Donald Glover out here trying to make all the money.
His success lately is so amazing lol
Donald Glover out here trying to make all the money.
Fuck you, honkey!
I assume you're black. Rock was the FIRST thing they took? Really? Adorbs..🤗
Well they've already got VOAT (sup guys) and whatever that stupid Twitter one they have that Milo uses, so their version of twitch and YouTube can't be that far behind.
I will never get over him pissing off the mouse.And make no money.
And make no money.
I will never get over him pissing off the mouse.
The mouse got UNLIMITED money you dumbass.
And once Disney drop you, you know nobody serious is going to fuck with you.I will never get over him pissing off the mouse.
The mouse got UNLIMITED money you dumbass.
Who needs revenue when you have FREEDOM...from...stuff?
Anyone notice Drew from GB is like a meme now amongst black Twitter?
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but Insecure > Atlanta, but both are excellent
Anyone notice Drew from GB is like a meme now amongst black Twitter?
Yeah that came up recently on Giant Bomb itself. I was watching Unprofessional Friday today and people kept spamming that gif in chat. Though there was a couple legit "white guy blinking" moments lol
Is Atlanta really that damn good?
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but Insecure > Atlanta, but both are excellent
Got people in the PDP thread now saying not all Gamer Gaters are the same.
It's a lot better than it looks and is realy fun. Now Ultra Despair Girls on the other hand...Is Dangarongpa good? It seems like it's for anime girls and I don't like much anime.
Wait...pardon? Okay I knew that thread was gonna go off rails but I didn't know it was gonna be like that. The fuck....
Insecure gets slept on.
I wonder if he knows. Drew doesn't seem like the kind of guy to mind, but he might get a laugh out of it usage.
He's the one who brought it up on this week's Bombcast, right at the very end. He seems to think it's funny, though weird. He mentions being uncomfortable when the gif is used with some kind of shitty or tasteless remark though.
Yeah some people said me saying GG was a hate group and all that are in it are scum wasn't right.
Defending gamergate. I seen it all.
Emmett Till. Never forget.
Defending gamergate. I seen it all.
But seriously, Gamergate is nothing but trash and the people who support it are trash too. The assholes in that PDP thread can get their feelings hurt all that want, it's a fact.
Gamergate and its supporters are trash.
I never payed attention to it when there were threads for it everywhere. What is it?
I still don't know what it is. I just know something about 'ethics in gaming journalism' and Trump supporters.
Is Dangarongpa good? It seems like it's for anime girls and I don't like much anime.
I never payed attention to it when there were threads for it everywhere. What is it?
Just think about the worse of the internet, double it and through a video game lense
I swear fat lame fucks and nazis ruined anime formal
I spent like 40 on that Sony flash sale and Im gonna buy a 4TB HDDD, I feel like I spent too much damn money
I swear fat lame fucks and nazis ruined anime forreal
I spent like 40 on that Sony flash sale and Im gonna buy a 4TB HDDD, I feel like I spent too much damn money
Why do ultra nerds kinda know how to party sometimes?
I swear fat lame fucks and nazis ruined anime forreal
I spent like 40 on that Sony flash sale and Im gonna buy a 4TB HDDD, I feel like I spent too much damn money
Why do ultra nerds kinda know how to party sometimes?
Yo. What if they fire Sean Spicer and replace him with Chris Christie?
Yo. What if they fire Sean Spicer and replace him with Chris Christie?
Thank god for Larry Wilmore, and fuck Bill Maher.
fat lame fucksI swear fat lame fucks and nazis ruined anime forreal
I spent like 40 on that Sony flash sale and Im gonna buy a 4TB HDDD, I feel like I spent too much damn money