagan and Clinton.

We’ve had very little of that from Obama. He and his staff have generally behaved with basic rectitude. Hillary Clinton is constantly having to hold these defensive press conferences when she’s trying to explain away some vaguely shady shortcut she’s taken, or decision she has made, but Obama has not had to do that.
True. All of Obama's minor scandals came from subordinates in the State and Justice Department or the CIA.
A black man has to be beyond reproach to do a job traditionally carried out by a white man. And he still gunna catch more hate speech than any president since like, FDR.

Clinton had the Lewinsky scandal, Reagan had Iran Contra, Bush the II had Katrina and the Iraq War, I think Bams is like the first two term POTUS of the last three decades to not have any huge moral knocks on him.
No way I am going to WSHH at work, so can I get a summary?

Ghost clowns on Shkreli
Ghost's goons (who're old ladies) come out & talk about how much of a piece of shit Shkreli is
Minor plugs for Ghost's merch
Ghost talks shit about Shkreli some more
One of the old lady's start crying & talks about how much of a piece of shit Shkreli is again


Ghost clowns on Shkreli
Ghost's goons (who're old ladies) come out & talk about how much of a piece of shit Shkreli is
Minor plugs for Ghost's merch
Ghost talks shit about Shkreli some more
One of the old lady's start crying & talks about how much of a piece of shit Shkreli is again



keep your strippers out of my American football
Ghost clowns on Shkreli
Ghost's goons (who're old ladies) come out & talk about how much of a piece of shit Shkreli is
Minor plugs for Ghost's merch
Ghost talks shit about Shkreli some more
One of the old lady's start crying & talks about how much of a piece of shit Shkreli is again

That sounds bizarre. Almost like this is all a work.


Junior Member
I Miss Barack Obama

True. All of Obama's minor scandals came from subordinates in the State and Justice Department or the CIA.
A black man has to be beyond reproach to do a job traditionally carried out by a white man. And he still gunna catch more hate speech than any president since like, FDR.

Clinton had the Lewinsky scandal, Reagan had Iran Contra, Bush the II had Katrina and the Iraq War, I think Bams is like the first two term POTUS of the last three decades to not have any huge moral knocks on him.

Yeah, but can we talk about slang and gang culture? GCT just ain't the same, homeslice.

Quietly, we should have given ole boy 80s slang. That would have been fresh. Or slammin. Definitely slammin.

That's a fresh article, my man. The way Brooks laid it out on the NYT tip was butta.

Third, a soundness in his decision-making process. Over the years I have spoken to many members of this administration who were disappointed that the president didn’t take their advice. But those disappointed staffers almost always felt that their views had been considered in depth.

Obama’s basic approach is to promote his values as much as he can within the limits of the situation. Bernie Sanders, by contrast, has been so blinded by his values that the reality of the situation does not seem to penetrate his mind.

Take health care. Passing Obamacare was a mighty lift that led to two gigantic midterm election defeats. As Megan McArdle pointed out in her Bloomberg View column, Obamacare took coverage away from only a small minority of Americans. Sanderscare would take employer coverage away from tens of millions of satisfied customers, destroy the health insurance business and levy massive new tax hikes. This is epic social disruption.

To think you could pass Sanderscare through a polarized Washington and in a country deeply suspicious of government is to live in intellectual fairyland. President Obama may have been too cautious, especially in the Middle East, but at least he’s able to grasp the reality of the situation.

Sanderscare. Yeah, I don't think he even tried to do that.

Just looking for some information like I said, guess I will just search for recipes and such...

Enjoyed the movie madea's family reunion and liked seeing fried chicken, watermelon and such things.

lol..fucking asshole. But I'm sure he gets a pass, unlike us anti-Semites!


So how come it's Black History Month and none of these "history" channels on TV are talking about black people?

It's all fucking airplane disasters or Hitler or "aliens."
Ciara is trying to sue Future for 15mil and I'm pretty sure he aint even worth that much lol.

For defamation of character too. From what I've heard he hasn't said anything that a broken hearted rapper hasn't said. Like inbetween Drake and Em lol.
Hey she might as well try and see what she get out of it. I mean, it's not like what he's been saying isn't on public or digital record.

Also, there's a been a question rumbling in my head for years. To be truly anti-racist, do you need to be anti-capitalist? And vice versa?

(God, if that question isn't a hint I'm not the type of dude you want to hang out with while smoking)
Hey she might as well try and see what she get out of it. I mean, it's not like what he's been saying isn't on public or digital record.

Also, there's a been a question rumbling in my head for years. To be truly anti-racist, do you need to be anti-capitalist? And vice versa?

(God, if that question isn't a hint I'm not the type of dude you want to hang out with while smoking)

Not really? Only reason capitalism is the way it is today(mostly in America but apparent elsewhere to) is simply due to the fact that it was built off of white supremacy. Say if things were a bit more equalized as a standard around the world. Things may be a tinge better. Could be a bit more socialist to idk.

Tbh whoever is in power to set up any institution like that really gets most of the benefits anyways so I don't think any system of government is really a better option. But that's just that philosophy minor talking.
I got up to Afro Luffy in One Piece. Should I be offended by this portrayal? I'm just chalking it up to Usopp and Luffy being idiots but, lol what Usopp said didn't sit right with me.

Usopp: "This hairstyle will awaken your deepest latent primal powers. It is said that 'The champs are blacks' or is it 'blacks are champs'? Nonetheless, the strength in blacks is still a scientific mystery today. Luffy, if you wear this afro, your punch will become stronger!"

If that's the case Brook and post timeskip Usopp should be the most powerful characters in the series

I wish they were
I got up to Afro Luffy in One Piece. Should I be offended by this portrayal? I'm just chalking it up to Usopp and Luffy being idiots but, lol what Usopp said didn't sit right with me.

Usopp: "This hairstyle will awaken your deepest latent primal powers. It is said that 'The champs are blacks' or is it 'blacks are champs'? Nonetheless, the strength in blacks is still a scientific mystery today. Luffy, if you wear this afro, your punch will become stronger!"

All the blacks stuff was from scanlators. All Ussop was saying originally were that afros were cool basically
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