Lol Hue Jackson ain't shit.
My biggest hope is we dodge the Iron Man 3 problem AKA why in thee fuck would you not call Steve Rogers to help protect government officials? With the way they slide in and out of each other's lives, I would hope that you would call the big bulletproof brother to help knock heads when needed.
Considering how much Luke was in Jess S1, I would imagine that the actors are much more amenable to crossing over. I would love them to actually cross pollinate with the larger MCU.
Luke and Jess are exactly who I want them to be.
Lol Hue Jackson ain't shit.
Luke and Jess are exactly who I want them to be.
That ain't my Luke. But you are all about that coupling for that kid, so I understand.
The only character "TV" Marvel has gotten right and not had to re-write to tone police them is Ghost Rider.
Luke ain't been that dude in literal years. That Luke was a damn trope; Bendis Luke in New Avengers is what you should use to judge the character.Yea this is TV, so it definitely feels like they have less of an excuse to be not crossover more often.
I don't know shit about comics, but Jess is who I want her to be. As for Luke, honestly, if everyone didn't keep complaining about his acting, I would have never had any real issue with it. Although there is of course those that prefer Luke to be the type of dude that chases down Dr. Doom for his money, I get that; that would've been great to see.
I dunno shit about Daredevil, but just like Jessica, I can't picture anyone else in the role now.
And then there's Danny. Yup, Danny...
I will say Cox and Ritter are are as perfect fro their roles as they could be. Ritter especially.
What books do you recommend?
For Power Man and iron Fist? Heroes for Hire? Daughter of the Dragon? The Avengers? Danny taking over for Daredevil on the downlow right under the Avengers noses... The couples and their kids... There is so many, you'd have to say what you would like to see. These Defenders are literally everywhere.
Personally, I would go to when Heroes for hire had Luke stitched up for Danny's death. Start from there.
What about Jessica and Daredevil?
Brubaker Fraction Immortal is a must read.
Bella Thorne's snap tends to be crazy as fuck
*Slide into your DMs plays in the BG*Dramatic reenactment of LionPride browsing SnapChat
I purposefully do not check that shit in publicDramatic reenactment of LionPride browsing SnapChat
Don't need her to act just fightIf there was any doubt before, Defenders cleared it up: Colleen can't act. So I'mma have to say no to the earlier notions of people wanting her to replace Danny.
Don't need her to act just fight
What the fuck is with Neogaf and posting conspiracy articles on here? Does anybody here have an answer?
Mission accomplished for the Planet X thread then. I cannot tell if people actually believe it or are just joking about it.I'd prefer both.
Maybe they want to see if anyone will cape for them, I dunno lol
I never realized how long it takes to get Tonberry King. Before I decide to save and call it a night I'll have to check to see if the count gets reset if I leave or reset the game.
Columbus day is still a national holiday fam. what should we do about this?
There are certain weeks in history when you just dont want to test black folks patience. These weeks include but are not limited to:
Jan. 23-30, 1977: The week that Roots originally aired.
April 29-May 4, 1992: The week four officers were acquitted of beating Rodney King.
Aug. 12-19, 2017: The week white nationalists attacked the city of Charlottesville, Va., and President Donald Trump gives them a virtual high-five for it.
So it stands to reason that when a pair of white high school girls from New Jerseywho just happened to be touring Washington, D.C., and just happened to be wearing Make America Great Again hats and Trump shirtsjust happened to walk onto Howard Universitys very black campus, something was about to happen.
Afternoon fam
New Uni year means my city is now crazy full of white teens everywhere
Whatever happened to that 'conspiracy theories go here and no where else' thread?What the fuck is with Neogaf and posting conspiracy articles on here? Does anybody here have an answer?
Tell me about it. Worst part was they were having a party, listening to what I'm sure was just a top hits playlist, but they kept skipping all the non basic music. Like how are you singing along to Katy Perry and skipping MCR?
They STAY columbusing brehMore slang slowly losing it's meaning.
What's the saying
Have fun with the fight scenes. * hiphop plays*The first episode of Defenders was too slow. I know what they were doing but they could have fixed the pacing
Like the article said they knew what they were doing and the article is correct, Saturday (and Sunday) is the worst day to eat at the caf. Fried Chicken Wednesdays is where it's at.
Whatever happened to that 'conspiracy theories go here and no where else' thread?
It legit is getting rediculous.
Haven't watched Ironfist, but Colleen Wing is really cute, and I can tell she is better then he deserves
That Columbus thread is making my blood boil.
That Columbus thread is making my blood boil.
Haven't watched Ironfist, but Colleen Wing is really cute, and I can tell she is better then he deserves