The original Prey with was a Quake style fps. This seems to be System Shock lite. The mimic ability looks fantastic and is the only standout thing I've seen of this game so far.Did anyone here play Prey that can offer some thoughts on this new edition? Nine minute gameplay intro here. It looks like a mash up of gameplay styles and systems from the four most memorable sp games of the last 8 years or so . That is to say, it doesn't feel like its own thing from what I've seen so far, and the mimic ability and how it's used by the player at first glace is kind of a step to far into the absurd. Thoughts?
Did anyone here play Prey that can offer some thoughts on this new edition? Nine minute gameplay intro here. It looks like a mash up of gameplay styles and systems from the four most memorable sp games of the last 8 years or so . That is to say, it doesn't feel like its own thing from what I've seen so far, and the mimic ability and how it's used by the player at first glace is kind of a step to far into the absurd. Thoughts?
Mornin ya'll. I made a grave mistake, please know this is TMI but I must.
I'm no coffee drinker, for the specific reason as my gut can not handle it. So I'm up, 4 in the morning on my way to my shop. I drive up and in my peripheral I happen to see a food truck I've never seen before. I walk up and ask if hes open, he says "Not really, I'll be open in another hour, but what would you like."
Something in me said "Your largest, strongest cup of coffee (24oz).I had a long night last night and need to wake up." but this is the beginning to the end. So he whips up coffee real quick and it smells pretty damn deliciously mocha. I have a sip and I'm like dayum this is magnificently creamy goodness right here. Pay the man his $ and bounce. I drink the entire thing in less than 2 minutes cause its so good though. Walk up in my office and sit down. Not but 10 minutes pass and that's when the excessive bubbling begins and I start sweating profusely. I generally ignore it but that doesn't last long.
It felt like somebody twisted my insides upside down, played some double dutch and was doing The Rock Bottom on my pelvis in slow motion with a touch of RKO. So I rush to the bathroom and its the exact scene from White Chicks.
Long story short I'm still having rumblings like its a earthquake happening inside my body, but turned out he gave me his legit strongest blend. Should have listened to my wife when she told me to stick to drinking tea, cause my ass don't know how to order coffee.
You didn't know coffee had a laxative effect?
Yes, it actually leaned pretty heavily on his heritage.Didn't the first Prey have a Native American protagonist?
Didn't the first Prey have a Native American protagonist?
Morning BcT.
Something seems off about Mass Effect Andromeda.
Just remembered that PlayStation Experience is tomorrow now I'm all excited about new announcements.
The new version has nothing in common with the original except sharing a name.
Has zero connection to the original. Plays nothing like Prey or the unreleased Prey 2 (RIP)
The original Prey with was a Quake style fps. This seems to be System Shock lite. The mimic ability looks fantastic and is the only standout thing I've seen of this game so far.
The reoccurring day is cool but that seems to just be story setup and unrelated to gameplay.
Has nothing to do with the original Prey, the released Prey, or the scrapped Prey 2.
This is a new game that is just using the name of the old one because creating new brands is hard y'all
Morning all.
Mornin' all.
morningMorning BcT.
What are your sneaking suspicions? Please, I need to compare notes.
Death Strand makes me feel old,
Just remembered that PlayStation Experience is tomorrow now I'm all excited about new announcements.
Didn't the first Prey have a Native American protagonist?
The main things for me,
-The Inqusistionation of the open world. That video looked just as lifeless as the hinterlands, and seeing that after the Zelda videos didn't help my impressions.
-That combat wasn't cover based either, alot of just garble of shit on the screen.
-alot of the scenery while great looking is familiar in the worst retread type of way.
-The game loos barley done and it's at least six months out. Bioware did the same thing for DAI, but that fell on being the first big RPG of the generation.
Going to give the trailer another watch on my break.
Death Stranding doesn't exist though, like Kojima is just producing weird shit to do it.
It makes me tired. I thought it was supposed to wake me up.Sorry Fawful![]()
I do need to drink it more, I like coffee but just get shook from the aftereffect and end up not drinking it for a while again.
Death Stranding doesn't exist though, like Kojima is just producing weird shit to do it.
It makes me tired. I thought it was supposed to wake me up.
Nah. There's pretty consistent imagery going on in the trailers. Anyway I can't wait to see him make Mads look awesome. Seeing CGI Del Toro run around in Kojimaland felt weird, though.
Also, you are old, Slay.
"just because you're black" is an interesting thing to read on the Gaming side today
I need a new Kdot album
You can have a Hamilton Mixtape.
What they got to witness was the open-minded discussion they’ve been clamoring for since Trump became President-elect. Fans of erasing identity politics who feel the need to reach across the aisle to white people who have no problem voting for a racist absolutely loved watching this debate. And I’ve seen far too many articles lamenting the back-and-forth as some sort of prototype for future discussion. Because, to them, this was a fair exchange of ideas. Noah got his jabs in. Lahren was made to look somewhat silly. Nothing changes and everyone can laugh at the traffic light joke and move on.
But here’s the problem. Lahren and Noah didn’t just have a debate with an equal exchange of ideas. They weren’t debating how to increase GDP or who’s the best team in the NFC. They debated topics that are literally life-threatening to people who look like Trevor Noah and me. Tomi Lahren spouted violent propaganda on national television while Noah tried to get her to value his black life. That’s not a healthy debate. That type of conversation shouldn’t be celebrated. And it damn sure isn’t Trevor Noah’s job to convince a white person why he shouldn’t die.
Anybody want a Dragon's Dogma Steam code? first quote gets it.
Sent, have funhere
Forgot about that, Hamilton is my album of 2016
Everyone reconginzes the struggle when they are trying to make a point.
Not that his overall point was bad, but it's an interesting way of putting one's point across.and by interesting...
Sent, have fun
You thought I was kidding with my top three?
Hamilton Mixtape
Moana Deluxe Soundtrack
Hamilton Cast Album
You can have a Hamilton Mixtape.
i love the dude that does Hercules Mulligan, I have to keep remembering he is playing a white guy and not a straight goon.
Sent, have fun
What are the chances of a Hamilton movie?