If you're on your own with some cool contaminated loot and you're trapped by two higher level rogue agents who don't know you're there it's stressful as fuck.
Losing temp gear you wear till extraction is annoying, not stressful.
Losing everything on death.....that's stressful, not being able to level because of a PvP gang fest....that's stressful. The dark zone is less stressful than even Aion on launch. Its annoying.....not sure how it's intense for a stressful place. You lose shit....so what go get more shit. If it was marked gear that only a select few could ever have.....yes that's stressful but gear is infinite to find and come by. It's nothing like losing everything you are wearing and having to start over after death.
Losing temp gear you can't lose till extraction is annoying, not stressful.
Losing everything on death.....that's stressful, not being able to level because of a PvP gang fest....that's stressful. The dark zone is less stressful than even Aion on launch. Its annoying.....not sure how it's intense for a stressful place. You lose shit....so what go get more shit. If it was marked gear that only a select few could ever have.....yes that's stressful but gear is infinite to find and come by. It's nothing like losing everything you are wearing and having to start over after death.
I easily got burnt out on the beta.
I spent 7 hours straight playing with a group of my 3 other friends, and we stayed in manhunt 99% of that time as we fought off our whole server non stop at various areas on the map. Once we were low on ammo we cheesed the red line crossing areas to get into the safe house, resupply, then repeat.
I never once saw a purple drop off an enemy in beta. Blues, greens, cosmetics, and whites is all.
Great beta. I was already sold, and am now ready as hell for March to hit. Looking at my personal GOTY I think.
Did they extend the beta for another day?
Lol, just got a e-mail code.. Isn't today the last day? lol
Looking at my personal GOTY I think.
I like the DZ concept, but in execution it's quite disappointing. You just run run and run till you get someplace where ppl are shooting, and then you join the "fun".... if you manage to get there before it's too late, usually after 2-3 mins sprinting.
At day 3 of this beta people are already too aware of the risk of being rogue. It just doesn't seem worth it in any way..... DZ should be improved with lots more NPCs action, mini-missions and so on. So that there's something to do when not hunting rogues. Basically, make it like the outside zone but with PvP enabled.
Tried playing with a buddy but every voice client I used had horrendous echo and lag while in-game.
I tried steam, uplay and origin voice chat and all messed up.
Anyone else have the same?
Do the DZ chests actually work? I always have a key but never can open one. How long is the timer?
I preordered from Amazon for the 'guaranteed beta access' and entered my code on ubisofts site, but nothing. Am I screwed now? Only wanted to play a few hours tomorrow to get a feel for it (destiny beta was enough to help me decide not to buy it)
Just a heads up they turned off a lot the spawn points for npcs ala rikers, roaming npcs , groups, objectives and infected civilians so they can focus on DZ pvp. Right now the only constant spawns are the gas station and the playground. An some times the mall or whatever that place is construction near the roof extract point.
And all 5 DZ chest locations.
I like the DZ concept, but in execution it's quite disappointing. You just run run and run till you get someplace where ppl are shooting, and then you join the "fun".... if you manage to get there before it's too late, usually after 2-3 mins sprinting.
At day 3 of this beta people are already too aware of the risk of being rogue. It just doesn't seem worth it in any way..... DZ should be improved with lots more NPCs action, mini-missions and so on. So that there's something to do when not hunting rogues. Basically, make it like the outside zone but with PvP enabled.
I would prefer if there were more NPC's in the DZ, as far as missions go, it really wouldn't make much sense to go to a situation board to pick those up since everyone largely has given up on these areas so no one really has much intel on whats going on. I think players should find intel either on the map or dropped from NPC's, piece together that intel to generate missions that way.
So the DZ chest locations were turned off ? Well damn, I was looking for keys for ages lol.
Still my purchase of the game is well cemented, roll on March.
Quick question/thought about the DZ player limits - I remember seeing somewhere that it was 24 - however, currently we have access to DZ01 & DZ02 - does this 24 player limit apply to the entirety of the DZ (01-06)? Or just each DZ0X? If it's the former that should alleviate the problem of other players mopping up everything in sight.
Quick question/thought about the DZ player limits - I remember seeing somewhere that it was 24 - however, currently we have access to DZ01 & DZ02 - does this 24 player limit apply to the entirety of the DZ (01-06)? Or just each DZ0X? If it's the former that should alleviate the problem of other players mopping up everything in sight.
I don't think the chests are actually turned off. Just on extremely long timers. And since those locations are the places with the enemies who drop the best gear.. it usually gets swooped up regularly.
Though I'll say the only thing I've gotten from those cases has been Division Tech.. which is useless since crafting isn't in the game.
Fuck me lvl 8 DZ is intense as hell. Entire teams going wrong and baiting people.![]()
As far as the devs implied, it will be for the ENTIRE Dark Zone.
They want meeting players to be a rare thing, not a constant "around the corner" experience.
Remember that during the beta the NPCs spawns and numbers are barely there. In the full game, the NPCs will fill the Dark Zone.
So in the full game the dark zone is pretty much the same as the PVE zone, with lots of NPC's and almost no PVP? Well...
are there any decent weapons I can buy from the regular merchants or find anywhere in the non-Dark Zone areas?...seems like all the DZ weapons require Dark level 12 and I'm only Level 8...
It's a tactic, and every single one of those other players fell for it.
It's bullshit because if you don't get baited and refrain from shooting back, they just kill you anyway
finally got to play this and it seems alright
fuck the dark zone though since its troll city
playing on PC i keep getting killed in the dark zone from seemingly NOBODY. no one will be around and i will just get shot. is there a bug where people are invisible? when i've been in a party sometimes i'll be unable to see one of my party mates until i leave and return to an area. i'm thinking the same thing is happening but with other people.. i dunno, but it's really annoying.
wtf are you talking about?
They really need to do something about the cheater before release, it's getting worse.
I can definitely say as someone who put a good amount of time into the XBOne Beta, and then played the PC Beta today. Yeah, the enemies on the XBOne version certainly felt a lot bullet spongier, at least to me. At the same time though, I thought it was harder to aim with a controller, so I wasn't getting as much headshots. On the PC Beta (played 3-4 hours today after work), I was dropping the AI left and right with headshots. Hell, as soon as I found a carbine with a headshot multiplier they were going down even faster. The Dark Zone is fascinating to me and that's mainly because I play solo and I never feel the need to trust ANYONE. Those large groups? Yo fuck em, avoid the shit out of them. They'll fuck your shit up and steal your shit.
People said they turned down NPC's for the beta, and in the full game 24 players will be scattered around 6 zones, not 2. Isn't it going to be very similar then?
It amazes me how you people think the dark zone is a stressful place.....this isn't fucking dayz or some shit. Its not stressful let alone intense lol