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The Drunk GAF Containment Thread

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
Yep , I don't mind having a check of things in the forum after a few beers and thought a thread where you can ONLY post if you are intoxicated would be very interesting.

This might help curb some of us from straight posting crazily in other threads and getting banned and such.

So please, if you're drunk before posting, please come here and let it fly, but make it tasteful and don't break the rules!

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America is cooked lol. People are arguing they have the right to ban you for saying something that goes against the narrative that they try to push. So basically there is no free speech, but it is enforced by your workplace instead of the government, got it, nice corporate dystopia you got there.

Americans are so deep into it, they dont even realize they are in a dystopia, they try to justify it cause private corpos. My dudes, private corpors are running america, so basically you cant say shit unless it aligns with them, how THE FUCK is that free speech.
Shit, fucken, your my best mate and all, but, fuck it, what?

(am I doing it right?)


On my vacation drinking some of this Californian wine and playing Ghost of Tsushima. Very cozy. Got a little buzz going on.


It was much more creamy and rich than I anticipated, but that's why I like to try wines from California as they are quite fun and agreeable to my tastebuds. I'm European so this is also the closest I'll come to fentanyl.


I'm just afinishing up a 1.75 liter of vodka. tapering isn't going to well. need to get sober but its hard staying sober for more than a few days. Got a script for Librium to pick up so I can safely self detox cold turkey without having my magical friends come back.
“What is better adapted than the festive use of wine in the first place to test and in the second place to train the character of a man, if care be taken in the use of it?” - Plato

More like Plato was a lightweight and got all uppity about it lmao
On my vacation drinking some of this Californian wine and playing Ghost of Tsushima. Very cozy. Got a little buzz going on.


It was much more creamy and rich than I anticipated, but that's why I like to try wines from California as they are quite fun and agreeable to my tastebuds. I'm European so this is also the closest I'll come to fentanyl.
INteresting packaging. Don;t think I've ever seen wine in one of those packs before.


Gold Member
Smoked a fat bowl. I earned it today installing a celling Dan and demolishing a shed with my old man.

Now I'm watching the 3 Amigos.



INteresting packaging. Don;t think I've ever seen wine in one of those packs before.

Sorry for late reply, had to buy a bottle of Ouzo 12 today to be able to reply in this thread. Glass bottles are of course the best, but with these kinds of wines I don't really taste any difference. It just makes it easier to throw away afterwards.

The more reasonable choice would be to buy a bigger boxed wine with a tap as you can use it weeks without it spoiling, but I don't drink that much really.
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