I don't usually pay attention to who is online and what level they are but as Thanatos said, it might be better to try to go somewhere where there are higher level players since we're all higher level now.
Being Vet 1 I have absolutely no reason to go back to Rivenspire. I don't think I've been there since I hit 40. But it doesn't matter really, as long as we get a store.
I have a question though, do you know how much the bank took in during the week we had a trader? Because if it was less than 50k then it might not be worth it to bid that much. No point in spending money if we can't break even unless everyone wants to start donating a 2-3K a week.
We bid 20k when we won, when I bid 20k again the next week, we lost.
And the guild that won, they had MASSIVE amounts of vet level stuff to sell in there. Since that 20k wasn't cutting it, I was thinking 50k.
We only got ONE shot per week, so we gotta make it count. So at this points its, go big or go home.
Because we wont know if we lost or won until after the bidding ends and we'd have to wait till next week.
The scary thing is, every week the game is out, the guild traders get more and more expensive as guilds earn more and more gold and get more people so they are dropping bigger bids, as our last guild bid just proved. On PC, they got guilds placing bids in the MILLIONS for certain spots............Im like shit.
This other guild I made a mistake and accepted a invite for, they almost had a million in the guild bank. If the rest of the guilds are packin like that, shit.........we gon be fighting over the shitty guild spots like the ones in the middle of no where, lol.
With the gold we got now, I dont really see us getting a spot in coul harbor because on the PC, thats one of the spots where they drop millions for as thats where the vet level shit can be found.
and also about rivenspire, I learned its the best place to craft because of the close location all the crafting stuff is, everything is really close, and that town is ALWAYS packed, I see more vets there than I see other levels sometimes. I personally go there when I want to craft. You got a cooking station directly behind the banker, and you got blacksmith, clothier, and woodworking directly across from the banker building. So crafters tend to go to those guild traders for crafting stuff to buy.