So anyone else feel this beta actually hurt the game? I'm definitely not buying it.
Yeah I'm with you. I really liked the concept and premise of "a virus broke out during black friday sales due to the passing around on contaminated bills", and the world despite not looking as good as it did from e3 2013 and 2014 still looks really impressive due to the sheer number of assets and detail the world has, the gameplay just left me cold.
The shooting just doesn't feel good. I stuck around with vanilla Destiny despite its lack of content due to the fact the game played good, and felt good in your hands. The Division doesn't. It feels turgid and clunky. The UI and menu navigation is a mess. The HUD is so cluttered with information that a lot of the times I didn't understand what the game was notifying me about.
And despite me thinking the Dark Zone was a neat concept, the fact people just camp around the entrance and shoot you as soon as you walk in turned me off the idea completely.
So yeah, I'm probably going to pass on the full game.