The more I see that promo the more obvious it is
. Though that's a total guess
that Henry is totally gonna die due to Barry's overconfidence
Of course she's coming back. The Flash is a ten year show, it'll mine anything and everything it has and a popular character is a lock for that.
i wouldn't even wish this punishment upon my most hated enemies
- Promo for this week's episode.Season 2: episode 22 "Invincible"
After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canarys Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.
She is meant for greater things. Any day now, The CW is going to renew The Messengers.
We all know who is better.
I'm not sure if she's a regular or not but she's in the Timeless pilot which NBC picked up.
Well, her death is in this official promotional Flash material. We can now talk it without problems.I hope this was written before [Arrow spoilers if anyone cares or somehow doesn't know already].they killed Laurel on Arrow and a certain group of fans used "byebyebirdie" as a hashtag to antagonize people who were unhappy about it
Doesn't she die in the trailer?I'm not sure if she's a regular or not but she's in the Timeless pilot which NBC picked up.
Preview Spoiler
Maaaaan, Barry is cocky as heck in that trailer. He is about to get the rug pulled out from under him to setup the season finale. I can feel it in my bones. If someone ever says they can't lose, they're about to.
Good thing he has sparesIf someone ever says they can't lose, they're about to lose a father figure.
So after tonight's episode, are we going to get an announcement about Katie Cassidy signing a contract similar to Wentworth Miller's where she can show up on any show as Black Siren?
I don't think so. They did that with Miller to make sure they can always use him over Prison Break. Katie Cassidy's agenda won't be that full.
But Black Canary is a huge part of Arrow mythology >.>
So you're saying give Caity Lotz the special contract? Great. I'm down for that.
Dinah Lance, so Alex Kingston.But Black Canary is a huge part of Arrow mythology >.>
Preview Spoiler
Maaaaan, Barry is cocky as heck in that trailer. He is about to get the rug pulled out from under him to setup the season finale. I can feel it in my bones. If someone ever says they can't lose, they're about to.
That and he's a huge part of Flash mythology and no longer needs to be full time. I don't think they're too worried about small run Prison Break. Fox isn't giving these original cast revivals big orders. If Katie Cassidy got that deal it would be public, but she's not as important nor is there story justification.
btw Wentworth Miller is back on Flash next year as Cold under a series regular for all Arrowverse shows deal for those not in the know. If you wanna know why, Legends, spoilers etc.
If Katie got a deal similar to Wentworht it would be embargoed until after tonight's Flash airs, just like Miller's was with last week's Legends.
You guys know I wasn't serious right? I'll be amazed if Black Siren survives tonight's episode, let alone lasts long enough for Katie to come back next season.
Here's a couple clips from tonight's episode
Barry already getting wrecked by black siren lol.
Spoiler about masked guy that I'm about for a week now. Careful
its Henry Allen from earth 2 who is he real jay Garrick. Hunter Z stole his name simply as that
Spoiler about masked guy that I'm about for a week now. Careful
its Henry Allen from earth 2 who is he real jay Garrick. Hunter Z stole his name simply as that
So much for not wanting me to tell anyone, you wanted the glory to yourself!
So much for not wanting me to tell anyone, you wanted the glory to yourself!
Let's be honest,. I win.I called John Wesley Shipp being Jay Garrick back in July 2015
I can't believe you've just revealed Henry Allen is the Patty Spivot of Earth-2
What?Don't get me wrong though, I believe it.If Earth-2 Henry Allen is actually Jay Garrick than who the bajeesus is Earth-2 Barry's dad? I mean is Jay Garrick now the father of Earth-2 Barry Allen? That'd be weird. And if so how did Barry get the Allen surname? OR... or... does Earth-2 Barry have a different dad? BUT HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?!?!
Doesn't she die in the trailer?
Teddy Sears is growing into that Zoom role. It is one of the first monologues where he convinces.
so calling that spoiler "speculation" a few days ago was just a way to try and save face for the people that were upset over jay's identity being spoiled? I think everyone at this point figured that would happen anyway so it's no big deal.
Let's be honest,. I win.I called John Wesley Shipp being Jay Garrick back in July 2015
This is a comic book show no ever really dies