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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Maybe he was the Flash that died in the Zoom battle. He couldn't be the Flashpoint Barry because he said Flashpoint taught him that he could use Kid Flash as a replacement.


Did you guys see me in Injustice 2

When Reverse Flash is to the left side getting ready to hit Barry he has his thighs spread apart as if he's standing...Yet he is moving as fast as flash. Dafaq? :p
I've always envisioned a scene like this for a Flash movie. Freeway fight scene with cars is a no brainer. It's a set piece that's too complex for tv but would perfect for a dumb blockbuster.

a highway "car chase" scene but with runners lol. yeah it's gotta happen in the flash movie.
I think theyre just messing with us at this point, it cant be someone we know for a third season now. I really dont think its future barry or alternate barry either. Plus didnt Jay say he was the first person granted speed? So hed have to be older than Jay right? Unless theyre going to retcon that.
Also I followed Tom Cavanaghs fb page, I think its a fan page but they posted some photos of episode 3x19
Its just Barry standing at a cemetery, im guessing visiting his parents?
not sure if this was known already.
Calling it now, after rewatching the episode:

Savitar is
Wally West. This whole attempt by Barry to stop Savitar from killing Iris by putting all this pressure on Wally causes him to crack. Savitar also stated "I created myself", which Savitar technically gave Wally his speed. It also keeps Wally as "Fastest Man Alive" without overshadowing Barry.

I know it falls under Predestination paradox, but at least that's a better solution then LOL TIME REMNANTS.


Calling it now, after rewatching the episode:

Savitar is
Wally West. This whole attempt by Barry to stop Savitar from killing Iris by putting all this pressure on Wally causes him to crack. Savitar also stated "I created myself", which Savitar technically gave Wally his speed. It also keeps Wally as "Fastest Man Alive" without overshadowing Barry.

I know it falls under Predestination paradox, but at least that's a better solution then LOL TIME REMNANTS.

So if Savitar is
even though
he speaks to Wally as Wallace which Wally doesn't even like.
The timeline would be:
  1. While Wally is trapped in the Speedforce from Savitar, he becomes Savitar out of a hatred for Barry
    Barry then fights future Savitar while present Savitar exits
    there would be 2 Savitars?????
    Barry traps current Savitar in the speedforce
    Speedforce Savitar uses Flashpoint as a way to try and escape?
    Savitar gives Wally his speed
    OG Savitar is still tied to the Philosoper stone even though Future Savitar was
Calling it now, after rewatching the episode:

Savitar is
Wally West. This whole attempt by Barry to stop Savitar from killing Iris by putting all this pressure on Wally causes him to crack. Savitar also stated "I created myself", which Savitar technically gave Wally his speed. It also keeps Wally as "Fastest Man Alive" without overshadowing Barry.

I know it falls under Predestination paradox, but at least that's a better solution then LOL TIME REMNANTS.
Eddie shooting himself and getting sucked in would have created himself too.


That was a decent episode. At least it's picking up after all the trash episodes recently. I feel like I can't enjoy Flash without a speedster as the villain. I just genuinely can't comprehend how Grodd even touches Barry or Gypsy.

Savitar is probably Wally or Barry. I don't know how though. This Savitar is the one that Barry from the future traps right? And now he's going to create the Savitar of our Barry's timeline? It would make sense for it to be Wally then. But I don't understand why he'd want to kill his sister lol.


Yoooo the Savitar live-action suit looks amazing. The guy wearing it must be some kind of tank.

Good episode but you could tell the whole thing was just setting up the last five minutes. At least the payoff was worth it.
I dont get it.

Why is Barry such an asshole to everyone in this season? Like he always tells Wally "Dont do that. Dont do this" even though he is doing the exact same shit.
He feels like a selfish prick in that season. He tells everyone "Do what I tell you to do. I can handle that. You others. Dont do that! I hate that!"
Even if the writers want us to not like him, I dont think its well written.


I hope they surprise us. We don't know savitar but he is created by future Barry fucking around. So like Wells without hiding in sight.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Please, we all know who Savitar really is,
the donkey from last year's crossover episode


Chili Con Carnage!
Savitar being
Barry would also make sense because it would mean at some point in the future he traps himself in the speedforce which totally sounds like something Barry would do.


Well, they were thinking of making Zoom E2 Barry in the early days of season 2, if I recall correctly, but Fraud Garrick won.
It's Barry time.


Well, they were thinking of making Zoom E2 Barry in the early days of season 2, if I recall correctly, but Fraud Garrick won.
It's Barry time.
Did they really why did decide against it it would have been better and more interesting the League of Jays.
Yeah there is actually no way the reveal will be satisfying.
It would be somehwat shocking at least, though his identity shouldn't be a mystery imo, after Zoom and somewhat R, i would prefer if we are clear on the idnentity and just spend less time trying to string along mysteries and trying to be shocking.


Oh god there's even more clues in his dialogue.

"Only one of us could live" - Flashpoint
"It's me. It's always been me, Barry." - is he talking to Barry, or talking about himself?

That said it feels like making Savitar be future Barry would be redundant. He's already the biggest villain on his own show.
I'm hoping Savitar ends up being Joe who is still pissed that Barry didn't ask for his daughter's hand in marriage, like this is the 1950's.

Maybe if every bad guy didn't have to be a part of Team Flash the writers could come up with something satisfying.


The best reveal would still be that we don't know Savitar yet. He is unmasked and defeated after which we see him next year as a new regular.
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