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The colors.... THE COLORS...... (new monitor)

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It cost about 20 bucks and is about the same size as the old one, and I have to pipe sound to my TV or headphones instead of the nice speakers my old monitor had attached, but damn it I CAN SEE SHIT YO!

I never noticed for years how my old monitor was slowly biting the dust. Constantly having to up the brightness until it could go up no further, then going for the contrast, then the increasing number of bumps I'd have to give it so that it wouldn't do that funky dark pink color thingy. Then one day it turned purple for good. FUCK. THAT.

But still I preservered, straining at the monitor, looking at pics that were so degraded from lack of color, killing my own teammates in Gunbound because I couldn't see shit or distinguish who was good or not. Not even attempting to play Doom or Half-Life; oh hell no.

Many weeks went by, and I got used to the degradation. It actually seemed... normal. Then I happened across a shop about to DRMO (basically means resell to other areas) its old monitors, so I decided to get sneak one. NOT SO FAST said the SSgt. He said he didn't mind taking the hit on losing a mere monitor, but he was hungry and stuff. So I gave him $20 for a snack so to say, and wheeled the monitor out for indefinite repair. And now... it's time to hit up some DOOMETH.
My monitor's been turning ever more blue/purple for a couple of years now. It won't display black now, just dark blue, and I have to use the Nvidia color settings to bump up the greens and reds. I need to stop being a cheapskate and hit up my college/work's surplus sales (natch!).
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