hahaha, oh boy. started off with me getting a fucking fifth of Popov Blue Label (Worst vodka you'll ever have) and making about 3 screwdrivers. Then I was drunk enough to start drinking right from the bottle. (I still get sick thinking about it to this day.) Anyways, then we started battle rapping in my room, and me and this guy kept it going for like 10 minutes straight... everyone cheering us on and acting like we were on 8 Mile.
then we go on our crusade. We decide to take back goods of the people from the Church. We ended up stealing 2 signs and then a bible from the youth group on campus. This was after me, in my AMAZINGLY articulate drunkenness, trying to discuss the benefits of non-denomination when it comes to religion. Right about now I've had about 75% of a fifth, in about two and a half hours. (No lie, either.... i'm really not exaggerating that time frame.) So then we take off, after the young churchers gave me a free hot dog from their grill. And we started walking more, and my buddy grabbed my fifth from me while we were going down the street and threw it in the road, saying it was empty. I proceeded to yell at him using a Towelie voice (read: "you asshole!") and then he yelled back and we sat in the sidewalk laughing our asses off. I was told later that we were there laughing for like half an hour, while the rest of our crew went to a party nearby.
Then we headed back. I ended up meeting some weird dude who was even drunker than I was, then sprinted down the road all the way back to my dorm (like an easy 200 yard dash, hahaha). I kinda blacked out after that. But I woke up a few hours later passed out in my own vomit on the bathroom floor. So I woke up and crawled into my bed. Then I got up again, hungover as shit, and we had a HUGE construction hose in our living room, haha. No idea how it got there. My buddy Dirk said he brought it in. Also regaled me with the story of how I army-crawled across the room to the shower where I proceeded to vomit.
What sucked is that afterwards, during my hangover, I also contracted the flu. This was 2 years ago, when the flu was really, really bad, too, if you all remember. So I was in bed, couldn't hold down liquids or foods for 3 days, then went to the ER. Then got back and had my ex spoonfeed me soup while i was in bed.
Needless to say, those 3 days taught me a severe fucking lesson about drinking. Only do it in moderation. To this day, I can't even so much as smell vodka without wanting to gag. I haven't gotten that drunk since, and I always set myself up so that I only have enough liquor to drink to get drunk on, and nothing more (as in, i've taken to only buying pints of liquor instead of entire fifths).
These stories are fun and all, but I wouldn't wish the aftereffects of that shit on my worst enemies.