For those who played this or those who knows, can you switch your controls around in the final version of the game?
I hope so. I'd really like to be able to double-bind Sprint and Enter Cover, Gears of War style.
For those who played this or those who knows, can you switch your controls around in the final version of the game?
Let me get this straight. When I'm in the Dark Zone and someone starts shooting at me for no apparent reason, and I retaliate and kill them, I become a Rogue and have a target on my head?
That's fucking bullshit.
Let me get this straight. When I'm in the Dark Zone and someone starts shooting at me for no apparent reason, and I retaliate and kill them, I become a Rogue and have a target on my head?
That's fucking bullshit.
Let me get this straight. When I'm in the Dark Zone and someone starts shooting at me for no apparent reason, and I retaliate and kill them, I become a Rogue and have a target on my head?
That's fucking bullshit.
I strongly suspect that if they had any great end game content (8 person missions, something resembling raids) they'd be screaming about it from the high heavens. It's not like they're going to wait until 2 weeks out from release and suddenly surprise us all with this awesome end game plan they've been keeping secret.
I think that the big disappointment many should be prepared for is that the "end game" is this: you replay story missions on harder difficulty, and repeat "side quests" out in the world, trying to upgrade your base so you have access to better perks, talents, etc... Then you go to the Dark Zone and try to get better loot. That's it. For some, I guess that'll be enough. But it's always great for all that build up to be leading to something...something like a raid that is difficult and new and worth building up and gearing up for. Maybe via DLC.
With all the lip service the developers have given to how important good end game content is, it would be disappointing if my suspicions are true, but again, the only reason I can imagine for the current silence around something unique for the end game is that there's nothing for them to talk about. I hope I'm wrong.
Let me get this straight. When I'm in the Dark Zone and someone starts shooting at me for no apparent reason, and I retaliate and kill them, I become a Rogue and have a target on my head?
That's fucking bullshit.
I'm kinda fine with that being what it is for now. I don't normally play these types of games, but there's a lot here for me. If what you're looking for comes in later dlc, I wouldn't mind. I'm probably in the minority in that, though.I strongly suspect that if they had any great end game content (8 person missions, something resembling raids) they'd be screaming about it from the high heavens. It's not like they're going to wait until 2 weeks out from release and suddenly surprise us all with this awesome end game plan they've been keeping secret.
I think that the big disappointment many should be prepared for is that the "end game" is this: you replay story missions on harder difficulty, and repeat "side quests" out in the world, trying to upgrade your base so you have access to better perks, talents, etc... Then you go to the Dark Zone and try to get better loot. That's it. For some, I guess that'll be enough. But it's always great for all that build up to be leading to something...something like a raid that is difficult and new and worth building up and gearing up for. Maybe via DLC.
With all the lip service the developers have given to how important good end game content is, it would be disappointing if my suspicions are true, but again, the only reason I can imagine for the current silence around something unique for the end game is that there's nothing for them to talk about. I hope I'm wrong.
I can think of zero reasons why they wouldn't be talking about endgame stuff aside from hard-mode missions.
Interestingly, I haven't seen anything on crafting and you would think with like 36 different crafting materials, there would be some kind of video about it!
I feel like there is a LOT they either haven't talked about or haven't finished yet.
I still don't quite understand why an RPG needs "endgame content".
Witcher 3 doesn't have endgame content. Dragon Age doesn't have endgame content.
You play through these games and then you either decide if you "want to keep playing for loot" or "stop playing till new content comes out.
This isn't an MMO. You are not paying a sub.
I don't get it.
It's the same thing people do with Destiny and I just...don't get it.
Because players want to be challenged. Endgame content is an important aspect of any RPG, MMO or otherwise.
I love how the DZ and the main map are seamless when you enter/exit either one.
You know what was super cool?
My friend was inside the DZ. I was inside the DZ safehouse as I log in.
I join my friends group. In the bottom left it says "transitioning to new phase". I am still walking around and shopping and such. Then it says "phase transition complete" and I step outside into the DZ and there is my friend.
So I joined my friends DZ instance without ever having a loading screen.
Very very cool.
The only reason you have a loading screen when you join a friends group,is because it fast travels you to them.
When people say "endgame content" they don't mean "challenging content" they mean "what will give me the best loot and can i play it for weeks and weeks without it being repetitive" and that's just....that's a pretty strong demand right there.
Yeah thats really great. Was playing in the Darkzone last night with 2 other guys. Then a third one joined but that created that the server went over a 24 limit players. When we where still walking arround it switched servers to a one where there was room for 4 players without any loading.
The devs have constantly talked about how important their end game content is, so I don't think it's a 'strong demand' to expect something substantial. Hopefully they deliver.
After a couple of uneventful romps through the DZ I was finally attacked by another solo player who I managed to kill. Later however, my extraction point was ambushed by a squad of rogues right as the chopper arrived. I managed to dump my loot a nanosecond before dying but the other randos there weren't so lucky.
Moments like that are cool in the beta, but I can see constantly getting ganked at extraction becoming old pretty quickly when you're actually building your character.
I can think of zero reasons why they wouldn't be talking about endgame stuff aside from hard-mode missions.
Interestingly, I haven't seen anything on crafting and you would think with like 36 different crafting materials, there would be some kind of video about it!
I feel like there is a LOT they either haven't talked about or haven't finished yet.
The division might have some zombies/monsters huh ? the first gameplay that they ever showed of this game had a monster tease in the hospital if you guys remember, infected people ?
Like,you can think whatever you want about the actual game, but Massive pulled off a seamless world/server transition perfectly.
This is what Bungie said Destiny would be and failed at.
You can matchmake with randomsIs it possible to have fun playing this game solo? My friends barely play games and the ones who do have different work hours than me. I'm gonna get the game regardless I was able to have fun on Destiny and even raid once in a while with the lfg website, hoping I can get away with the same stuff in the division
So are there like cool zombies or monsters in this game at some point?
Also how the heck do I throw a grenade??
The division might have some zombies/monsters huh ? the first gameplay that they ever showed of this game had a monster tease in the hospital if you guys remember, infected people ?
Is it possible to have fun playing this game solo? My friends barely play games and the ones who do have different work hours than me. I'm gonna get the game regardless I was able to have fun on Destiny and even raid once in a while with the lfg website, hoping I can get away with the same stuff in the division
Is it possible to have fun playing this game solo? My friends barely play games and the ones who do have different work hours than me. I'm gonna get the game regardless I was able to have fun on Destiny and even raid once in a while with the lfg website, hoping I can get away with the same stuff in the division
You can matchmake with randoms
Dark zone infuriates me.
Wander around for ages trying to find something or someone to drop gear. After 30 mins maybe (maybe have something worth keeping)
Get killed at extraction by huge group.
Every time. How am I supposed to enjoy this?
You don't need to go alone, people.
I just had real ass Godmode in The Division
AI did 0 dmg to me and nobody else could see me. I however could kill them!
He really had god mode.. This man was a ghostI just had real ass Godmode in The Division
AI did 0 dmg to me and nobody else could see me. I however could kill them!