Maybe it only works if you're the one grabbing your time remnant?
But my issue with this is that Eobard Thawne should not have been erased from existence when Eddie killed himself, because like you said, Eobard and the future had already happened, so why did Eddie offing himself mean that Eobard had to go too? Shit makes no sense.
I dare the writers to explain it tbh.
He is back where he was at the first season. Sole vigilante for the moment. Flash doesn't need to do anything for arrow to reach this point.
Someone put up the end of the flashpoint comic on Imgur, if you're interested. Even though the way the show handles it will undoubtedly be different, DON'T CLICK THE LINK IF YOU'RE GOING TO BITCH ABOUT SPOILERS!
Someone put up the end of the flashpoint comic on Imgur, if you're interested. Even though the way the show handles it will undoubtedly be different, DON'T CLICK THE LINK IF YOU'RE GOING TO BITCH ABOUT SPOILERS!
Someone put up the end of the flashpoint comic on Imgur, if you're interested. Even though the way the show handles it will undoubtedly be different, DON'T CLICK THE LINK IF YOU'RE GOING TO BITCH ABOUT SPOILERS!
Was a great scene in The Flashpoint Paradox too. Good movie.
- some answers
Yeah this what I was thinking, maybe since Flash has changed time so much that this is the new Flash missing?My current theory is that Barry will be in a divergent timeline for an episode or two while the rest of the Arrowverse and Flash cast continues on like normal. So when Barry gets back it'll be like he's lost six months or something.
If we don't get the letter scene it'll be one hell of a missed opportunity.
Not really answers, just speculation from actors. Writers are just getting into it now.
Technically Barry is correcting the timeline. The one we've been in these past two seasons is the "wrong" one.Won't there be like an army of Time Wraiths after Barry now? Dude has been seriously molesting the Speed Force. Like, it's not even funny, there should be a Time Wraith Lord after him by now at least, no?
Technically Barry is correcting the timeline. The one we've been in these past two seasons is the "wrong" one.
Won't there be like an army of Time Wraiths after Barry now? Dude has been seriously molesting the Speed Force. Like, it's not even funny, there should be a Time Wraith Lord after him by now at least, no?
No, we've never been in the "correct" timeline on the show.Is he correcting it? I thought his mother being dead was supposed to be the correct timeline?
The one where Weather Wizard tsunami'd the city was the correct timeline right?
Zoom's powers were very ill-definedZoom created a breach at will in the police station when Barry and Cisco were using bouncing waves on a specific frequency to incapacitate the Earth-2 villain metas, or do I remember wrong?
I hope supergirs entrance for the crossover is like one for wonder woman in BVS
Let's say hypothetically it was. Who should be the villain that Flash, Green Arrow, and Captain Cold are struggling to take down?
Let's say hypothetically it was. Who should be the villain that Flash, Green Arrow, and Captain Cold are struggling to take down?
I would guess some big alien villain, if Supergirl is involved I doubt they'd go mystical.
No, we've never been in the "correct" timeline on the show.
The original timeline has both of Barry's parents living and him becoming the Flash five years later than what we see on the show. Thawne travels back in time and kills Barry's mother, getting stuck and starting the events of season 1.
I think Barry's time remnant sacrificing himself would have had a lot more impact if Zoom didn't kill a bunch of his own time remnants without repercussions.Glad the one true Flash Jay Garrick got his name cleared up; but he should have had a part in helping Barry defeat Zoom, instead of some nonsensical time remnant helping him.
Super boy prime
*Man tears*Someone put up the end of the flashpoint comic on Imgur, if you're interested. Even though the way the show handles it will undoubtedly be different, DON'T CLICK THE LINK IF YOU'RE GOING TO BITCH ABOUT SPOILERS!
That would be fucking awesome lol
Could they use him?
Don't quote me on this, but I think Superboy is safe to use now. The rights for him were a mess for a long time, I think there was even a brief lawsuit over Smallville because it was essentially Superboy in everything except name. But I think Warner Bros got it all straightened out.
I'd like to see them figure a way to get Supergirl and her cast merged into the Arrowverse without bringing over Superman. Superboy Prime as a villain would be brilliant though.
They really need to kill her cousin. It is something I wish had already happened before Supergirl started, that she would appear in a world where she had to defeat the thing that killed her cousin.
They came up with a reason already: Superman sucks and would just get owned in this universe.They really do. It's the biggest strike against Supergirl and its storytelling. They have to create big threats, but then come up with reasons why Superman isn't helping Kara. I'd rather they just say he was dead or off world over him sending text messages. If you can't show it all, don't tease us.
Someone put up the end of the flashpoint comic on Imgur, if you're interested. Even though the way the show handles it will undoubtedly be different, DON'T CLICK THE LINK IF YOU'RE GOING TO BITCH ABOUT SPOILERS!
"Barry doesn't think before he feels."
Would've been nice if Kev had seen Arrow for the Flashpoint discussion, talking about bringing Martha and Thomas in because?
At the same time, Oliver won't have the same emotional impact for losing his parents. They were dead when he was an adult.
Still kinda fucked up having to hang out with your dad''s corpse on a flotation device after witnessing him sacrifice his life for you. And seeing your former survival buddy kill your mom when you had the chance to stop him before. Actually it can still kind of work.
Olivers dad barely matters on an emotional level to these characters tbh
Flashpoint green arrow should be Tommy
I agree with this. It's time to see Alpha Tommy.
Can we also get Black Siren back please. I'll never stop asking this question until they bring her back![]()
At the same time, Oliver won't have the same emotional impact for losing his parents. They were dead when he was an adult.