For me the game is playable, but i do have some issues.
1. Nvdia control panel settings doesn't appear to be working.
2. Nvidia inspector, and radeon pro also doesn't appear to work, or do anything. In fact, Rivatuner is the only program that's working for me in this game.
3.I have no screen tearing at all when i turn vsync off (and uncapped) everywhere (in game, Nvidia control panel, and radeon pro). Happy to not have any tearing, but it's strange. I'm playing on a plasma tv, no gsync.
4. Gpu usage goes no higher than 85%, and cpu usage no higher than 48% (i think).
5. Microstutter, not often, but i go into more detail about it below.
When i play uncapped for instance. 1080p ultra settings, my frames surprisingly often hovers around 40-45 frames. I've seen it go no lower than 37 frames. When i use the in game half display vsync, with rivatuner @ 30.My frames sometimes go down to 29, and rarely 28 frames (causing the micro stutter). Even if i use slightly lower settings.Why does this happen? Framepacing is pretty consistent, but there are times it fluctuates.
Also, is it ok to play in borderless window (which forces vsync and triple buffring), with the in game vsync on? Isn't that 2 vsync's, causes more latency? Which combination is best to use with rivatuner limited to 30? I know some people recommend nvidia inspector but it doesn't work for me in this game for me.
oh, almost forgot my specs
FX 6300 oc @ 4.4 GHz (horrible, i know)
8gb DDR3 ram @ 1600MHz
bios modded GTX 970 oc 1468 core, 3953 memory