I'm not attracted to white men though. It's just really, really rare for me. They tend to not have features I find attractive such as thin lips, thin nose, pale skin, or round eyes. Maybe. But I mean, it's a big maybe. Mediterranean guys can be hot though. I like darker skinned white men. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I just couldn't get over the pink penis thing.
This is where you could have ended this discussion TBH but I understand you felt the need to address EloquentM directly. Before I continue, let me clarify that the rest of my post that follows is really addressing a bigger issue that EloquentM was referencing with his original statement and not you directly and that I have no issues with the post I'm quoting vs just using it as a "jump off", so don't feel the need to respond to this unless you want to.
The Okcupid charts you posted have been discussed in multiple threads on GAF (I think Subzero may have at least two of them), mostly because we have a lot of posters who proudly make statements like "I don't date black women, it's just a preference" or some variation there of. What is usually discussed in these threads is how these "preferences" aren't actually preferences and are forms of racism in themselves. Preference, being a greater liking for one alternative over another or others. Not "I don't date black women". This kind of statement isn't a preference.
Example, in one of Sub-Zero's threads he posted a story on an asian gay man who was on an online dating app and would come across profiles saying "No Asians" and would leave them alone. These same men would then reach out to him asking why he didn't reach out and when he would tell them their profile had "No Asians" they would go "Oh well you don't look Asian". In this example, had the person with the profile stated actual preferences (ex: Lighter skin, light colored eyes, etc...)... vs just saying "No Asians" he wouldn't have excluded the man in the example and who knows how many other people who fit under the Asian category but this person may have been attracted to (among other things we can get from a statement like "Oh well you don't look Asian").
This is the problem with saying statements like "I don't like x ethnic group" because ethnic groups are very diverse and why it's better overall to say what you "prefer" in the positive, instead. I'm not going into the bigger issues like the media, etc... and how it influences what we like/dislike, but in general it's just smarter IMO to post like how you did above and not "I don't like x ethnic group".