I've said it before but Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump (and their fanbases by extension) are different sides of the same coin. Neither one has a realistic concept of what the fuck the president can actually do, neither one for fulfill a
tenth of what they are saying they could, both fall apart when someone stops play softball and presses them, and I'm not convinced either actually cares about minorities. I think Bernie thinks he does care but is clueless and I think Trump legit gives no fucks whatsoever. Both of them have extremely vocal supporters that seem to take no small amount of pleasure in shouting down minority issues, though from different angles: Berniebros go with a covert "Marched with MLK" racism while Trumpers go with a "get out my country, build a wall, track the Muslims" overt racism. And both of them are legitimately charismatic, enough so that a good number of people can't see past the MASSIVE PROBLEMS each brings to the table.