She's totally set up for that but I don't think we'll see it until next year.
I don't see them movingVictor Garber's contract, he'll probably stick to Legends.
Flash Vet Teases Return: 'Now I Can Say It: I'm Coming Back'
Yo! Big potential spoiler here;is coming back for Season 3! SourceEddie
Wow Sephzilla, trying to steal Joni's spotlight. Great returning character.
I wish I could get on board with this but I can't. Fucking with the future is by far the most idiotic thing ever considering he was just fucking with the past.
Ugh, just watched the new trailer. I'm starting to get annoyed at this show. It's like barry never learns his fucking lesson.
Like he tries to go into the past multiple times to change things and now hes living in a timeline thats directly impacted by his mistake. Okay. Cisco gets mad at him because his brother is dead because of barry, and barry has to take that. Now he learns he can go into the future, wants to go there to save iris - when other flash told him that future is only ONE possibility and that it could mess things up. Like did he forget everything he just messed up?
Does he ever learn from his mistakes? He feels stupid fucking up the past so now hes just gonna go to the future and do the same thing again? I don't get it man he's a freaking idiot and I'm tired of the same old mistakes being made. And from the sounds of it messing with the future should be off-limits as its more dangerous than messing with the past.
So dumb. This guy time travels more than the Legends. I'm surprised Barry isn't the number one enemy on their list, actually.
Episode #317 of The Flash, entitled Duet, will be directed by Dermott Downs and is highlighted by singing performances from Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Jesse L. Martin, Victor Garber, Carlos Valdes, Jeremy Jordan, and John Barrowman, while also including non-singing guest star appearances from Supergirls David Harewood and Chris Wood.
Okay, Time to look at the musical talent pool again:
Melissa Benoist (Super Girl)
Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers)
Calista Flockhart (Cat Grant)
Jeremy Jordan (Winslow Schott Jr.) - I actually know the guy playing piano in this clip. His brother and cousin were in my classes.
Sharon Leal (M'gann M'orzz )
Chris Wood (Mon-El)
Grant Gustin (Flash)
Jesse L. Martin (Joe West)
Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon)
Keiynan Lionsdale (Wally West)
Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells)
Rick Costnett (Dead Eddie Thawne)
John Wesley Shipp (Henry Allen, Jay Garrick)
Stephen Amell (Green Arrow)
John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn)
Katie Cassidy (Black Canary/Siren)
Colton Haynes (Arsenal)
Alex Kingston (Dinah Drake-Lance)
Legends of Tomorrow
Arthur Darvill (Rip Hunter)
Victor Garber (Martin Stein)
Caity Lotz (White Canary)
Ciara Renee (Hawkgirl)
Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold)
Shame it's not Joss directing.
Shame it's not Joss directing.
Joss is terrible
He made one great film and then made pooped on everything ever since
Ollie should have kryptonite and anti-speedster tech to be honest. Something for the Legends as well. It suits the character to have contingency plans, and both Flash and Supergirl have gone bad before.
Then afterward they adapt it into Tower of Babel for an epic crossover.
Ollie already has anti-speedster arrows. Made by Ray Palmer. He used them on Reverse Flash in season one. The writers just need to remember that they have them.
Ollie should have kryptonite and anti-speedster tech to be honest. Something for the Legends as well. It suits the character to have contingency plans, and both Flash and Supergirl have gone bad before.
Then afterward they adapt it into Tower of Babel for an epic crossover.
Oliver is probably an asshole that told Ray they didn't work while keeping a huge secret stash.Ollie already has anti-speedster arrows. Made by Ray Palmer. He used them on Reverse Flash in season one. The writers just need to remember that they have them.
They could make the Tower of Babel into a crossover and have Justice Society to be formed by the new heroes in the end of the crossover.
However, which villain can steal Oliver's plans? Merlyn, maybe? He can form a small team of villains like the animated movie that adapted Tower of Babel and try to conquer the world after he defeats the heroes. So, it will be a world-threatening threat and not just Green Arrow's problem.
Yeah have everyone from Flash/Legends/Supergirl in a team except Ollie is on the outs... until they miraculously need him for the next crossover and he's back in.
Merlyn is the most likely candidate who's still alive (Savage and Ra's both gone) because he's the most familiar with Oliver's MO and has easy access to his base, but really any big bad could do it.
I would guess on Prometheus but he won't be around by next time.
Merlyn is the most likely candidate who's still alive (Savage and Ra's both gone) because he's the most familiar with Oliver's MO and has easy access to his base, but really any big bad could do it.
Prometheus is probably the villain it'd work for least of all, he's all personal toward Ollie. Taking out all the heroes for world domination doesn't mean much for him.
He'd however love to get his friends geared against him. Getting him isolated.
Awww look at our little Crisco, Killer Frost, Kid Flash, and White Canary doing good work.