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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Rebirth spoilers:
wonder if there's a second Wally running around in this universe? A lost Wally, from a timeline that everybody forgot.
I'm down if we get Old Man Queen/Broken Arrow just fucking shit up. I'm talking like sticking Deathstroke's head on a stick in the opening.


I'm not the hero of this history. I'm a man who's been corrupted by his own unbearable pain. I'm a man who has too much blood in his hands to be called good. I'm a man who had nothing to live for--until the day I met the Flash.

And if we get Reverse Flash just being a total cunt:

What I want to know is, what happens to the past timeline if present day Barry takes past version of Barry into the present day to use as a time remnant. Is that timeline left without a Flash??

Ugh. This time remnant stuff gives me a headache.

It's best not to think too much about it. The best I came up with was that those other timelines are absorbed into the current timeline or they are literally erased from the timeline. Doing more thinking just makes my head hurt. Ow.


I like the actor for unWells'd RF. :shrug:

Me too. He's good.

I'm disappointed there was nothing more to Wells-2. Why did he set off the particle accelerator explosion without selfish motives? I was expecting him to be a meta, especially when he talked about how he has a dark side to him that would do anything to protect Jesse. Oh wells!
I like the actor for unWells'd RF. :shrug:

Yeah, I'm okay with him as well. He's got the RF smarm down well. He's good.


Okay, but we still have E1 Hunter Zolomon floating around:


If Sears hadn't gotten the 24 gig, I bet they were gonna do a long-form story where Zolomon would get involved with Team Flash somehow. They'd distrust him for a couple seasons, but he'd gain their trust when some horrific trauma destroys his life and turns him into the comic version of Zoom, one who wants to make Barry into a better hero.
Matt Letscher is good, he just doesn't have the layers and nuance of Cavanagh's RF. Letscher is just playing an unhinged loon, which is actually very accurate to the origins of the character.

Letscher plays Reverse Flash at the beginning of his origin though, so it makes sense he's not as well developed as Cavanagh's whose been through this shit with The Flash for maybe decades at this point, plus he's trapped in the past, plus he's grown fond of Team Flash. Letscher is still an unhinged competitor to The Flash.


Fandoms can be pretty hard on female characters for a variety of reasons. Then again fandoms have gotten pretty terrible over the years.
Edit: Felicity and Laurel probably would've been written better if they never had romantic relationships with Oliver.

Who knows. Arrows writers screwed up Laurel as a viable love interest in the pilot when Oliver cheated on her with Sarah.
With Felicity it feels more like Castle where the writers were trying to come up with excuses why two compatible characters shouldn't be together for years. (Ray as Daniel Shaw 2.0, then the Stupid LoA stuff, then Baby Mama Drama, then Wheelchair Felicity)

Barry and Iris have a similar problem on the flash. Just get them together already.

In general there is enough bad writing in the Arrowverse that the only people largely immune from it are dead. ( or played by Caity Lotz, Wentworth Miller and Tom Cavanah)


just finished the flash.
arrow and legends will be tomorrow and friday most likely.

I know it didn't happen, but it would have been amazing if arrow's season finale had been replaced with a random episode starting off a alternate story line and next season followed that story line until Barry fixed the timelines in the season finale next season and arrow suddenly played this season's finale there (with a couple fixes to the story line)

I am actually kind of excited to catch back up with arrow since they went ahead and covered a main plot point in flash for it :p
I hope someone writes up a summary of what Hunter's plan and actions were; it seems so convoluted to me right now.

His plan was basically he's a fucking psychotic nut who wanted to rule the world, be the fastest man alive, torture Barry, and destroy the multiverse.

That's pretty much it.


I hope someone writes up a summary of what Hunter's plan and actions were; it seems so convoluted to me right now.

- I want Barry's speed. But I want him to be faster so I can take more.
Which became.
- I have Barry's speed, now I want to kill more people.
Which became.
- I want to fuck Caitlin.
Which became
- I want to conquer worlds because killing is boring and Caitlin is cold in bed.
Which became
- Let me just destroy those worlds.


I am Korean.
Proof is in the pudding too, Felicity and Laurel were both fairly well liked and awesome (in my book) when they weren't in romantic relationships with Oliver. See entire Laurel Black Canary arc and Felicity s1 and s2 lol.

The main thing that bugs me about Felicity is they basically turned her into Smallville Lana when she got involved.

"Tell me the truth!"

Does anyone operate like that outside of the CW?
I still don't understand the time remnant thing at all. Like wouldn't going back in time and bringing your past self to the present to die erase present you since past you never does the things necessary for present you to exist to go back in time to get past you...


I am Korean.
What I want to know is, what happens to the past timeline if present day Barry takes past version of Barry into the present day to use as a time remnant. Is that timeline left without a Flash??

Ugh. This time remnant stuff gives me a headache.

No. Then people just forget he existed but he's somehow fine otherwise.


I still don't understand the time remnant thing at all. Like wouldn't going back in time and bringing your past self to the present to die erase present you since past you never does the things necessary for present you to exist to go back in time to get past you...

Goes back a second, do everything that time-displaced Barry would need to do to get to the point where you went back in time.
I still don't understand the time remnant thing at all. Like wouldn't going back in time and bringing your past self to the present to die erase present you since past you never does the things necessary for present you to exist to go back in time to get past you...

A person in the present physically travels back in time a few seconds, as opposed to body jumping which Flash has done a couple of times. The person that traveled time is the time remnant. The remnant doesn't vanish from the present timeline, cuz speed force, even if the present version now doesn't travel backwards to create a remnant.
Getting OG Wells to create the partial accelerator accident should be fun. I hope the first run goes a little more Flashpoint this time,
unpowered Barry burned to near death
I like to imagine he'll do a RF in that after saving his mother he'll run back to the future (I can't believe I just typed that) only to suddenly lose his connection to the speedforce, or something.
This season as a whole as a giant step back from the stellar S1.

Zoom fell apart as a villain once the reveal happened, RF is leagues and bounds a better villain. Zoom just had better "beat the crap out of Barry" scenes and had more raw unintelligible menace, but he was at his best when he was barely a character.

Every other plot point in the season relies on Barry acting like a moron and the team letting him. Even in the finale where it looks like the team learns their lesson, he ends up doing the stupid crap anyways and then decides to effectively destroy the timeline at the end out of his guilt.

Cisco and dick-Wells saved the season.

Permanently A

Junior Member
This season as a whole as a giant step back from the stellar S1.

Zoom fell apart as a villain once the reveal happened, RF is leagues and bounds a better villain. Zoom just had better "beat the crap out of Barry" scenes and had more raw unintelligible menace, but he was at his best when he was barely a character.

Every other plot point in the season relies on Barry acting like a moron and the team letting him. Even in the finale where it looks like the team learns their lesson, he ends up doing the stupid crap anyways and then decides to effectively destroy the timeline at the end out of his guilt.

Cisco and dick-Wells saved the season.

Agreed. Enter Zoom and the Journey to Earth-2 arc were fantastic because we knew nothing about Zoom. He was a terrifying speed demon and that was about it. When Zoom was unmasked and his "motivations" became clear, well, things started going downhill fast. Mostly because Zoom's plans are pretty hamfisted and his motivation is "i'm crazy." Reverse Flash had a great motivation you could sympathize with, Zoom doesn't. And Zoom isn't anywhere near as competent as Eobard was. He just seems totally aimless the entire season - wants to steal the Flash's speed the first half, then wants to take over Earth - 1, then has a weird obsession that Barry is totally just like him, and then out of nowhere wants to blow up the multiverse in the last episode. How were you going to do that if Barry didn't have his speed?

Huge step down from Reverse Flash.


"I've finally come to grips with my mom dying"

*Fuck this, I'm gonna go back in time to save my mom.

"Zoom can create breaches between Earth-1 and Earth-2. Let's create a breach to send him to Earth-2 so we'll be safe."

With scientists like this, you don't need villains. Zoom, Reverse Flash, King Shark, they can all just sit back, have a coke and watch Cisco, Caitlin and Barry fuck up the planet.


Agreed. Enter Zoom and the Journey to Earth-2 arc were fantastic because we knew nothing about Zoom. He was a terrifying speed demon and that was about it. When Zoom was unmasked and his "motivations" became clear, well, things started going downhill fast. Mostly because Zoom's plans are pretty hamfisted and his motivation is "i'm crazy." Reverse Flash had a great motivation you could sympathize with, Zoom doesn't. And Zoom isn't anywhere near as competent as Eobard was. He just seems totally aimless the entire season - wants to steal the Flash's speed the first half, then wants to take over Earth - 1, then has a weird obsession that Barry is totally just like him, and then out of nowhere wants to blow up the multiverse in the last episode. How were you going to do that if Barry didn't have his speed?

Huge step down from Reverse Flash.

That's exactly why I liked zoom. I don't think every villain needs to have motivation you can sympathize with. Sometimes just having a crazy villain is fine and for me that's what zoom was. I think it would've been a mistake to try to humanize him like Eobard in the first season. Now I do still think Eobard is the better villain but I thought Zoom was great.
Zoom's main failing is that when he actually becomes a character they try to flesh out, he doesn't become a very interesting one.

When he was just a speed demon out of hell, he was far more menacing and scary - once we find out Teddy Sears is the man behind the mask, he lost most of his mystique IMO.

Crazy villains do work, Joker is a prime example, but their plans should be smart and their presence so overwhelming that you're on edge all the time even if he isn't there. They attempted to do something like this with Zoom, but Sears doesn't have the chops to pull it off and the writing did him no favors.

Permanently A

Junior Member
That's exactly why I liked zoom. I don't think every villain needs to have motivation you can sympathize with. Sometimes just having a crazy villain is fine and for me that's what zoom was. I think it would've been a mistake to try to humanize him like Eobard in the first season. Now I do still think Eobard is the better villain but I thought Zoom was great.

Its not that Zoom needs a motivation to sympathize with, its that he needs a clear and focused motivation, which he doesn't have. Anything he does is just backed up by "well he's crazy"


Zoom's main failing is that when he actually becomes a character they try to flesh out, he doesn't become a very interesting one.

When he was just a speed demon out of hell, he was far more menacing and scary - once we find out Teddy Sears is the man behind the mask, he lost most of his mystique IMO.

I liked Zoom all the way through but he definitely lost some of his mystique when he was revealed. I feel he would've lost the mystique no matter who was under the mask. Since they kept his identity a secret for over half the season we had to long to create our own theories about who he could be. After all that time it could probably never be as good as we hope. The reveal of a masked killer almost always makes the killer a little less interesting.

I feel like I'm not making my point as clearly as I'd like to but I hope you can find my point in there somewhere. I need sleep lol.

Its not that Zoom needs a motivation to sympathize with, its that he needs a clear and focused motivation, which he doesn't have. Anything he does is just backed up by "well he's crazy"

That's what I liked about it though. He's just a crazy guy who happened to get super speed.


Things that would have made this season better:

Flash losing his powers any other way than just giving them up like a chump to Zoom.
Zoom being more evil / unrelenting. He was like this before the reveal.
Make an excuse to delay him write him away temporarily if necessary but do not have him meandering around while the good guys are clearly trying to stop him.
No inside the time force episode. Was a weak way to write in him getting back his powers.
Barry should have killed Zoom. Could have used this in combination with grief of losing father as the catalyst for him going back in time to change the past thinking he is now capable.
Made no sense when he was confident before even killing Zoom.

Also how was Cisco and co forcing Zoom through the breach supposed to accomplish anything when Zoom has the power to open them himself?


That's what I liked about it though. He's just a crazy guy who happened to get super speed.

They lost that point when they did start explaining his motivations.

That's exactly why I liked zoom. I don't think every villain needs to have motivation you can sympathize with. Sometimes just having a crazy villain is fine and for me that's what zoom was. I think it would've been a mistake to try to humanize him like Eobard in the first season. Now I do still think Eobard is the better villain but I thought Zoom was great.

He lost his mother when his dad killed him. That was the point: humanizing him. Compare that to Eobard where we never did find out why he is upset with Barry.
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