Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Don't know what it is exactly but I really dig the look of this game. It feels good too, I'm just not sure if there is enough variety. I'm already starting to recognize room-patterns
Find the saferoom in the darkzone. There is a pirate broadcast on the radio talking about alot of stuff in the world. Really cool.
Yeah you can lose some when you get killed while being rogue. Didn't notice when I died without being flagged.
what Level should I be before trying the Dark Zone pvp?...I'm currently at Level can you tell how many skill points etc you need to advance to the next level?
So how do we get rare loot in the Dark Zone?Killing AI players in Blue and Red Marked areas?
I've killed some in there, but they don't drop anything. Also, is carrying unlimited weight?
How do I leave the darkzone lol. It says "Warning: Not available in beta"?
I love the lighting,detail and texture work in this game.
I must be missing something. Did people set extremely high expectations for this game or what?
How do I leave the darkzone lol. It says "Warning: Not available in beta"?
Don't tell me there's no crouch button?
I must be missing something. Did people set extremely high expectations for this game or what?
You can carry 6 piece of Dark Zone loot (contaminated loot). Best way to get loot is to kill enemies AI bosses. They almost always drop blue gear.
Alternatively you can kill player extracting loot to steal their stuff.
What's your Platform?Is uplay down or something? I'm in the beta, I have the key activated on uplay and stuff but I load up the uplay client and constantly get "There is a problem connecting to a Uplay service. We'll restore the connection as soon as we can".
I don't see the Division in my games list :/
What's your Platform?
One more question, is there a way to tell if you're one of the bad ones?
I had to engage some players and they were all marked red. Don't want that to brush on me just yet.
XboxOne version?
Would an extra beta code be of use?Sorry PC.
The amount of rogue agents is kind of annoying lol.
Ehh.. The main game will probably be worth more time. I'm not really the type who wants to check out 3 stations and skip a few cutscenes a second time unless I gain ground.
There's not a lot there, but it's just the beginning. All I see is gun play.
If you are tagged as a rogue agent it's because you initiated a fire fight if you hit a random player with 2-3 stray bullet you will be fine but anymore and will be flagged as a rogue agent. You will have a timer just above your backpack. When the timer runs out you get dark zone credits, the amount vary which rank of rogue you were. (Think like stars wanted levels in GTA). To give you an idea when I was the highest rogue level, surviving the whole 5 minutes without killing someone or being kill netted me 777 dark zone credits.
As a rogue agent if someone use their scan abilities will detect you as a threat and you will also show on the minimap.
This is the first third of the game. Don't get your hopes up. I even wonder if it's more like the first half.
Would an extra beta code be of use?
Thanks for the explanation. I haven't triggered that yet I guess, but I do like the sound of the system.
I'll probably try to stay alive on the timer once I get a crew going with friends.
Yeah, the Dark Zone or whatever is going to be shit. I just had two different people (as soon as I entered) and then a group of three just open fire for no reason.
Been watching streams on my second screen all day and man, I couldn't agree with this sentiment more.I've never been so baffled by a games design decisions in my life.
Damn that looks fantastic. Good shots dude.This looks good on PS4 in my opinion