I hope there will be more players online tonight with people getting their copies today. I had to cut my gaming short last night as there was hardly anyone online...
Mattlikewhoa said:I hope there will be more players online tonight with people getting their copies today. I had to cut my gaming short last night as there was hardly anyone online...
Chances are: Many people will pick Ragna and try to play this game as a Street Fighter title. Oh man, I'd give anything to see their faces when they realize that shoryukens don't work that well in this game :lolCcrooK said:But then again, this may be people's first go around. Need to play and learn the game basics at least. That's what I'll be doing today.
Dizzy-4U said:Chances are: Many people will pick Ragna and try to play this game as a Street Fighter title. Oh man, I'd give anything to see their faces when they realize that shoryukens don't work that well in this game :lol
or ArakuneCcrooK said:I can see these players already stopping after they face a good V-13.
Dizzy-4U said:Chances are: Many people will pick Ragna and try to play this game as a Street Fighter title. Oh man, I'd give anything to see their faces when they realize that shoryukens don't work that well in this game :lol
_dementia said:Local BlazBlue tourney next week on the 11th
Might go for the lulz/beatdown.
edit: Say, Urban Scholar are you going to Yasumicon?
_dementia said:or Arakune
kbear said:wow im in the media area...i go to west chester univ, well actually i just graduated
i go to kop mall couple times a month
or Tager.....with his stupid back dash grab and insane damage. Sniff, my butt still hurts._dementia said:or Arakune
Tokubetsu said:Out for delivery...Currently still addicted to the anime/intro and it's themesong:
jdub03 said:Wow. They really should turn this into an anime. I'd watch it.
hobart said:I'm new to the series. And, generally, new to fighters. How "friendly" is this game to me?
I've been playing SF4 for a little awhile... and I'd say I'm decent. But, for argument's sake, let's say I'm new.
hobart said:I'm new to the series. And, generally, new to fighters. How "friendly" is this game to me?
I've been playing SF4 for a little awhile... and I'd say I'm decent. But, for argument's sake, let's say I'm new.
Are you talking about the little GGX movie that's been on every X2 game?CcrooK said:I remember they did something with Guilty Gear where it looked like it was some anime special (Think it was Reloaded). Damn shame nothing came of it. said:Are you talking about the little GGX movie that's been on every X2 game?
sonicspear64 said:Are you talking about the little GGX movie that's been on every X2 game?
Urban Scholar said:wacky characters, flashy effects, easily to under and more to master system. If you're new relatively speaking(like me), enjoy the ride of casual matches. The majority of us out there aren't evo/shoryuken pros anyway. Pick one person and go for the fun![]()
hobart said:I've watched plenty of videos, but, being new to the series, I really don't know what I'm watching. I love the art and the characters and the music... not an issue... it's really the *system* that intrigues me the most. How different is it from SF4's (or SF in general)? Is the learning curve large (or... similar to most Fighters)?
hobart said:I've watched plenty of videos, but, being new to the series, I really don't know what I'm watching. I love the art and the characters and the music... not an issue... it's really the *system* that intrigues me the most. How different is it from SF4's (or SF in general)? Is the learning curve large (or... similar to most Fighters)?
BotoxAgent said:I main Chip in Guilty Gear. Any suggestions on a character i should try first in BB?
CcrooK said:I think Taokaka fits if you're looking for speed.
To give you an idea:
BotoxAgent said:The beginning was :lol
BotoxAgent said:I main Chip in Guilty Gear.
_dementia said:I think you'll be able to try all the characters in this game because there are a little less than half the amount SFIV has and they're all available from the start.
The flash is definitely there. And hey, playing against good competition is also fun; win or lose, u know??
momolicious said:I know someone who doesnt believe losing is fun at all :lol rage.
hobart said:As if my questions weren't obvious enough... I'm really thinking of picking this up today. My real concern, however, is online play and how well it plays over both 360 and PS3. I don't have friends to play this with, nor do I have a local arcade that allows me to "test my skills." So, my only chance of truly enjoying this game is through online modes.
Have there been reports (early) about what online play is like over 360 and PS3? My experience with SF4 over PS3 has been... very spotty and generally a chore. As of now, I'd choose PS3 because it's currently the only system I'm running an arcade stick with. Too early to talk about online experiences?
hobart said:As if my questions weren't obvious enough... I'm really thinking of picking this up today. My real concern, however, is online play and how well it plays over both 360 and PS3. I don't have friends to play this with, nor do I have a local arcade that allows me to "test my skills." So, my only chance of truly enjoying this game is through online modes.
Have there been reports (early) about what online play is like over 360 and PS3? My experience with SF4 over PS3 has been... very spotty and generally a chore. As of now, I'd choose PS3 because it's currently the only system I'm running an arcade stick with. Too early to talk about online experiences?
BotoxAgent said:I main Chip in Guilty Gear. Any suggestions on a character i should try first in BB?
Skilletor said:BANGBANGBANG!
/points at av
ultim8p00 said:How dpad friendly is this? I'm able to hold my own on G2-C at SFIV with the dpad. Is it that good?
ultim8p00 said:Is he really a joke char? 'cause he looks awesome