Funny how all these folks are now talking about vocal Bernie supporters being knuckleheads is a thing.
so can we talk about Batman?[/IMG
Great least the beginning. Really need a solo Batman movie.
Looks like a good way to start washing the tast out my mouth from the Nolan movies. Good films, but they weren't batman or comic can we talk about Batman?
Too bad it doesn't seem to be having much effect on them. The lack of self-awareness in the Berniesplaining thread is staggering.
so can we talk about Batman?
so can we talk about Batman?
so can we talk about Batman?
so can we talk about Batman?
Man playing through Naruto's final chapters in 2 hours instead of reading it over 2 years makes you realize......shit was really bad.
Eyes everywhere man, Kish has a eyes fetish.
I have to admit, I never heard that excuse before. Well done.
We're all Africans when it's convenient for you. Heaven forbid you're forced to reconcile your privilege with your imagined idea of living in a world that's post racial.
"Come on guys! We're all one people. No need to be divisive."
Like I said in the trailer thread, the Batman-only part was great, then the rest of it looked like a mid-90's action movie. I just really don't like superman, though, so I don't think there's anything that could be done to get me to enjoy the parts of the movie that feature can we talk about Batman?
A great BCT moment is when we were discussing SIMPtoms.
Glorified crime drama filmsLooks like a good way to start washing the tast out my mouth from the Nolan movies. Good films, but they weren't batman or comic films.
Looks like a good way to start washing the tast out my mouth from the Nolan movies. Good films, but they weren't batman or comic films.
That sounds like the characteristics of a simp. So, you just described yourself to the thread?
I call them the Proto-Person of Interest movies.
Hey I just wanted to touch base with you guys and let you know that I just about have my thread ready to post about trying to fix the police from inside. I posted a couple of weeks ago for feedback.
Is there any specific mods I should seek out to keep an eye on the thread so it doesn't go to shit?
Hey I just wanted to touch base with you guys and let you know that I just about have my thread ready to post about trying to fix the police from inside. I posted a couple of weeks ago for feedback.
Is there any specific mods I should seek out to keep an eye on the thread so it doesn't go to shit?
These three just finished their police academy training:
MHWilliams, XiaNaphryz, Funky Papa
I think they are more than ready for the task.
Hey I just wanted to touch base with you guys and let you know that I just about have my thread ready to post about trying to fix the police from inside. I posted a couple of weeks ago for feedback.
Is there any specific mods I should seek out to keep an eye on the thread so it doesn't go to shit?
By the way, since you might not get our sense of humor around here, by police academy I mean they are moderators now. They didn't actually complete police academy training. Although I wouldn't be surprised if MHWilliams was a police captain yelling at some rookie that doesn't respect the rules and won't work with a partner at some point.
Why are some black people not voting for Bernie because of his supporters though? They are going after and writing articles about JOHN LEWIS. HahahahahahahaI saw why John Lewis was trending on Twitter today. I want to punch every single BernieBro in the goddamn face, then I want to put a Hillary 2016 sticker on the scars.
I saw why John Lewis was trending on Twitter today. I want to punch every single BernieBro in the goddamn face, then I want to put a Hillary 2016 sticker on the scars.
I saw why John Lewis was trending on Twitter today. I want to punch every single BernieBro in the goddamn face, then I want to put a Hillary 2016 sticker on the scars.
My issue is he's saying substantial things that are unsubstantiated. What I'd like to be accomplished, and what's realistically going to be accomplished are two different things. I could go up there and say I'm going to make it so that everyone working minimum wage is going to have a livable income - which is going to be $20+ an hour depending on where you live. How am I going to pay for that? I'm going to slash the defense budget considerably, close tax loop holes on corporations and make sure our millionaires/billionaires/corporations are paying their fair share. That's definitely a position I support, and it's legitimately possible from a financial standpoint, but is it realistically feasible?
I'm not going to give someone credit for selling me a utopia, when the backbone of their plan involves something as ridiculously arbitrary as a political revolution to shake up the political sphere.
I saw why John Lewis was trending on Twitter today. I want to punch every single BernieBro in the goddamn face, then I want to put a Hillary 2016 sticker on the scars.
Seems like manufactured controversy and hype to me. Lewis doesn't owe Bernie an endorsement, and him not meeting Sanders between 63-66 is a non-issue.
why am I still reading twitter about this john lewis thing? Just makes madder
I don't understand what the big fuss is about today. Lewis goes way back with the Clintons. He endorsed Hillary in 08 before his district went for Obama heavy and he changed that endorsement. Obviously he was going to endorse Hillary again; it's not likely to be a repeat of his district going against her this time.
At the same time, John Lewis was one of the Big Six leaders. He spoke at the March on Washington. Sanders was just some college kid who was there at some events in support of the civil rights cause, not a major figure. Is it any surprise that, in a crowd of a quarter-million people, Lewis didn't see him?
Seems like manufactured controversy and hype to me. Lewis doesn't owe Bernie an endorsement, and him not meeting Sanders between 63-66 is a non-issue.
shattenjager probably saw that in his facebook feed and decided to make his thread.
Too early for this shit brehs. Ain't even had my morning coffee yet.
Give me your power, I can free you from your curse.You fuckers get me the weirdest PMs.
why am I still reading twitter about this john lewis thing? Just makes madder
John Lewis squandered any honor earned in the civil rights movement by propping up Hillary Clinton - a reeking disgrace
John Lewis knows what he's doing. Anger the white voters who support Bernie to make his campaign look worse.
Hello @HillaryClinton I thought slavery was outlawed. Yet you've owned John Lewis since 1992. Please set him free.
Seriously delusional.
I completely blanked on giving you my two cents the other day, but now that you're here I was wondering at your own input about the ex L.A sheriffs Lee Baca and Tanaka. Specifically what you think can be done by any justice department that is so steeped in corruption, to repair an image publicly and historically proven to be untrustworthy.
I mean it's all good to talk about what the communities would like focus on to ease tensions on the ground level. But it's another thing when the off hand comments about cops being the biggest crooks just so happens to be true in so many instances. How do you address the micro trust issues and dynamics without tackling the macro?
Edit: Not something that I expect you to have an answer for. But it is something that might very well be circled around in your topic and you might want to set the stage for it before it gets out of hand.
Seriously delusional.