I like puppeteering, but it's one of the most dreadfully boring movies I've ever watched with a glacial pacing.
I rewatched Return to Oz a few years ago (bought it in a DVD bargain bin aww yeahh), and honestly I didn't remember the wheelers being so terrifying! It was one of my faves as a kid as well. I was a weird kid...Fuck the Skeksis, up there with wheelers for horror fuel.
There have been multiple Dark Crystal comics, prequels and sequels, many very recent, and I wonder if any of those are cannon or not and how this will fit in or not.
Try watching some Terrence Malick films.![]()
Man, with this and the coming Castlevania series, I hope Netflix goes all out with a new age of creature effects series.
Dark Crystal has a cool fucking universe.
nightmare fuel from my childhood
Is the original film currently available on UK Netflix?
Likewise, I have a feeling this will turn out good and perhaps even surpass expectations. Time to rewatch The Dark Crystal in preparation for when this show finally arrives on Netflix.With Brian and Toby Froud involved I have faith it will be done right
There have been multiple Dark Crystal comics, prequels and sequels, many very recent, and I wonder if any of those are cannon or not and how this will fit in or not.
Thanks. hopefully that means it'll be on the UK too. Been thinking of subscribing but even if I don't I can use the free month.It's on the Australian Netflix.
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance premieres August 30.
.Fucking awesome!
I was surprised there was no OT for this. I binged the whole season over the weekend. The production quality of the show is simply amazing and the writing is good, too. It's much more mature than you would think. After a while, you'll mostly forget or won't care that you're watching puppets. I only just saw the movie for the first time a month ago after hearing about this series coming out. I don't know how the movie managed to escape my radar all this time, but it totally would have been my jam back as a kid. For anyone that hasn't seen the movie, I think I would recommend watching the Age of Resistance series first (season 1 anyway), as the movie spoils some things that are introduced for the first time (chronologically) in the series. Although, there is a line by Aughra that I think could perhaps allow them to make the movie a separate timeline if they wanted to go that route in later seasons.
I think it's probably that the people involved in this are mostly fans of the movie that are now grown up and are making it something that they would enjoy too. Parts of it are pretty dark, there's a brutal murder (or two) later on, although the most violent one you watch it from a shadow on a wall.Interesting that older people are in to this. I wonder if this was Netflix's goal.
Yep. This one actually goes into a lot of the lore and back story of basically everything. The movie was kind of vague with its worldLooks very interesting. I haven’t seen the previous one but I think it doesn’t matter since this is a prequel?
Definitely gonna need some behind the scenes docs on puppet filming at this scale.
Finished watching yesterday, it's a great series. I would like them to make a second season but for that they would have to ignore the movie, because it finishes not far from when the movie starts, since inDeet second vision, she sees Jen's mother running with a baby and Jen restoring the crystal. And that also means they would have to kill all gelflings in the series (except 2)
The problem isn't so much the time gap, but that besides that andThere's a documentary included with the series that goes behind the scenes.
I think there's still quite a time gap between the movie and the end of season 1. It is my understanding that the Gelflinglong before the movie, so they could do many more seasons if they wanted. Although, they introduced a lot of things from the movie already, so anything new they introduce now would need to not conflict with the movie, but then there was a line that Aughra said about seeing many possible outcomes that may suggest they could go with an alternate timeline for the series.were killed off