I'd like to see something changed in the dark zone. A solo player is currently at a massive disadvantage compared to a team of four. They should change it so it takes 4 times the damage to bring down a solo player if you're in a team of 4. 3 times of you're in a group of 3 and so on.
Do you lose money if you're killed?!
I'd like to see something changed in the dark zone. A solo player is currently at a massive disadvantage compared to a team of four. They should change it so it takes 4 times the damage to bring down a solo player if you're in a team of 4. 3 times of you're in a group of 3 and so on.
I still want to see if the final version has enough there there, but I am having a blast with the beta so far. Moving and shooting feels good, far from MGSV tier but damn solid.
1) how come I always seem to be running around the Dark Zone area for awhile without running into a single player or NPC?...I thought the place would be filled with tons of players and NPC's?...2) is the only way to make $$ by selling your junk and other weapons, gear etc?...I'm up to Level 7 and barely have any $$ in my wallet...I thought the bodies, chests, areas I looted around the map would have plenty of $$
Get to level 8 and enter the Dark Zone again. You will get into a different instance for it with lots of enemies to kill.1) how come I always seem to be running around the Dark Zone area for awhile without running into a single player or NPC?...I thought the place would be filled with tons of players and NPC's?...2) is the only way to make $$ by selling your junk and other weapons, gear etc?...I'm up to Level 7 and barely have any $$ in my wallet...I thought the bodies, chests, areas I looted around the map would have plenty of $$
I think it will be about half the size of vanilla destiny. Can't wait to see if it gets the same criticism.
I think it will be about half the size of vanilla destiny. Can't wait to see if it gets the same criticism.
I'm confused...when you hit 8 does the dark zone actually change, or do you enter a different dark zone?
I think it will be about half the size of vanilla destiny. Can't wait to see if it gets the same criticism.
It would be very, very hard to be half the size of vanilla destiny. There are a lot more things to do in this beta than there were in the destiny beta. Not sure where this attitude is coming from.
I don't understand the recurring urge to drag Destiny into these kinds of discussions. They're nothing alike.
The size of the world is pretty small and there really isn't that much to do even if you factor in all the missing stuff. Brace yourself.
It doesn't change other than mobs get tankier. It's certainly not a drastic change as his post might suggest.
The size of the world is pretty small and there really isn't that much to do even if you factor in all the missing stuff. Brace yourself.
It was fun for a bit but I'm not sure this game is for me. DZ reminds me of GTA Online, which is something I don't particularly care for. I like the mechanics although I was highly skeptical of the cover based shooter aspect. I just don't think I want to bother getting a group together every time I play this game. I know I could play solo, but it gets boring too quickly. Cancelled my pre-order.
I agree, but i think people miss that the surface map isn't the only part of the game. There is the subway, sewers and a ton of verticality
Don't know if it's just because of the beta but the DZ is just a waste of time now. Unless you are in a group of 4 it's just every extraction zone being camped out by people. If that happens in the final game it'll kill it in no time
Yes- not a ton but yes each time. Sucks for solo DZ players.
Was close to the DZ SCAR last pm but killed x4 by roving rogue groups before I could team up with anyone. Called it a night.
Its 24 players for entire dark zone. And many more extraction points in full game so unlikely they will all be camped by other playersDon't know if it's just because of the beta but the DZ is just a waste of time now. Unless you are in a group of 4 it's just every extraction zone being camped out by people. If that happens in the final game it'll kill it in no time
Completely agree with you and I have also cancelled mine. This just isn't for me, its really quite bland in terms of gameplay and the shooting is lackluster at best.
Don't you think that the blandness that you feel is a result of most of the skills and ALL of the talents and perks being unavailable in the beta? The talents and perks inventory screens show that there's a LOT of possible variety, but who knows because we can't read the details of the talents or perks.
Sort of, you do more damage against elites if you drink water.
Candy bars remove status effects!
Ah, thanks guys.
When you get items in the dark zone, do you have to actually use an extraction point, or can you just make your way to one of the exits?
I like that there's matchmaking for story missions
So people could potentially kill you in the dark zone for loot?
I just went there, and fought some npcs, some friendly dude came and helped and left the loot for me, I went to extract the stuff, saw some guy got killed there and I raised him, and got some loot after extraction
Yes, people will kill you and steal your loot.
Sorry, I know this is a dumb question, but I missed the on screen tutorial. Dropping down from a ledge - is it possible? (I'm using the PC version with a controller).