Ohh. lol.No idea
But I wouldn't be surprised either
Ohh. lol.No idea
But I wouldn't be surprised either
So i just met the fine people at guerilla games. Pictures with the devs. Killzone merch. Horizon posters. Kojima production shirt spotted.
My year has been made.
xmen still holds the crown for black guy dies first .
xmen still holds the crown for black guy dies first .
Morning BCT.
Reading the Black Lightning trade and I never realIed that dudes afro is apart of the mask.
Comics are weird yo.
Traveling amsterdam where their home base is.Lucky!
I though it was already well known Jamie and Adam weren't friends. Jamie is really the key here. I've had the pleasure with working with both of them, more so Adam. Jamie is the type to shake your hand and get straight to business, he doesn't want to know about how you got there, how your day was, he just wants to get the job done. While I don't think there's anything wrong with that attitude, Adam is much more pleasant on a personal level.
Morning ya'll
I though it was already well known Jamie and Adam weren't friends.
Last Guardian sounds kinda jacked up. That hot twenty Fps.
The way folks on gaming side talk about Team Ico games like they're religious experiences has always been the strangest thing to me.
Traveling amsterdam where their home base is.
The way folks on gaming side talk about Team Ico games like they're religious experiences has always been the strangest thing to me.
Last Guardian sounds kinda jacked up. That hot twenty Fps.
I've had to hold my tongue for a lot of things but there's a few topics when it gets to me, sort of proud of myself for not saying anything and keeping to myself.
Some guy was making his conversation with his friend well known by being loud and saying he was having his cousin visit for the holidays cause his wife was doing something special. Then goes on to say, "Yeah he's gay, Yeah that faggot. They better not be coming in my house and having sex or kissing up on each other."
That's as much as I'll repeat but, I'm there just waiting in line to buy breakfast trying to mind my business but this guy is being belligerent, I kept tightening my jaw man I wanted to just tell this guy, that since he's such a ignorant homophobic cunt, then maybe he should spare his cousin a waste of a holiday and let him know. But alas it was none of my business and I didn't need another morning altercation. Next time I'll remember my headphones.
What're you eating, BCT?
I'm making Jamaican Pan Chicken. House smells like heaven.
What're you eating, BCT?
I'm making Jamaican Pan Chicken. House smells like heaven.
Making product that performs marginally better than a half broken PS2 game is not something to be proud of. Like I said SoC is beautiful but it's also a goddamn mess of a game, troubled development or not I expect some amount of technical improvement.sounds better than SOTC
Making product that performs slightly better than a half broken PS2 game is not something to be proud of.
The same thing I eat every morning: 2 scrambled eggs with chives, 2 slices of bacon, 2 sausage, a protein shake with almond milk and some ass.
Did y'all miss this or
Saints Row 2 is amazing and no one gives it enough attention or credit.
Saints Row 2 is amazing and no one gives it enough attention or credit.
Good you got that out and vented in a spot that won't lead to more headaches. Shake it off, people are gonna people.
Head up and positive vibes throughout the rest of your day!
Slay, your thread is confusing people! ;P
I remember buying 2 playing it for a few hours and enjoying it well enough, then suddenly my weird dude with his strained accent and bleached hair starts singing along with "Take on me" and I was locked in from there.There's plenty of us on GAF that have mentioned how we prefer SR2 to 3 or 4. The city layout and exploration is still the best in 2. Also the best pedestrian/NPC AI. The descent into insanity we started to see in SR3 was pretty much started in SR2 and just kept going on how 2 kept upping the crazy factor as you progressed.
SR2 also had the best random radio karaoke singalongs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVgDXg9Wnf8
Thanks Xia. I can't unsee that gif.
Pop quiz peoples:
Fantastic Beasts
Bad Santa 2
Got some free time tonight and will check out one of those. I'm leaning to Harry Potter sidestory.
Thanks Xia. I can't unsee that gif.
Pop quiz peoples:
Fantastic Beasts
Bad Santa 2
Got some free time tonight and will check out one of those. I'm leaning to Harry Potter sidestory.
Thanks Xia. I can't unsee that gif.
Pop quiz peoples:
Fantastic Beasts
Bad Santa 2
Got some free time tonight and will check out one of those. I'm leaning to Harry Potter sidestory.
I did love Contact. But I like HP so I think it'll be more of a slam dunk. But I appreciate it. I assumed no one would recommend Arrival.I've seen all of them: Arrival > Fantastic Beasts >>> Allied >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bad Santa 2
You can't go wrong with Arrival or Fantastic Beasts, although enjoyment of the former may be YMMV. Depends on if you like more Cerebral Science Fiction films or not.
Saw it already.Moana.
nigga the movie ain't that good for to bring it up 38 times a day
Moana >>> you.
Thanks Xia. I can't unsee that gif.
Pop quiz peoples:
Fantastic Beasts
Bad Santa 2
Got some free time tonight and will check out one of those. I'm leaning to Harry Potter sidestory.
That's a low bar though