Idee for raid content:
There was talk about a PMC being stationed near the UN building. They'd have state of the art gear and all the security measures from the UN building to their disposal.
The raid could be 2 groups of 3 going in, one through the sewers to disable the back uo generators powering the place, the other on ground level to place an EMP that disables all electronics.
Have to coordinate so both happen within 2 minutes of each other.
When using EMP, all your skills are also disabled, so you have to choose when to use it and when to save it for when really necessary.
Boss fights could be against some drones that are remotely controlled. Easy way to end the fight is disable the operator and the drones crash, or you could do hard mode and take down the drones first, while reinforcments show up. When the drones are down, the operator exits and is the real boss fight with extra abilities and gear.
Harder mode has better and more gear ofcourse.
That could be one way to keep the fights interesting: have more then one way of completing the encounter, and depending on that it gets harder or easier for the rest of the instance.