Most drunk I've ever (or will ever be) was at my bachelor party last summer. Basically had it at a bar, never refused one drink that was offered to me. Alot of the guys at the party were buying me shooters but then not doing the shooters themselves (which is a bachelor party no-no..if you buy for the groom, you do the shot too). Anyway, we started at like 7pm, I lasted until 10 and then I don't remember anything after that.
Here's what happened from what I don't remember:
We were walking from the bar down King St. in Toronto towards a strip club (For Your Eyes Only). I was being carried by 2 guys on each side of me, one arm strapped around my brother in law, the other arm strapped around my fiance's cousin. I was more dragging my legs than walking. So we get to the strip club, needless to say the bouncer wouldn't let us in because of the state I was in. Not wanting to end the night, we walked to some other bar on King, and again, the bouncer said I was in no shape to go in, I couldn't walk on my own. Apparently I understood I had to do it for the rest of the guys so I immediately threw the 2 guys arms off of me and I said "Who said I can't walk on my own??" and proceeded to walk into the bar on my own power. :lol All the guys then followed me in, I ended up sitting at some table. Another buddy of mine then phones my cell cause he lost touch with us when we left the original bar to go to the peelers. I apparently had the wherewithal to tell him which bar I was currently at, and he said he'd see me there as he was only like a 5-10 minute walk from there. He shows up in about 6 minutes, and I'm already outside on King St. puking my guts out. He later told me he didn't understand what happened because I sounded fine 6 minutes before he saw me puking.
I was put into my brother's car, he drove me home and I fully recovered the next day by 3pm at which point I went to my finance's parent's place for dinner that night.