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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Oh my fucking God. Just watched the finale. I can't deal right now.

That ending just blew my mind.

Amazing. Hats off to the writers for having so much balls.

Yes it does take a giant set of balls to throw away character development that happened 2 episodes ago


I am Korean.
Just had another thought. Is this really flashpoint? I guess in the context for viewers it is but isn't Barry just getting the original timeline back before Eobard messed with everything?

That's assuming that his life with both his parents wouldn't drastically change. Would he still become a forensic scientist?

The fact they had the other Barry fade out of existence (why wasn't he a time remnant again?!?) would indicate major shifts occurring.
Yes it does take a giant set of balls to throw away character development that happened 2 episodes ago

I think at this point, it's all shenanigans and more shenanigans. Even they themselves acknowledged it when Barry tried to explain Time Remnants to Wally and Barry was struggling to explain it to him lol.
So is it possible the current Flash is actually the Time Remnant and our Barry is the one that died? That's what it seemed to me during my watch. Seeing the image of Barry get burned to death and his screams are burned into my head. Just what the fuck.


So is it possible the current Flash is actually the Time Remnant and our Barry is the one that died? That's what it seemed to me during my watch. Seeing the image of Barry get burned to death and his screams are burned into my head. Just what the fuck.

They're both "our Barry". The only reason they designated the Barry that died was the Time Remnant was to make the audience feel better about how depressing that sacrifice was.


Man, it was so lame when Barry said he wasn't in a place to be able to he with Iris. I guess I understand why now though and I'm glad she was like "yeah no ill wait" in response. In thr meantime, anyone else think the Speed force is being set up as the big bad for a future season with zombie zolomon zoom as his henchman, along with the time wraiths? Sort of in a force of nature needing to course correct kind of way.


So is it possible the current Flash is actually the Time Remnant and our Barry is the one that died? That's what it seemed to me during my watch. Seeing the image of Barry get burned to death and his screams are burned into my head. Just what the fuck.

I'm thinking this is what happened. Supposedly, time wraiths only appear when you go back a significant amount of time, and I'm guessing when you create a paradox (something isn't supposed to happen, but does). That's not me explaining what a paradox is, by the by. That's just reiterating what I mean by paradox in this circumstance. So, s1 finale, Barry goes back to save his mom, but can't, because future him says "no." Because future him is there, fixing whatever mistake he made (now in s2 finale), time wraiths are chill.

But then the shit with Thawne happens, and the time wraiths don't appear because it's supposed to happen (from their point of view). Earth 2 appears, and that's where things get fucked, because realistically, that change to the timeline reverberated throughout all Earths. Why else would Wells-2 work at Star Labs and create his worlds Flash when he did, vs Earth 1's original "five years later" stuff? Now, time is all sorts of fucked up, and they manage to seal off the damage, but it sets in motion necessities that aren't "according to plan" from the Speedforce, like going back in S2 to ask Wellsobard how to get faster. Time wraiths aren't chill, they get pissed. Why? Timeline changes (aforementioned paradox). You'll note, that from Thawne's perspective (and eventually Wellsobard), things are still how they once were. Barry still becomes the flash in 20...whatever, he goes back to kill his mom, fails, blah blah blah.

So, Zoom creating paradoxes by killing himself pisses off the time wraiths, but he likely deals with them in his own way offscreen (as we never see Zoom even like.. five minutes after he Remnants himself. And wraiths don't appear immediately). Then, Barry in s2 finale runs back to piss off the wraiths. Either Flash would piss them off. If "current" Flash dies, then that means past-Flash will need to run back and kill himself (from the perspective of the wraiths). But he won't, because the sequence of events that lead up to that never happen. If "past" flash dies, then that means whatever he did in between the past and the present didn't happen, and that's a no-go.

Very confusing plot device.






Flashpoint fuck yessssssss.

I had some issues with the episode but overall it was satisfying. Having JWS's name in the starting credits gave it away but that's OK, it was known for a while now I suppose.

So, time to watch Flashpoint animated movie, right?


Flashpoint fuck yessssssss.

I had some issues with the episode but overall it was satisfying. Having JWS's name in the starting credits gave it away but that's OK, it was known for a while now I suppose.

So, time to watch Flashpoint animated movie, right?

Yeah I think we all pretty much had it figured out. Still JWS would've been in the credits anyway because his corpse was at the beginning of the episode.


Yes. Watch it now. How have you not seen it?

EVERYONE! This is your summer homework. Watch the Flashpoint animated film.

I actually bought it months ago but didn't get round to watching it sadly. Will definitely do so before season 3.

I loved Danielle Panabaker playing Caitlyn Snow playing Danielle Panabaker playing Caitlyn Snow.

WOAT levels of acting


Is it me or does her acting get worse every episode? D:


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I loved Danielle Panabaker playing Caitlyn Snow playing Danielle Panabaker playing Caitlyn Snow.

WOAT levels of acting

I really hope that intentional. But then the line reading when everyone was trying to explain why Barry was running around the WorldSmasher thingy was also suspect. It was like a scene out of every tournament anime ever, with the side characters explaining what the hero was doing. Complete with very rushed American dub line reading lol.
Guys, remember Barry and Linda? All the characters suck at acting, that's the gag.

Except for Bisco.

It's also not funny.

I really hope that intentional. But then the line reading when everyone was trying to explain why Barry was running around the WorldSmasher thingy was also suspect. It was like a scene out of every tournament anime ever, with the side characters explaining what the hero was doing. Complete with very rushed American dub line reading lol.

Oh god yes, that was also terrible. I liked the episode a lot but these two moments just had me laughing out loud.
I don't know, if I carried a trauma for 15 years and finally made some peace with it only for it to basically happen again like a day later I'm probably going to be unraveled.


That episode was super hype. The last few minutes kill me every time. I can't wait to see where the writers take it next.


Not to mention how the anger at Felicity is flat out creepy as fuck. Like genuinely makes me concerned for certain people's mental states/attitudes to women.

I kinda feel this way too.

It's not really just about Arrow either, though it's certainly more pronounced in discussions about that show.

If you hang out in any thread here for a superhero show (or maybe just general sci-fi or fantasy show, anything with a "fandom"), or any discussion online really, you will always without fail see people coming in talking about how <main female character> should die because they are annoying or show ruining. This is usually because they have the temerity to do things like express emotions or, sin of all sins, have things going on that don't involve (or actively conflict with) the male protagonist's plans or goals.

On this board alone, I've seen it on occasion in the Arrow thread, the Flash thread, the S.H.I.E.L.D. thread, the Daredevil thread, etc. I know I can't be the only one to have seen this.


I kinda feel this way too.

It's not really just about Arrow either, though it's certainly more pronounced in discussions about that show.

If you hang out in any thread here for a superhero show (or maybe just general sci-fi or fantasy show, anything with a "fandom" really), or any discussion online really, you will always without fail see people coming in talking about how <main female character> should die because they are annoying or show ruining. This is usually because they have the temerity to do things like express emotions or, sin of all sins, have things going on that don't involve (or actively conflict with) the male protagonist's plans or goals.

On this board alone, I've seen it on occasion in the Arrow thread, the Flash thread, the S.H.I.E.L.D. thread, the Daredevil thread, etc. I know I can't be the only one to have seen this.

I give the Arrow/Flash people a bit of slack, because the writers don't seem to know what to do with the female characters. They need to binge some iZombie.

But overall, yeah I definitely see where you're coming from.


I kinda feel this way too.

It's not really just about Arrow either, though it's certainly more pronounced in discussions about that show.

If you hang out in any thread here for a superhero show (or maybe just general sci-fi or fantasy show, anything with a "fandom"), or any discussion online really, you will always without fail see people coming in talking about how <main female character> should die because they are annoying or show ruining. This is usually because they have the temerity to do things like express emotions or, sin of all sins, have things going on that don't involve (or actively conflict with) the male protagonist's plans or goals.

On this board alone, I've seen it on occasion in the Arrow thread, the Flash thread, the S.H.I.E.L.D. thread, the Daredevil thread, etc. I know I can't be the only one to have seen this.

Not only are you 100% right, but it goes beyond just sci-fi/fantasy shows--as you indicated, anything with a fandom. I think we can draw lines between the vitriol you're describing here and for Skylar in Breaking Bad, for Carmela Soprano, and many others. It goes to video games as well, and movies.


Also, the reasoning behind everything changing in Flashpoint has always been iffy in my opinion. I like the storyline, but that one changing effecting past events that occurred before Nora's death...eh. Little too Time Wimey for me.

You should read Rebirth...

On topic: I loved the Finale up until the end. I'm getting annoyed at Barry doing stupid things. It seems like every single episode he does something really moronic and fucks everything up (especially when it comes to time travel). I know the writers want to advance the story, but he's the only person on the show that continuously makes stupid decisions.


Man, it was so lame when Barry said he wasn't in a place to be able to he with Iris. I guess I understand why now though and I'm glad she was like "yeah no ill wait" in response. In thr meantime, anyone else think the Speed force is being set up as the big bad for a future season with zombie zolomon zoom as his henchman, along with the time wraiths? Sort of in a force of nature needing to course correct kind of way.

Comic Spoiler:
The way Zoom looks when he was taken away by the wraiths is exactly how Black Flash looks. So they may set him up to appear in a future episode as Black Flash in order to prevent Time Travelling nonsense going forward.


This right here

I think he can trigger them if they're already open, just not visible. Like maybe Crisco opened the floodgates when he opened that first breach and they'd have to go through the motions of throwing those footballs into the breaches again to really shut em down.


I think he can trigger them if they're already open, just not visible. Like maybe Crisco opened the floodgates when he opened that first breach and they'd have to go through the motions of throwing those footballs into the breaches again to really shut em down.

I dunno man, Zoom was opening up breaches like they were nothing


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, they totally just swept that whole thing under the rug. We never got an explanation of how Zoom could open them at will.


I think he can trigger them if they're already open, just not visible. Like maybe Crisco opened the floodgates when he opened that first breach and they'd have to go through the motions of throwing those footballs into the breaches again to really shut em down.

Zoom explained it to Joe when he was giving his story. He has the ability to open Breaches into different Earths because "Speed Force." That's how he smuggled Earth 3 Jay Garrick into Earth 2.


Unconfirmed Member
Zoom explained it to Joe when he was giving his story. He has the ability to open Breaches into different Earths because "Speed Force." That's how he smuggled Earth 3 Jay Garrick into Earth 2.
I just sent the flashwriters twitter a question about how he did it. Probably won't get a response, but we'll see.


Comic Spoiler:
The way Zoom looks when he was taken away by the wraiths is exactly how Black Flash looks. So they may set him up to appear in a future episode as Black Flash in order to prevent Time Travelling nonsense going forward.
I'm glad someone else caught onto that spolier. When I saw it I marked out a little.


Tagged as I see fit
Well they still haven't explained how you live if your past self dies yet...

Well, I guess it's a paradox right?

From the time remnant's point of view, the future has already happened as the future version of yourself is standing right in front of you...I guess?

I mean, what would happen to the time remnants when Barry would travel into the past and replace himself in earlier episodes?
No point in spoiler tagging the Black Flash thing, it's already been openly talked about and old comic spoilers aren't generally something we're guarded against. I think the only reason we tag some Flashpoint stuff is because an animated movie was made out of it.

I just sent the flashwriters twitter a question about how he did it. Probably won't get a response, but we'll see.

You know, they like the rest of the Arrowverse writer accounts only respond to praise and sucking up.


Well, I guess it's a paradox right?

From the time remnant's point of view, the future has already happened as the future version of yourself is standing right in front of you...I guess?

But my issue with this is that Eobard Thawne should not have been erased from existence when Eddie killed himself, because like you said, Eobard and the future had already happened, so why did Eddie offing himself mean that Eobard had to go too? Shit makes no sense.

I dare the writers to explain it tbh.

Also, I find it incredibly unbelievable that past versions of Hunter Zolomon would agree to be killed.
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