Okay, kids, lesson time.
During the 2000 primaries, the Bush campaign ran push polls in South Carolina spreading the word that McCain had a black baby (he adopted a girl from Bangledesh), hoping to use racism to undermine his support in the state.
Now, I'll allow that Mike's first post shattered some grammatical rules. But it's still really, painfully obvious that he's being ironic the whole time. And if you get his reference, then it's even more obvious that his use of the word "nigger" is directed at a slimeball racist campaign tactic.
As far as nigger vs. fag, both slurs have gotten people banned. If someone were to use fags in a post like "Oh yeah, fags getting married will ruin civilization :rolleyes" then I'm 95% sure they wouldn't be banned (I can't speak for all the mods, and overbose is a loose cannon). I think the difference between that and, say, "jinx has been emailing Mandark pictures of his penis, wotta fag!" is pretty obvious.
I think this works with the spirit of the TOS, and as far as the letter of the law, the "in any form" is referring to word forms. So don't try hiding those racist slurs as verbs, adjectives, nouns derived from verbs derived from the original noun, or gerunds. Especially gerunds. Which means "whopping" is okay but "wopping" is not.
To sum up, racial/ethnic/sexual/religious slurs directed at people = very likely to get you banned.
Slurs used ironically to highlight the intolerance of others = not gonna get you banned.
During the 2000 primaries, the Bush campaign ran push polls in South Carolina spreading the word that McCain had a black baby (he adopted a girl from Bangledesh), hoping to use racism to undermine his support in the state.
Now, I'll allow that Mike's first post shattered some grammatical rules. But it's still really, painfully obvious that he's being ironic the whole time. And if you get his reference, then it's even more obvious that his use of the word "nigger" is directed at a slimeball racist campaign tactic.
As far as nigger vs. fag, both slurs have gotten people banned. If someone were to use fags in a post like "Oh yeah, fags getting married will ruin civilization :rolleyes" then I'm 95% sure they wouldn't be banned (I can't speak for all the mods, and overbose is a loose cannon). I think the difference between that and, say, "jinx has been emailing Mandark pictures of his penis, wotta fag!" is pretty obvious.
I think this works with the spirit of the TOS, and as far as the letter of the law, the "in any form" is referring to word forms. So don't try hiding those racist slurs as verbs, adjectives, nouns derived from verbs derived from the original noun, or gerunds. Especially gerunds. Which means "whopping" is okay but "wopping" is not.
To sum up, racial/ethnic/sexual/religious slurs directed at people = very likely to get you banned.
Slurs used ironically to highlight the intolerance of others = not gonna get you banned.