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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


You got the offer before the interview? Damnnnnnnnn. Does that mean you won't be competing with anyone else? Grats.

He saw my resume and specifically contacted me about the position. I said I was interested, but that I wasn't in a position to take a pay cut. Then he asked what kind of compensation I was looking for and tossed out the $30/hr.

The crazy part is that I just decided last week to leave my current job soon as I got something new. $12/hr ain't great even if the job is cake, and last week the VP fucked up sending in my timesheets so I didn't get paid. I'll get the money this week (actually in about an hour or so), but principle. What if I had a bill? That, plus just today I was put on furlough till Monday. Late with my money and cutting my hours? Plus I think I take a lower pay rate for the week since I'm under 30 hours. I really love my coworkers and enjoy my work, but I'm not fool enough to ignore the writing on the wall.

Anyone in the seven cities good a graphic design? I know of a position that should be opening up soon 😏

LOLNO try 20 minutes. Check just dropped.

D i Z

So wait i'm close to Raven when you're trying to put another black person in a box based on a slight difference in opinion on the usage of a damn phrase that even I'm willing to just leave up to however the person feels?
I'd say that put's you closer to.....i'd say what you're trying to describe is a "coon" (another word I hate) than me if that's hat you're trying to say.
This is why talking with certain black people on race is so frustrating because it's seen as though there's only one way to think about things.
I'm not going to police the words I use just because you believe they're inflammatory or inappropriate.
The person I was describing was purposely using race as a vehicle to irritate people so she could get enjoyment out of it, call it whatever you want but the phrase I used was a perfect descriptor for it.
Hell even if I'm wrong that's nowhere close to what Raven Symone has done, and based on my actions in real life and online in regards to race discussions you even implying that is incredibly insulting, people don't need to conform to your views on everything otherwise you're going to be calling the vast majority of black Americans "coon", room for dissent is needed.

I see what you're saying, and I agree to an extent, but really that's all optics to me and I'm generally not one to tip toe around my views because of my phrasing.
But considering I've said the same in reference to people using "social justice warrior" to insult people I don't really have any high ground on this, so I guess next time I make a post like that i'll pay closer attention as to what the words I use will trigger in people because generally I only do that in reference to slurs.
Thank you, now I can focus on changing that aspect of my speaking.

There you go with those labels again. Just remember that you related yourself to the title of coon, not I. You also managed to throw the same label at Raven as well.
If you really are fine with the inflammatory terms that you yourself use in an effort to square away your views about the political views of others, then you really shouldn't be getting bent out of shape when you get called out on it. And you really shouldn't be putting words in my mouth to make a case, and then talk about conformity of viewpoints and the importance of dissension.

You choose not to acknowledge harassment because you'd rather claim that you don't see it, then spin 180 and call it *enthusiasm* when it's presented in a manner that you can't refute. Acknowledgment of the problem and vile behavior by Bernie himself.
The next thing you want to promote is race baiting as an acceptable term in regards to BLM. You do this knowing full well that the term is the basis of some heavily peddled bullshit designed specifically to shut us the hell up, and provide the necessary low hanging fruit for the dimwitted to use whenever they get jammed up saying insensitive, privileged, or outright racist shit.

So nah. You stay up on that trading block.

Hell, Anthony Bourdain gives an accurate description of what happened in his Parts Unknown show when he visited Oakland in thd Bay Area episode and met up with a founding member of the Black Panthers for lunch. Can't find a clip of it though.

That I would like very much to see.
So last week I was in DC for a conference, went to Howard Theatre, hooked up with a girl at a party there, and kept hooking up with her each night till I left the city.

When I got back to work today, I ran into one of my friends at the job and the first thing she said to me was, "You Nasty." And a few of my other friends laughed.

Might as well have said, "we all saw your thirsty ass."

Haven't blushed that hard since elementary school.

At least you're bouncing back....you blush though?


Kanye just changed the name of his album, AGAIN.

The Life of Pablo.


D i Z

Would Sanders supporters still ride hard for him if he were running as an Independent?
This idea that Dems are constantly at each others throats because they don't like other dems is interesting. I don't see the combativeness to be any more divisive than what is happening in the Rep camp this cycle. It feels like all of the talk about votes hopping across party lines if certain candidates don't come out on top is... thicker than it was the last two election cycles. Like somehow it's now a threat that people who make it feel that it carries real weight this time.

Are you guys hearing this Oregon Stream? Shit is ridiculous.

This reminds me of a kindergarten teacher trying to talk a special needs kid out of dropping their pants and crapping on the floor during a field trip.

The founding fathers were not gods. They might have penned their own version of doctrine (minus the parables) that people have adopted with religious zeal, but this obsession and deification doesn't get anyone closer to god. Unless of course, the feds do come in with hot lead and clean house.



I just got a $30/hour job offer.



I still have to interview but for $30/hour? And it's literally what my degree is in. I can do this. Pray for me, fam.

You don't need that shit in your feed.


Also i'm happy because my very great girl-friend just landed a nice job after months of relentless hunt.




I love this community so much.
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