Errors I've encountered. Some game breaking, some not:
*Game breaking - You can go full on man hunt rogue level, walk out of a red line area, and wait the 10 seconds there to then be teleported into a safe house. Once there just wait out the timer because you can't be shot nor will the NPC merchant engage. Free trololols for all.
*Game breaking(not a glitch) - You can simply find a spot that is a one way up only. Find a ladder only up area, or rappel cord up area, and camp up there to wait out a man hunt. Can't be killed due to your massive advantage, and grenades generally can't reach that high.
*Game breaking - I have downed a variety of enemies today only for them to start sliding around on my screen 300MPH, (lag switch?) and I'm unable to finish them off. No joke. They will be teleporting around on the ground. Good fucking luck... Then a team mate picks them up no problem :/
*Normal glitch/bug - Equipped a mod piece that took my handgun damage from 2000 some to almost 5,000 some... it does NOT actually do this game, but it reads 4890 some DPS which is totally bull lol.
*Glitch/s- Saw guns floating 10 feet above people's heads, and have seen people shooting at the ground on my screen but are actually shooting straight ahead.
*Glitch - Have gone to extract loot, holding square, NO OTHER LOOT ON CORD, 20 seconds till chopper leaves, not a full stash, and will not let me extract my shit. Super frustrating...
That's about the majority of the dumb shit I've found other than getting stuck in areas you can't get out of anymore. Generally a garbage bag infested spot.