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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Barry will always be dumb. But at least we had Patty being adorable. Now we don't even have that anymore.

Season 3 Jay Garrick versus Zoom Patty, please.


I really liked Patty, but in hindsight, her role was totally pointless. I was hoping she would come back in the back half of the season and factor into the plot, somehow.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Don't worry, I'm sure Patty will be back next season when she calls in a bomb threat just to talk to Barry again.


Our heroes can seal the breachs.
That's what they did when they sent him back. It's why they were fine with sacrificing Joe.

Zoom kept Joe alive because he knew Barry would come for him.
He used Joe as bait so Barry could reopen the breach (thru Cisco)

But zoom just makes breaches whenever he wants. He did so at the police station and in this episode talked about switching universes as well to get jay flash.

Maybe it was explained.... Just was hard to follow during first watch.


They just never convinced me of the Iris love story. It was just the gross "We're destined to be together so I guess we should just be together" stuff. That's like anti-romance.


They specifically showed her still alive, so I have hope. Love for her to show up in Legends as a reformed hero in the future.


She'd be better as a villain!

I haven't watched Arrow in a long time but Black Siren was everything Black Canary wasn't: Great costume, visual FX for the Cry and overall tons of style. She nailed Black Siren. NAILED IT.


it's your fault Black Siren exist though.

the fans hatred for laurel killed her

I thought Laurel was fine when they moved away from her romance stuff with Oliver and then her alcoholic story arc was done.

The major issue with her (while I was watching) was her costume was not good and her Canary Cry had no visual effects at all so it looked REALLY stupid.


Ok, finally caught up on Flash/Arrow finales (still 4 episodes behind on Legends)


-To me, Barry's decision at the end wasn't a retcon for the character (especially compared to 2 episodes before when he said he finally dealt with his mothers death), but more that he was lying to himself and putting this facade out there because he felt it was the only thing he had left to feel. Once his dad was killed the same fashion, he channeled the hate for Zoom into giving himself a fleeting moment of happiness, without realizing the consequences.

-Zoom was a good villain, but I kind of felt a little disappointed in the end with his arc.

-I really hope this is not the last of Wells character, but the way the ending was written, it sounds like it might be at least for a while.

-I'm assuming with the mention that the Earth's are "infinite" season 3 is going to focus on an eventual "crisis" storyline since we essentially got Flashpoint at the end of season 2.

Overall, I thought it was a great episode. Much better than Arrow.


Not reading anything in this topic, but I've just binge watched almost the entirety of Season 1 (I'm on the last episode 'Fast Enough'). I've enjoyed this show way more than I thought I would. I feel like they gave away the reverse-flash reveal too early, but it was still hype as fuck to see Wells in his little secret room with the suit early on, lol.

the craziest part so far for me was when wells kills cisco in the timeline that barry later abandons. that shit had me on the edge of my seat and screaming.

iris is annoying and i hope she gets out of the show (lmao)
caitlin is fine but i hope her and barry never become a thing because cringe

does anyone else ship eddie and barry? because i do :|

okay off to watch the last episode of the season! peace out, flashgaf

edit: oh i forgot to put my guess as to how they defeat reverse flash for good:
kill eddie ;(


I haven't watched Arrow in a long time but Black Siren was everything Black Canary wasn't: Great costume, visual FX for the Cry and overall tons of style. She nailed Black Siren. NAILED IT.

Indeed. It allowed her to cut loose more.


the ending of season 1


i can't believe y'all had to wait 5 months lmao

edit: barry goin back in time had me cryin ;(


Legends of Tomorrow worth watching? I've got a lot of TV shows on my plate to feast on.

Starts a bit disjointed, could use a bit more time on some episodes. Kicks in overdrives the last couple of episodes. If you like Snart, Sara, HeatWave, you'll love it.

She's barely legal, you know.
She's 19.
Legal is the keyword. She just turned 20th two weeks ago by the way.
Legends of Tomorrow worth watching? I've got a lot of TV shows on my plate to feast on.

Its pretty bad. They try to stretch like six episodes of material over an entire season. The last couple are better though. I'd watch those ahead of season 2 if given the chance.


Even though it will probably set up a very cool storyline I really hope that whatever happened so far has not been wiped out with these time shenanigans. It is like writers don't look at what pissed off fans the most in the history of Television. The most famous season was a fake out was Dallas S9. That pissed off sooooo many people at the time, viewership dropped afterwards and this has the opportunity to do the same. That storyline and payoff better be pretty fucking dope if you are going to pull this kind of thing.


Arrow has the perfect opportunity to use this to go back to its "roots". However I think what would be best is minimal change and a Mega cross over for 3-4 episodes, Supergirl timeslot ,Flash timeslot, Arrow timeslot, and Legends timeslot. That way they have plenty of time to fill in the blanks and issues. Basically a 4 week set up in 4 days. Then move on to the new earth and new shows like normal.


Arrow has the perfect opportunity to use this to go back to its "roots". However I think what would be best is minimal change and a Mega cross over for 3-4 episodes, Supergirl timeslot ,Flash timeslot, Arrow timeslot, and Legends timeslot. That way they have plenty of time to fill in the blanks and issues. Basically a 4 week set up in 4 days. Then move on to the new earth and new shows like normal.
The finale already put Arrow on such a point where they can reset if they wanted to.


Not reading anything in this topic, but I've just binge watched almost the entirety of Season 1 (I'm on the last episode 'Fast Enough'). I've enjoyed this show way more than I thought I would. I feel like they gave away the reverse-flash reveal too early, but it was still hype as fuck to see Wells in his little secret room with the suit early on, lol.

the craziest part so far for me was when wells kills cisco in the timeline that barry later abandons. that shit had me on the edge of my seat and screaming.

iris is annoying and i hope she gets out of the show (lmao)
caitlin is fine but i hope her and barry never become a thing because cringe

does anyone else ship eddie and barry? because i do :|

okay off to watch the last episode of the season! peace out, flashgaf

edit: oh i forgot to put my guess as to how they defeat reverse flash for good:
kill eddie ;(

Stop it man! You're making me miss season one. It was soooooo good


Don't worry, I'm sure Patty will be back next season when she calls in a bomb threat just to talk to Barry again.

actually given that they set up iris and barry route at the end I imagine after flashpoint barry will just be married to patty or something and thus while he goes through flashpoint he falls for patty again so when he corrects it again he can have lots of romance drama and potentially put a wedge between both girls so we can restart the will they won't they with iris and patty.


It seems like the CW super-show OTs are so caught up in trying to call out all the Ls being caught that people rarely stop to try and think that these events are anything other than bad writing.

I don't really see what Barry did at the end of the episode to be some huge betrayal of his character development. Barry was pretty clearly not thinking rationally at any point during the finale, something that was pushed when the team locked him up before he went off half cocked at the beginning of the episode. This is clearly a guy who thinks he had everything together, then his Dad is murdered suddenly and its like, "Fuck it, I can't handle this."


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Shouldn't I be able to come in here and not expect unmarked Arrow spoilers? I'm assuming this is an Arrow finale spoiler.

Um I really hope you didn't spoil something from Arrow in a flash thread. I haven't watched the Arrow finale yet..

Is giving you the answer to whether it is or isn't a spoiler another spoiler?

If so, here's your answer:
it's not


Is giving you the answer to whether it is or isn't a spoiler another spoiler?

If so, here's your answer:
it's not

Gonna watch it now

Probably took it out of context. It's the first post I saw and the funny thing is, I'm not even spoiler sensitive. But it's a finale and yeah.

My bad

- J - D -

I hope Barry spends more time inside the speed force next season. Doing pushups under increased gravity, with speed force ghost sitting on his back.


in legends of tomorrows, if they've been going back in time and fucking shit up without it affecting flash and arrow
i dont see why not they'd do flashpoint without affecting the other shows


So, finished Flash S2 now. I did like S2 and I also liked the finale, but overall it was a weaker season compared to the first one. Still have to watch legends, I am at what, episode 11 or something?

Anyway, Flash S2 is still miles above Arrow so far. And Legends is also rather weak in comparison.


in legends of tomorrows, if they've been going back in time and fucking shit up without it affecting flash and arrow
i dont see why not they'd do flashpoint without affecting the other shows
That's because they travel time across the timestream, flash uses the speedforce with it's time wraiths.


Tagged as I see fit
But my issue with this is that Eobard Thawne should not have been erased from existence when Eddie killed himself, because like you said, Eobard and the future had already happened, so why did Eddie offing himself mean that Eobard had to go too? Shit makes no sense.

I dare the writers to explain it tbh.

Also, I find it incredibly unbelievable that past versions of Hunter Zolomon would agree to be killed.

Maybe it only works if you're the one grabbing your time remnant?
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