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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Yeah as we learned in the crossover, STAR Labs has infinite resources basically.

Why Barry needs a CSI job he doesn't do most of the time is beyond me.

It was one of Smallville's best episodes, but damn was it heartbreaking.

Oh I agree and I guess it needed to happen on Smallville. It would just hurt a LOT more because I (sure many others do as well) like Joe so much more then Jonathan.
Had to go get coffee.

- Cisco fucking up hard.
- HR with the truth Joe needs to hear.
- Julian is taking this Killer Frost thing real well.
"Everything you took from me." Who is Savitar? Barry is holding Ls he hasn't even conceived of yet.

On the prophecy, I think it's all about the West family!

One shall betray you: Wally
One shall fall: Joe
One will suffer a fate far worse than death: Iris

"Throw it in the speed force." And we wonder why the speed force is so powerful. Flashes just dropping random powerful shit into it. Y'all didn't even tape it shut.


I like DC movies more than most, but Smallville's Jonathan stomps Kevin "let people die" Costner's Pa Kent so hard. Smallville you're like, yes, this is the father of a hero. Man of Steel? Oh I'm surprised he didn't turn into Lex.

Access to crime scenes.

He has Joe for that.

The original WB Dadster.

Once again, John Wesley Shipp is the fastest man alive.

Huh. Let me amend that.

On the prophecy, I think it's all about the West family!

One shall betray you: Wally
One shall fall: Iris
One will suffer a fate far worse than death: Joe


I like DC movies more than most, but Smallville's Jonathan stomps Kevin "let people die" Costner's Pa Kent so hard. Smallville you're like, yes, this is the father of a hero. Man of Steel? Oh I'm surprised he didn't turn into Lex.

He has Joe for that.

Once again, John Wesley Shipp is the fastest man alive.

I keep forgetting he was Dawson's dad and there was even a reference to it this season too.


"Everything you took from me." Who is Savitar? Barry is holding Ls he hasn't even conceived of yet.

On the prophecy, I think it's all about the West family!

One shall betray you: Wally
One shall fall: Joe
One will suffer a fate far worse than death: Iris

I could see this. Yeah.

The only other outcome I can imagine is Barry is the one who "falls" (at least for half of a season), forcing Wally to take up the mantle to not only honor Barry, but also atone for where he effed for real...


this felt like a classic Flash episode. and we even got our yearly Mark Hamill guest spot in :D

really appreciated things ending on a positive note for everybody

- Joe has his hot girlfriend
- Wally isn't getting fucked over by the adults anymore and gets his costume
- Caitlin isn't that afraid of her ice powers anymore
- drunk HR
- Barry is snug as hell with Iris and they got their own place

shit's about to go down in the second half though when Savitar's prophecy comes back into play


Hey, The Present was a great name for a time-traveling episode during Christmas. God, I was dreading the hammer dropping on Christmas but it never did.

Loved when Jay tried to escape Savitar after lying on the ground and he just snagged him out the air. Another solid bodying.


Junior Member
I'm pretty sure Caitlin is gonna be the one who betrays the team. As for who dies, Barry's probably gonna do everything in his power to save Iris, which may come at the cost of someone else's life.....& I fear that it may be Joe's.


The way the scene was cut (not a direct indicator, but maybe a hint):
One shall betray you: Wally
One shall fall: Cisco
One will suffer a fate far worth than death: Caitlin then Iris
That was a really great episode, easily the best of this season (not counting the cross over).

I liked how they setup what everyones going to be looking out for now for the rest of the season with who will betray him, who will die, who will suffer a fate worse then death thing although isn't that kinda something they hinted at with arrow and the new recruits (One will die, one will live, and one will betray Oliver?).

So as to who will do what....

Betray: Either Julian or Wally or HR (it seems odd that Wally wasn't directly mentioned/shown in the future but that might be just to keep people speculating, HR just out of fear in general)
Fall (Die right?): Julian or Joe (PLEASE GOD NOT JOE!!)
Fate worse then death: Julian or Wally or HR

Either way I'll be fucking shocked if Julian makes it out of this season unscathed although I do deeply enjoy him as a character for not letting Barry get away with any of his normal bull shit.

Also really glad they didn't try and keep the secret of him being Alchemy around for most of the season and try to use it as something to pull the rug out from under everyone since it was super obvious. Really enjoy the idea that Savitar came back to the past to fuck up Barry because future Barry fucked him up. Jesus future Barry what the shit.
The way the scene was cut (not a direct indicator, but maybe a hint):
One shall betray you: Wally
One shall fall: Cisco
One will suffer a fate far worth than death: Caitlin then Iris

Yeah, that's how I saw it too but I can see MHWilliam's POV too.

I'm willing to bet that this will lead to Barry in jail somehow.

I'm also curious why Jay never really showed or allowed Barry to find more stuff about the Speed Force. One has to wonder how Jay knows so much despite being an older Flash. There has to be a Speed Force library and we need it!


Junior Member
Oh god, I didn't even think of Cisco. Him dying would be a dick move considering that he's on the verge of being Vibe. They even gave us a full season of Black Canary before killing her off (which I'm still mad about).
The way the scene was cut (not a direct indicator, but maybe a hint):
One shall betray you: Wally
One shall fall: Cisco
One will suffer a fate far worth than death: Caitlin then Iris

actually, I think the third ones going to tragically be Julian due to his extended exposure to the philosophers stone.

The Light

Everyone time traveling to mess with Barry in the past yet Barry can't even chill with his parents. One thing for sure future Barry must be that dude. Speedsters hate him so much.


What if Barry gets the fate worse than death? I can see him losing his speed (again) and maybe ending up in prison, finally paying off the flash forward?


Neo Member
What if Barry gets the fate worse than death? I can see him losing his speed (again) and maybe ending up in prison, finally paying off the flash forward?

Or maybe Barry will become the lighthing bolt that gave him his powers in the first place dyet to the possible Infinite Earth crisis. Wally can take over for S4 and he and the gang can find a way to save Barry.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
- Iris is all I want for Christmas. I like that they used her skills as a journalist to move the plot. Very organic way to make use of the character
- The speed force keeps Wally's lineup very fresh. I like H.R. training him too
- Jay's suit looks better without the helmet. He really looks like he could handle himself
- Burning through the plot at a good pace, me likey
- Cisco immediately telling Caitlin and then bonding over their losses was good character development
- Guess we have our hook for the season finale. Stop the future.
- Julian & Caitlin romance coming. Calling it now. He'll be dead soon, confirming the prophecy of Savitar and continuing Caitlin's Dead Boyfriend Streak

I really enjoyed this episode. Best of the season, easily. All the character arc lined up very nicely.


It was a lovely feel good episode. Flash still the best superhero show on TV.

Malfoy and Philosopher's stone, was I the only one that noticed the Harry Potter parallels?


Hey I didn't make the Garrick vs Savitar gifs for a reason, nobody wants to see grandpa Flash being beat down on repeat.
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