Why is speculation in spoiler tags, it's very confusing.
Savitar is Barry from the timeline where he picked Patty over Iris
I'll take itSavitar is the OG future Barry that fought the Reverse Flash in his childhood home. Dude sees Barry visit the scene like 5 times and keeps fucking shit up.
BARRY TURNS TO THE SPEED FORCE - Desperate to stop Savitar and save his friends, Barry (Grant Gustin) turns to the speed force for answers, and the speed force tells him to get fucked. H.R. (Tom Cavanagh) gives Jesse (guest star Violett Beane) some advice. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Brooke Roberts & Judalina Neira (#316). Original airdate 3/14/2017.
Who knows what faces will return when tonight we venture...
#3.16 "Into the Speed Force"
Episode Promo
I can't wait for Speed Force to scold and lecture BarryWho knows what faces will return when tonight we venture...
#3.16 "Into the Speed Force"
Episode Promo
I can't wait for Speed Force to scold and lecture Barry
I can't wait for Speed Force to scold and lecture Barry
You know what this show needs? It needs a shake up. 3 seasons in and the team is still Barry, Wells, Snow and Cisco, with every episode them telling Barry to run faster.
You know what this show needs? It needs a shake up. 3 seasons in and the team is still Barry, Wells, Snow and Cisco, with every episode them telling Barry to run faster.
Time for them to introduce a new friendly character as a mentor, who then turns out to be obviously evil!
"Another victim Barry Allen failed to save"
Well cements that Savitar is someone Barry fucked over.
They should introduce some who appears obviously evil, who then turns out to be a mentor!
Inside "Into the Speed Force"
Shower Barry Shower should be used after a long training session._______ Barry, _______! Needs to be more prevalent.
Sit Barry, sit.
Eat Barry, eat.
Shower Barry, shower.
Laugh Barry, laugh.
You know what this show needs? It needs a shake up. 3 seasons in and the team is still Barry, Wells, Snow and Cisco, with every episode them telling Barry to run faster.
Shower Barry Shower should be used after a long training session.
We better get a damn reveal tonight.
Unnecessarily flashy opening shot lol.