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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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The atmosphere you get when standing in the middle of an empty street extending down to both sides for a mile, car wrecks everywhere, snow slowly falling from the night sky and you can't see or hear a single soul is basically the same atmosphere you get from standing in a forest at night in DayZ.

It's really really great atmosphere.

Also,I already found some disturbing scenes.Like, there is just a crazy amount of visual story telling in this, especially inside the apartments you get into.

Craziest thing I noticed is that family pictures in the apartments are actually different. At least so far. So no "this asian lady and her daughter live in 10 apartments across the city" stuff.

Big enough to be annoying sometimes since there's not more than two fast travel point.

Full game has a safe house in each area you can fast travel to.


The atmosphere you get when standing in the middle of an empty street extending down to both sides for a mile, car wrecks everywhere, snow slowly falling from the night sky and you can't see or hear a single soul is basically the same atmosphere you get from standing in a forest at night in DayZ.

It's really really great atmosphere.

Also,I already found some disturbing scenes.Like, there is just a crazy amount of visual story telling in this, especially inside the apartments you get into.

Craziest thing I noticed is that family pictures in the apartments are actually different. At least so far. So no "this asian lady and her daughter live in 10 apartments across the city" stuff.

Yeah, I agree. The atmosphere is really strong. The score as well compliments it perfectly.


Basically unplayable on i5 2500k, 7950 3gb, 8gb ram, SSD.

Mixture of low and medium settings, 30-60+ fps fluctuating madly, frequent pauses as if streaming data or something.

Something I'd likely pick up on PS4 over PC for me.


The atmosphere you get when standing in the middle of an empty street extending down to both sides for a mile, car wrecks everywhere, snow slowly falling from the night sky and you can't see or hear a single soul is basically the same atmosphere you get from standing in a forest at night in DayZ.

It's really really great atmosphere.

Also,I already found some disturbing scenes.Like, there is just a crazy amount of visual story telling in this, especially inside the apartments you get into.

Craziest thing I noticed is that family pictures in the apartments are actually different. At least so far. So no "this asian lady and her daughter live in 10 apartments across the city" stuff.

Full game has a safe house in each area you can fast travel to.

On the other hand almost all the bad guy are named Alex. It's funny how often you hear ennemies yelling '' THEY GOT ALEX !!! ''


Basically unplayable on i5 2500k, 7950 3gb, 8gb ram, SSD.

Mixture of low and medium settings, 30-60+ fps fluctuating madly, frequent pauses as if streaming data or something.

Something I'd likely pick up on PS4 over PC for me.

I'd wait until final release to see if it's further optimized, from my experience it's poorly optimized in general right now.


I don't understand what to do in the dark zone AT ALL

Kill mobs and rogues for xp. Also mobs I think drop keys sometimes. Find gear and extract it at the helicopter. There's not much to do there. Final game they said will have activities but I still find the basis of end game based around the zone to be extremely dumb.


Have the pixel counters weighed in yet on console resolutions? After playing both, PS4 is noticeably cleaner/sharper to me. Both look pretty dang good though.


I don't understand what to do in the dark zone AT ALL

Kill PvE ennemies for loot, XP and currency. Dark Zone level disctate which chest you can open and gear you can buy at safe houses and checkpoints. (What the vendor sells is different at each spot). All the loot you find will be contaminated and you need to extract it via helicopter before you can use it.

You can kill player and steal their loot if you see them carrying a hazard pack under their backpack. If you engage someone in PVP you will be marked rogue, people will see you on your mini map, if you manage to stay alive for the whole time you are branded a Rogue you get Dark Zone money. If you attack someone already branded rogue you will not be flagged as one. Best gear by far in the beta is found in there. Doesn't take that long too, I doubt I could find any upgrades in the beta after 8 hours of play today.


Basically unplayable on i5 2500k, 7950 3gb, 8gb ram, SSD.

Mixture of low and medium settings, 30-60+ fps fluctuating madly, frequent pauses as if streaming data or something.

Something I'd likely pick up on PS4 over PC for me.

Might be a RAM issue. I've noticed some major issues with PC games of late when I had 8gb and they all smoothed out as soon as I upgraded it. I'm on a 760/2GB with 24 gb of RAM and a Phenom II X4 Black Edition 3.4 ghz and it was smooth for me.


Played the beta yesterday on XBONE and today on PC.

I think it's not for me. It "felt" clunky, and the gunplay wasn't my style. I'll play Rainbow, and other more serious games, and I'll play Destiny and Halo and more arcade-y games, but this just is missing something.


Kill PvE ennemies for loot, XP and currency. Dark Zone level disctate which chest you can open and gear you can buy at safe houses and checkpoints. (What the vendor sells is different at each spot). All the loot you find will be contaminated and you need to extract it via helicopter before you can use it.

You can kill player and steal their loot if you see them carrying a hazard pack under their backpack. If you engage someone in PVP you will be marked rogue, people will see you on your mini map, if you manage to stay alive for the whole time you are branded a Rogue you get Dark Zone money. If you attack someone already branded rogue you will not be flagged as one.

The amount of people on PC who are talking to their friends on a third party app while having their ingame mic set to voice activated is crazy.

So many guys just randomly talking shit to each other or shouting "oh there he is he has loot kill him!"


The amount of people on PC who are talking to their friends on a third party app while having their ingame mic set to voice activated is crazy.

So many guys just randomly talking shit to each other or shouting "oh there he is he has loot kill him!"

Yup i noticed the same. Game got voip perma on for some silly reason, prob due to consoles.

Funny tho.


Seriously doubt gunplay is better than destiny.

Its pretty damn good. Very snappy and very responsive. It also helps that its been designed to flow through the gameplay of just everyday moving and doing shit with shooting not being in the way.

Dark Zone is so awesome. I went rogue with a friend and we started hunting down other rogues, so much fun.


We were discussing the same thing with my two fellows playing today.Poor lonewolves.

Lone wolves might be a bit fucked there, but me and my buddy we were hunting groups of 3 and 4 together who were higher level than us and beating them, so it is possible to survive there with a friend at least.

On to the other thing, the lighting is amazing in this game, it's not as good as in the reveal video but it still looks really good.



The amount of people on PC who are talking to their friends on a third party app while having their ingame mic set to voice activated is crazy.

So many guys just randomly talking shit to each other or shouting "oh there he is he has loot kill him!"

Lol easy to not get caught unprepared :p
Haven't tested the proximity chat since I was in a party chat the whole time.


Got my disappointing email from Ubisoft, This game has my interest but I have concerns on game-play. and until I am able to try the game out I do not think I will purchase it... unless it gets amazing reviews from those I trust.



While using the sticky bomb I stuck a female boss and she threw it right back at me. Bravo Ubisoft for going to that extra mile on something like that.


I don't understand what to do in the dark zone AT ALL

Just roam around looking for AI enemies. Kill them and get loot. Proceed to extraction and hope you don't get ganked.

Either do that or roam around killing rogue agents. I had a pretty good time just hanging out at an extraction and killing rogue agents when they tried to kill other people extracting goods.


Might be a RAM issue. I've noticed some major issues with PC games of late when I had 8gb and they all smoothed out as soon as I upgraded it. I'm on a 760/2GB with 24 gb of RAM and a Phenom II X4 Black Edition 3.4 ghz and it was smooth for me.

Yea may be time to upgrade my ram. But with new intel cpus coming and me likely upgrading that as well, I'll just wait and cop some DDR4.

Btw, the ps4 and xb1 screenshots look fairly good to me, nice pics all.


So I can't find the season pass on PSN, wanted to pre-order it for the goodies it gives and I loved the beta. Can't find it anywhere.


Went into the dark zone....got a crap piece...called extraction. Hid up top until the chopper came. One player comes and I can tell they're looking for me. He leaves. Then three more come after him. They stick around. Killed all but one.

Great sense of dread knowing those guys wanted to kill me. Just awesome stuff.


So I can't find the season pass on PSN, wanted to pre-order it for the goodies it gives and I loved the beta. Can't find it anywhere.

Right now you need to get the gold or the agent edition that include the season pass.

They said the season pass as a stand alone will be available alongside the release on march 8th


Am I missing something or just too old for this shit?

Nah man. You're not the only one. I was also ...

This game is so far below my expectations it's unreal and I didn't have high expectations to begin with.

First of all, my God, it looks like ass. The player character renders are soooooooo much higher quality then literally everything else on screen it's incredibly distracting. Couple that with the constant recycled textures (lmfao at the copy paste repeat clutter strewn about and the somehow immaculate graffiti), a very noticeable lack of wear and dirt where you would expect to see it and bizzare world lighting/shading and you get this weird toy box looking aesthetic that goes against everything the game tries to set itself up as.

The there's the matter of there being more HUD elements on my screen than there are bullets in my clip. Why? Half this shit isn't necessary. At all. I don't understand why devs think overwhelming amounts of HUD elements is good or attractive design. It's not. It straight up breaks immersion at every turn. I can't stand that shit.

Also, holy shit at these bullet sponges. This is do far beyond Destiny. How am I gonna shoot somebody with a shotgun 5x point blank only to see them drop a grenade and peace out like nothing even happened.

Then there's the voice acting. I want to punch that radio dude in his pompous face. But at least he comes off as human which is more than I can say for pretty much every other piece of voice acting I've heard in the game so far.

I've never been so baffled by a games design decisions in my life. So far this shit is the opposite of fun for me. Thank God I didn't have to preorder to get my beta key. I've never been more confused on what the hell is going on in a game and that's despite umpteen things popping up to tell me what to do and where to go.

Looking in here people are actually enjoying this beta? I just can't fathom it. Maybe I'm just that sick of open world BS. But hey more power to y'all but this is just not for me. I just... wow I did not expect to see positive reactions at all.

thoroughly unimpressed.


Right now you need to get the gold or the agent edition that include the season pass.

They said the season pass as a stand alone will be available alongside the release on march 8th

Ah ok. I'll wait on the release then, have the game pre-ordered on Amazon since last E3 and they fucked up the price, I'll get my copy for 30 CAD$ lol. Had the same thing for Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Optimized? What?

I have SLI 980's and a 4790k @ 4.7ghz and maxed out with lots of settings on high, I rarely go above 65 fps.. lol.

I don't know what to tell you... I have a single 980Ti and had zero issues with frame rates.
So I can't find the season pass on PSN, wanted to pre-order it for the goodies it gives and I loved the beta. Can't find it anywhere.

They might not have the pass on PSN separately yet. I know there's a Gold Edition (game + pass) but they might be waiting until launch to put the pass up by itself.
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