Arrow S5 is horrible too, stop lying guys
Just look at this shit
everything was pretty great, but Wild Dog elevated the show

Arrow S5 is horrible too, stop lying guys
Just look at this shit
Arrow S5 is horrible too, stop lying guys
Just look at this shit
everything was pretty great, but Wild Dog elevated the show
Other than Curtis and Diggle's helmet that looks fine. It's also a single image taken from a 22 episode season.
Want contrived? This included the crossover with Supergirlwhere in her episode she and Bore-El had just split up only to have them get back together on Flash the following night
My point is no show is perfect and I bet your shows could face a ton of the same scrutiny. Saying even the best seasons of the show were awful is pure worthless hyperboleThat wouldn't be a meaningful counterargument even if I happened to like shows that demonstrate some of these same flaws. Which I totally do. But there are always differences either in execution or else there are other benefits to it that I can enjoy other factors. But they don't matter. We're talking about CW shows and how they stand on their own.
The problem with CW shows is that the stuff I mentioned is all there is. I've spend several dozens of hours watching them out of curiousity at first, then out of habit. And in all those several hours, I cannot think of anything from them that I'd ever want to see again. There is nothing or next to nothing about those shows that's salvageable.
My point is no show is perfect and I bet your shows could face a ton of the same scrutiny. Saying even the best seasons of the show were awful is pure worthless hyperbole
everything was pretty great, but Wild Dog elevated the show
everything was pretty great, but Wild Dog elevated the show
they've yet to top him in my opinion.They really had a too good of a villain in S1. The reverse flash was such a good villain character.
they've yet to top him in my opinion.
"It was me the WHOLE time"
I finally quit at season 4 of Arrow, season 2 of Flash
But I watched up to there, and no. Every episode. Every season. All awful.
Look, I know, everyone has their own tastes and opinions and stuff, but I am genuinely baffled at what anyone can find redeeming about any of these shows. Whats your favorite part, the stilted, inhuman acting of every character like the script was written by aliens who've never seen a person? Maybe it's the the formulatic pacing of the plot in each episode that's packed full of stupid melodrama bullshit? That you get to see your favorite comic characters portrayed badly and have their personalities mangled to barely resembling their comics personalities? The trash action choreography?
The OP is complaining about a dirtbike that can outrun speedsters because of the continuity logic errors it presents, but stupid bullshit like that has been the lifeblood of the show since season 1. It's been years since I watched it, so I can't recall the specifics, but when I was watching it, there wasn't an episode where continuity or logic didn't break for the convenience of the story.
CW superhero shows are the shows you watch if you want to remember how bad cape comics can be.
I don't see how they could ever make believable tension when dealing with someone that has powers like The Flash.
That said, I'm glad they tried and will continue watching, but every single encounter with a foe that isn't a speedster is bullshit. Every one.
everything was pretty great, but Wild Dog elevated the show
I think part of the problem is prestige TV is the new standard so all these shows getting dragged out over 23/24 episodes feel like they're dragging their feet while being terribly underbudgeted. If everything season 3 wanted to do was packaged into 12 more expensive, meaningful episodes it would have landed way better.
reminder that barry fucks his sister
I couldn't finish S3 of Flash, and I had to force myself to finish season 4 of Arrow. Like the lack of budget in Arrow really quickens the death of my suspension of disbelief I swear.
And I really can't not roll my eyes at Wild Dog's weapon of choice being dual wielding pistols but yet he apparently never kills anyone EVER. I really don't know why that bothers me as much as it does but I really bothers me. That and the fact he has never reloaded throughout this entire season lol. Petty reasons I know, but I was also someone who was really annoyed back when Oliver would shoot an arrow into the sky then zipline away (apparently many of us complained about that bc in season 4 they always made sure he was shooting at something, bless them for that!).
Him and Diggle don't use regular bullets.I couldn't finish S3 of Flash, and I had to force myself to finish season 4 of Arrow. Like the lack of budget in Arrow really quickens the death of my suspension of disbelief I swear.
And I really can't not roll my eyes at Wild Dog's weapon of choice being dual wielding pistols but yet he apparently never kills anyone EVER. I really don't know why that bothers me as much as it does but I really bothers me. That and the fact he has never reloaded throughout this entire season lol. Petty reasons I know, but I was also someone who was really annoyed back when Oliver would shoot an arrow into the sky then zipline away (apparently many of us complained about that bc in season 4 they always made sure he was shooting at something, bless them for that!).
So does everyone in arrow don a costume at least once? Isn't Ragman in the show? He should be the Superman of the universe
So does everyone in arrow don a costume at least once? Isn't Ragman in the show? He should be the Superman of the universe
Thunder and Lightning will have the relationship dramaI hope Black Lightening avoids the CW pitfalls
I hope Black Lightening avoids the CW pitfalls
For a guy who can see things in slow motion, you're telling me Solovar was fast enough to tag you?
What the hell is even going on here? Why is he fighting a gorilla in an arena? Man, this show has changed since I stopped watching.
everything was pretty great, but Wild Dog elevated the show
Barry and Iris aren't blood releated, but she is his adoptive sister.
Supergirl is forever doomed. The lead actress is probably the only salvageable thing about that show.
I'd say it has more decent elements than that like Martian Manhunter's actor, Maggie's, etc the show is just so incompetent I don't even think an entire new crew could salvage it.Supergirl is forever doomed. The lead actress is probably the only salvageable thing about that show.
Barry and Iris aren't blood releated, but she is his adoptive sister.
I think what both arrow and flash need is less people in their teams. Specifically less family and romantic interests fucking things up every time.