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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.

Cute episode, though the ending was way overdone, even by Flash/Arrowverse standards. Hadn't Barry proposed the first time just days earlier? Iris was acting more surprised and bowled over by last night than she was the first time :lol

That should have been the first time really. Lol even her reaction made it look like it

Dumbass flash writers botching the engagement the first time. The musical really fixed things


Meh, I liked how they did this with just part of their regulars. No need to bring on separate people.

I mean you can't really get more personal for Kara. If Supergirl gets a musical fantasy episode, she could hit a very touching note. The parental female stuff was always one of Supergirl's differentiators and with no Benanti or Flockhart it's very lacking right now. Sorry Slater.

Also Barrowman had no place in the episode but we just rolled with it because he's so darn charming


Junior Member
That should have been the first time really. Lol even her reaction made it look like it

Dumbass flash writers botching the engagement the first time. The musical really fixed things
Once again, thanks, Music Meister!

I mean you can't really get more personal for Kara. If Supergirl gets a musical fantasy episode, she could hit a very touching note. The parental female stuff was always one of Supergirl's differentiators and with no Benanti or Flockhart it's very lacking right now. Sorry Slater.

Also Barrowman had no place in the episode but we just rolled with it because he's so darn charming
Plus Barrowman is just an awesome musical theatre actor.


Junior Member
you can't deny the Barrowman
This. You also don't deny Jeremy Jordan, Jessie L. Martin, or Victor Garber.

Also, I just got some of the songs from the album. I'll probably get the rest of the album once I count the leftover cash from buying the GotG Vol. 2 tickets (whenever they come out).
Finally got around to watching the episode. It was fun and lighthearted. I enjoyed it and Darren across is great as the charming asshole. Hope he comes back and messes with other Arrowverse shows (or even just Flash again).

There weren't a lot of songs, but I seem to remember how stressful musical episodes are to put together and film. The Buffy musical was supposedly super stressful and harrowing for the actors and writers, but I would think it'd be different for Flash since a lot of these people had musical experience.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I absolutely hated the musical episode, I can't remember the last time I disliked an episode of a show I enjoy so much.


Really enjoyed the episode, and as a mushy Disney fan, dat ending song along with proposal. ;_;

They should have just saved the proposal for this episode. The first one was so meh. Should have just done a regular break up-get back together if they wanted to break them up for this episode pay off.
Cute episode, though the ending was way overdone, even by Flash/Arrowverse standards. Hadn't Barry proposed the first time just days earlier? Iris was acting more surprised and bowled over by last night than she was the first time :lol

Right? It felt like that scene was filmed before the episode where they came up with the first proposal was done.


I mean, Zero's not wrong, it would have been nice to have Alura do a song.

I mean you can't really get more personal for Kara. If Supergirl gets a musical fantasy episode, she could hit a very touching note. The parental female stuff was always one of Supergirl's differentiators and with no Benanti or Flockhart it's very lacking right now. Sorry Slater.

In a Supergirl-only context, yes. But here I liked how they kept it to the cross-over. And we need bARROWman for the complete crossover.

- J - D -

I wish they would've blown this out to a larger scale. It felt quaint as it was and more than a little slipshod an endeavor to throw in as many theatrically trained singers/dancers in the cast as they could rather than including characters for thoughtful reasons that served both character and plot. "Malcom" and "Stein"? No reason for them to appear since they (or their likenesses to be exact) don't mean as much to Barry/Kara compared to, say, Wells, Caitlyn, Ollie, Alex, Jimmy Olsen.

It all sounded so heavily processed anyway so autotuning actors who aren't trained singers wouldn't have been that much of a difference.

It's entertaining enough but about as flimsily structured as you can get.


It should have been a two-parter, honestly. There weren't enough songs and the whole thing felt pretty rushed. But I guess they had their hands full just doing this one episode.


Stein I can buy. He was a legit part of the team at the end of S1 and start of S2. Other than Henry who else is closer? Plus Henry being Iris' father would make that dynamic even weirder.

- J - D -

Stein I can buy. He was a legit part of the team at the end of S1 and start of S2. Other than Henry who else is closer? Plus Henry being Iris' father would make that dynamic even weirder.

It doesn't have to be a Flash character who plays Iris' father. Barrowman played Mon-El's father in that sequence despite having practically no connection to Kara.

They should've tried to get Calista Flockhart to play Iris' mother in that sequence. I think having both Joe and Stein be Iris' dad(s) is fun, but it also made me think that there's a lack of a strong older (and recurring) female presence on these shows. Or it could've been J'onn instead of Stein if you want to stick with the double dad angle.

edit: I'm glad you mentioned Henry because he really should've been in this one way or another.

It should have been a two-parter, honestly. There weren't enough songs and the whole thing felt pretty rushed. But I guess they had their hands full just doing this one episode.

Yeah scheduling must be a nightmare so in that regard I can understand the limitations.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
There definitely is a lack of more mature women on these shows. Oliver's mom is gone, Cat Grant isn't on Supergirl anymore, Kara's adoptive mom is rarely used, Barry's mom is dead, Iris' mom is dead, etc. But all the shows have more mature dudes. Chesthair, Diggle, J'onn, Joe, and Stein.


It doesn't have to be a Flash character who plays Iris' father. Barrowman played Mon-El's father in that sequence despite having practically no connection to Kara.

They should've tried to get Calista Flockhart to play Iris' mother in that sequence. I think having both Joe and Stein be Iris' dad(s) is fun, but it also made me think that there's a lack of a strong older (and recurring) female presence on these shows. Or it could've been J'onn instead of Stein if you want to stick with the double dad angle.

edit: I'm glad you mentioned Henry because he really should've been in this one way or another.

They can't get Calista lol. She's very unlikely to come back anytime soon.

Also singing talent counts for a lot, and Garber sure has it.
There definitely is a lack of more mature women on these shows. Oliver's mom is gone, Cat Grant isn't on Supergirl anymore, Kara's adoptive mom is rarely used, Barry's mom is dead, Iris' mom is dead, etc. But all the shows have more mature dudes. Chesthair, Diggle, J'onn, Joe, and Stein.

My wish is for Supergirl is they do the Superdad plot and introduce a mature mother Lois.
Won't happen though.


That was god damn boring but then again, I never enjoy musical episodes (I think the only one I did enjoy was Scrubs).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Can we talk about how Cisco physically took Iris & Mon-el into a dream, basically. His powers are out of control lol


Can we talk about how Cisco physically took Iris & Mon-el into a dream, basically. His powers are out of control lol

He can shift into Flashpoint and Speedforce. He has full control over where he wants to be. He might be in your dreams right now.


Tagged as I see fit
Music Miester also saved us a few episodes of Wally bouncing back from his time in the Speed Force.

Thanks, Music Miester. Now we can get to the good stuff.

Jeremy Jordan (Winn on Supergirl) is a top-tier musical theatre actor who I believe was nominated for a Tony. So yeah, Winn killin' it wasn't a surprise, but was nice to see.

Go check out Bonnie & Clyde: The Musical or the movie version of The Last Five Years if you want to hear more of Jeremy Jordan's singing.

Ah - didn't know this, thanks for the heads up and suggestions.
Flash Team talking some pretty big game about Savitar's identity:


Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, executive producer Todd Helbing teased why Savitar's identity has been withheld longer than usual:

Normally we have shown the identity of the villains a lot earlier in the season. There's a specific reason why we waited for this reveal until now. Nobody's going to see this coming. Harrison Wells [Tom Cavanagh] in season one and Jay [Teddy Sears] in season two were satisfying reveals, but this one takes the cake.

Star Grant Gustin also alluded to the reveal as non-traditional for the series:

It is a very different and jarring kind of reveal. I can't really tease much other than it's going to be the hardest big bad to take down or even come up with a way to take down. It creates problems for us when we find out his true identity.

Read More: 'Flash' Cast and Crew Tease Savitar Identity Reveal | http://comicsalliance.com/flash-savitar-identity-reveal/?trackback=tsmclip


Was anyone here satisfied with "Jay" being revealed as Zoom? Seems like money should be on Savitar being a version of Barry.

Not really. Zoom's unmasking was the equivalent of Kylo Ren's unmasking in Star Wars. As soon as it happened, the appeal was greatly diminished.


I'm thinking that Savitar = Barry too.

One of the things that struck me is that Savitar said "it was Iris or me". He also mentioned he can't kill Barry until Barry sees Iris die. I guess that Iris' death causes Barry to become Savitar in some kind of timeline split (because he ended up fighting himself). Savitar's creation seems to be some kind of closed loop involving Iris' death. Savitar thinks Barry took everything from him. Savitar has intimate knowledge of the team, including pre-Flashpoint and Earth-2 stuff. Savitar is well aware of Barry's mental state. Savitar was more "polite" to Joe and Iris than the others (despite killing the latter). Savitar said he created himself, then said Barry, then "only I can bring out my greatness". Also, he keeps saying "I am the Future Flash" so it seems really likely he's had that mantle at some point. Plenty of signs.

Of course the whole I'm a speed god nonsense doesn't track with Barry at all. Completely different personality. Who else is there? Wally, HR or Julian. Those are really the only options without something really out of left field. Don't anybody say John Fox.

Was anyone here satisfied with "Jay" being revealed as Zoom? Seems like money should be on Savitar being a version of Barry.

Nobody in their right mind.

The problem with The Flash is that they can just ignore all established logic and just say speed force and make any character whoever they want. Now I'm usually fine with speed force hand waving, but if you're going to make it a mystery/reveal then you play by the rules so the audience has a fair shot of figuring it out. Zoom had time remnant bullshit and fake flashbacks. If they do the same with Savitar, it'll fall flat too.
The biggest takeaway that Savitar is Barry was when Savitar mentioned Vibe during their Earth-2 visit. Nobody knows about what happened during that visit except Barry, Crisco, and Wells and Zolomon.... It has to be Barry. It cannot be another Wells. If it's another Wells.... We're fucked.
Oliver calls in backup. He knows he's too flawed. He needs to have a true hero take down Prometheus. And since he doesn't have a guy who can open breaches to Supergirl's earth, Barry will have to do.

Barry won't kill Prometheus, since he's not from Earth 2. Instead, he traps him in the Speed Force.

That's right,
Adrian Chase
is both Prometheus and Savitar.
If I had to take a wild guess, I would bet that Savitar is Barry's son or grandson from a woman that isn't Iris. The fact that Savitar existing hinges on her dying could point to this and would be a little less obvious then the bad guy being Barry himself.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
He can shift into Flashpoint and Speedforce. He has full control over where he wants to be. He might be in your dreams right now.

All he's gonna find in there are Iris, Patty, and Linda Park gifs.

They did telegraph Cisco becoming a god-level meta.

Dude is already there. They don't even pretend like there's something he can't do. They should just combine it and have him go into a future dream Barry is having about the speed force lol

Honestly I don't like it cause it lets them be lazy. I'll take a Caitlin & Cisco science mumbo jumbo explanation over Just Vibe It™

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Can every episode be a musical please. Those were some genuinely good songs.

We just had a Flash episode with Supergirl, where everyone was singing. This is crazy.


If it isn't Barry, they shouldn't bother with the reveal. If it is anyone else, he should be like a caveman. The oldest speedster.

All he's gonna find in there are Iris, Patty, and Linda Park gifs.
He will kill you because Golden Glider, Barrista Girl and Gypsy aren't there.
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