It will still be shit
So, I'd say that Doom and Wolfenstein coming to Switch pretty much negates any parity arguments. I want EA to take a risk and toss Mass Effect Andromeda on Switch and see what happens.
It will still be shit
But Jemele wasn't right to call out Trump.
Your overblown hatred is overblown.
You'll be drinking the finest vodka
27 a hour is that harson and feenix money
Some dude in the H3H3 thread saying we are downplaying what racism is by calling PDP a racist....
Link? Or PM me.. I'd love to check it out
The type of posts I get in the comments section of "certain games" all day:
Six months from now this guy is gonna be caught attending a literal minstrel show and people will still suicide dip for his honor.
Bish leaves Gaf and is on SW Disney money
Maybe if Viktor does the same he'd release a decent album
The type of posts I get in the comments section of "certain games" all day:
People who say that don't careSome dude in the H3H3 thread saying we are downplaying what racism is by calling PDP a racist...."People don't like the truth... He speak like a real man spoke. Real men speak like, 'Man, she had a fat ass. You see her ass? I had to squeeze her ass. I had to grab that fat ass.' Right? So he talking locker room talk. Locker room talk. 'I'm the man, you know what I'm saying? You know who I am. Yeah, I grabbed her by the p---y. And?'"
Some dude in the H3H3 thread saying we are downplaying what racism is by calling PDP a racist....
What would Mayweather say about Trump?
Larry Elder is tweeting things. Among the gems:
""Uncle Tom" is a MORE destructive pejorative than "nigger." The latter is an insult. The former shuts down independent thinking."
Of course alt-right types eating this shit up.
Fucking Floyd, man.
Yeah cause when I think real man, I think someone that beats the living hell out of women.What would Mayweather say about Trump?
The type of posts I get in the comments section of "certain games" all day:
Fucking Floyd, man.
People really put it on a pedestalPeople get upset about South Park, huh?
People really put it on a pedestal
People get upset about South Park, huh?
After that awful season with the Member Berries that went nowhere, people still think the show is immune from any form of criticism.
Southpark should do an ep about Southpark stans
They like being self aware
People get upset about South Park, huh?
He got a GF?I don't care about Cartman's relationship issues. Stop trying to make Cartman appear to be sympathetic.
It raised a lot of people lol
He got a GF?
I got questions but won't bother
What would Mayweather say about Trump?
Wow, destiny 1 was fucking short. No wonder people complained, that campaign was like 6-8 hours and the final boss was ass
Wow, destiny 1 was fucking short. No wonder people complained, that campaign was like 6-8 hours and the final boss was ass
The campaign is the tutorial.
Back when the game first came out it was like:The campaign is the tutorial.
I'm still tempted to cop Destiny 2
You defeat the same piss easy boss 3 times while black flubber groans at you. Then it just ends with some shitty small cutscene. Like, the story was barely there and your motivations were nearly non-existent. Also i'm fucking dying at The Dark Below length. 20 fucking dollars for an hour and a half of side quests? Probably an hour if you're already very familiar with destiny. Wow I would be mad as fuck if I paid for that. Outrage over year one Destiny has been justified.Holy shit, I can't even remember how any of that ended. I just remember a series of missions and even then it all blends together with the expansions. SMH
Pretty much.
Instead of making a movie adaptation of a game, make a movie about the meta game of EVE. EVE is the most fascinating game that I have no interest in playing.
Back when the game first came out it was like:
Done with the campaign?..
..Now do the same missions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over againwith smartly increased difficultyenemies that deal more damage and have 15x HP boosts per difficulty increase.
I uninstalled the game before the first raid even launched. I regretted buying that season pass during the pre-order period.
This one is worth the price, IMO.
I'm being forced to watch this abomination called a football game tonight and laughing that anybody could ever think Kaep is why ratings are down.
Good lord, college games are leagues better than this mess.
You ain't lying. The stories I read of espionage, betrayal, backstabbing, skullduggery, ambushes, set ups, etc is something else. I would watch that movie.
So, Paladins on PS4 is pretty damn good. Bomb King is great fun and his Ultimate is awesome when you get a group together.