Not saying that people shouldn't dissect these movies and discuss them, but I'm still amazed that people look at the MARVEL movies through the lens of cinema and high art/film.
YES, I admit that makes me sound like a snob and a douche, but the movies are just a slightly more refined/clean popcorn movie. People have no problem with labeling the Michael bay movies as such; just fun brainless blockbusters with lot of fights and explosions. You go in there with that mindset, drop your guard and have fun and laugh. Yet when they walk into marvel movies they are analyzing every bit and criticizing characters, emotions etc etc.
I mean fuck, these movies are based on Comics. As a casual reader I will admit has some of the most stupid and insane stories and plot points in existence. but that's the fun. So why do the movies have to be so different?
Sorry about the random rant.
Episode 1 of Preacher is free on Amazon Prime.
Game mods are great, but sometimes they're used to do not-so-great things. The European Phenotype and Names Only mod for Stellaris is one such example: As the title implies, it changes the game so that all humans are Europeanwhich is to say, whiteand have only European names. If that strikes you as a little sketchy, well, you're probably not wrongand Paradox agrees.
Paradox didn't specify how the description had changed, but several Redditors state that it was the addition of No multiculturalism here! that triggered the decision to remove the mod. Interestingly, the description of the mod on ModDB (where it remains available) doesn't contain the phrase. The first comment, however, is a request to eliminate women from the game as well.
Morning people.
Morning.Mornin BCT.
Some of the responses in that thread are already disgusting. Expect proper race relations in a gaming thread, brehs
I don't see what's so bad about this mod. Let people do what they want. If you want an all African nation make one.Of course idiots are taking the opportunity to shout "Muh Freedoms!" Whwn in comes to defending bullshit.
Not saying that people shouldn't dissect these movies and discuss them, but I'm still amazed that people look at the MARVEL movies through the lens of cinema and high art/film.
YES, I admit that makes me sound like a snob and a douche, but the movies are just a slightly more refined/clean popcorn movie. People have no problem with labeling the Michael bay movies as such; just fun brainless blockbusters with lot of fights and explosions. You go in there with that mindset, drop your guard and have fun and laugh. Yet when they walk into marvel movies they are analyzing every bit and criticizing characters, emotions etc etc.
I mean fuck, these movies are based on Comics. As a casual reader I will admit has some of the most stupid and insane stories and plot points in existence. but that's the fun. So why do the movies have to be so different?
Sorry about the random rant.
was reading about all the changes and my enthusiasm for the Preacher TV show is gone.
What if there was a mod that turned everyone black?
Would that be allowed?
I love the image these dumb skinhead era motherfuckers have of some mystical Europe that was this glorious Aryan monoculture, united before them there darkies came in and ruined it.
I saw the Captain America spoiler and burst out laughing, because holy shit.
The town basically detonating was super important though.
well instead of that, you know, life changing (basically the entire point of the story) event, we get to see what happened if that didn't happen and he just decided to stay and be a preacher.
I'm ok though. I have learned not to feel or care or think about things.
"High art" or "popcorn" descriptions are just attempts to make meaningless distinctions between movies.Not saying that people shouldn't dissect these movies and discuss them, but I'm still amazed that people look at the MARVEL movies through the lens of cinema and high art/film.
YES, I admit that makes me sound like a snob and a douche, but the movies are just a slightly more refined/clean popcorn movie. People have no problem with labeling the Michael bay movies as such; just fun brainless blockbusters with lot of fights and explosions. You go in there with that mindset, drop your guard and have fun and laugh. Yet when they walk into marvel movies they are analyzing every bit and criticizing characters, emotions etc etc.
I mean fuck, these movies are based on Comics. As a casual reader I will admit has some of the most stupid and insane stories and plot points in existence. but that's the fun. So why do the movies have to be so different?
Sorry about the random rant.
they sex it up a bit obviously, but no travelling to the secret Grail base, no torturing angels in the vatican?? No AllFather? Will they even have the meatfucker?
I love the image these dumb skinhead era motherfuckers have of some mystical Europe that was this glorious Aryan monoculture, united before them there darkies came in and ruined it.
I saw the Captain America spoiler and burst out laughing, because holy shit.
Thanks..think I'll check it out later.
Anyone down for sine SFV?
Xavier hadoukens folk
bless this man
That's hilarious. No wonder people like New Day.
Also, the guy he's fighting is the pastiest white person I've seen in pro wrestling since the Undertaker. Is this guy a vampire?
Motherfuckers in the goddamn Valve discrimination lawsuit thread showin they ass talking bout "hmmm 3.1 million seems excessive, I can't see this going anywhere". These ain't shit bottom feeders.
He's one half of "The Vaude-villains," a team who pretends that they're old-timey wrestlers from the 20's/30's.
You want a REALLY pale wrestler though, look up WWE's "Sheamus."
You want a REALLY pale wrestler though, look up WWE's "Paige."
Y'know I spent some considerable time on Wikipedia trying to figure out where European civilization came from.
The way I understand it, civilization sprung up and spread out from like five places on Earth that had the proper natural resources 10,000 years ago: India, China, the Middle East, Egypt, and Central America. I was trying to figure out where European civilization sprang from, and while historians agree agriculture and whatnot came to Europe from the Middle East, there's a pretty huge gap in the chronology of European civilization we know jack shit about because Europeans didn't write shit down as early as the Egyptians, Iranians, Iraqis, and the Chinese did.
The events in the movie 300 (c. 480 BC) are apparently shockingly close to the very beginning of recorded European history. Historians know lots of other shit was going on in Greece and even central Europe 1,000 years earlier but they don't know WHAT. Bronze-age civilized Europe is just one big mystery. A little while ago someone uncovered the remains of a huge battle that happened in Germany like 3,000 years ago.
Anybody on the Overwatch train? Been watching vids and don't mind the "multiplayer only/no campaign" thing that sticks in some people's craw. Currently have my cursor hanging over the purchase button on Wanted some final impressions from BCT.
Finding it hard be interested any news about StormRoof or any other people who thrive on the deaths of minorities. All I can do is hope he suffers in whatever form that comes to him in. At this point I'm less sickened by them than I am by the people who actively deny the existence of a problem with how minorities are treated, whether they be forum posters or law makers. That type of desperate ignorance and denial is more disturbing to me than killers and psychos.
then there's the theory that much of Euro history is bullshit because something happened during the dark ages that the powers that were agreed not to remember. That's a freaky thought.
I'm good to go. Let me know..You still up for it? Got a lot of time to spare at the minute.
E: oh, nvm, maintenance is still going on until 7 EST.
Skirt steak sandwiches w/caramelized onions..What are you eating today, BCT?
Me? Nothing, just like the last four days.
What are you eating today, BCT?
Me? Nothing, just like the last four days.
I'm good to go. Let me know..
Skirt steak sandwiches w/caramelized onions..
OH! No, haven't tested yet. Was just saying I'm around whenever you're good to go 😊Pizza for me. Lazy night.
You can connect to the server? It's still hitting me with "Unable to log into game server. [2100e]."
Not saying that people shouldn't dissect these movies and discuss them, but I'm still amazed that people look at the MARVEL movies through the lens of cinema and high art/film.
YES, I admit that makes me sound like a snob and a douche, but the movies are just a slightly more refined/clean popcorn movie. People have no problem with labeling the Michael bay movies as such; just fun brainless blockbusters with lot of fights and explosions. You go in there with that mindset, drop your guard and have fun and laugh. Yet when they walk into marvel movies they are analyzing every bit and criticizing characters, emotions etc etc.
I mean fuck, these movies are based on Comics. As a casual reader I will admit has some of the most stupid and insane stories and plot points in existence. but that's the fun. So why do the movies have to be so different?
Sorry about the random rant.
OH! No, haven't tested yet. Was just saying I'm around whenever you're good to go 😊