What about having tournaments to mirror say Playlist Updates?
We could have arranged something for SWAT this weekend, maybe a few multiteam games, maybe not even a tournament, but a GAF event to go alongside whatever is hot - good way to nab some attention. (or, seeing as the DoubleXP stuff is weekend only, we could have a couple of Grifball macthes the weekend after, or SWAT stuff next weekend?
I propose the following (outside any GAF tournaments);
SWAT Event - Multiteam (the gametype is just a suggestion, im sure everyone might prefer something else)
Free DLC Event - (Something using the Heroic maps, maybe some objective stuff)
Legendary DLC Event - Profit?
Griffball Event - the week after it reappears next month
And so on...
I'd be willing to organise the first too or help out in any way that I can.
Having fixed events one week after the main proper events also gives you some insight for the dates in advance and they could easily be planned out, for example having plans for number of people that are available and confirm atleast 24 hours beforehand (having guests or family members or friends as emergency backups in the case of no shows.
I think a series of GAF events would help out the possibilities of a tournament (or maybe vice versa) it would atleast give GAF related HALO 3 hijinks abit more publicity and take away the current limitations of unorganised, over-subscribed random GAF games.
There could be two catagories, America + West and Europe + East, that way we can match up people to reduce latency and if the skills or unevenly distributed or a certain group is lacking participants, they can be melded.