Never underestimate the speed force.I like how this episode is dedicated to helping a timeline that Barry is trying to erase. If he's successful, this emo timeline will never happen.
Iris represents the audience right now
Getting tired of being strung along by the Savitar reveal
It's gotta be Barry at this point. She obviously recognized the person immediately so its not a nobody and it had to be someone she completely trusted for whatever reason. Unless its Ronnie..maybe...hmmm
There never was an E1 ZolomamMemories of Earth-2 came to Earth-1 Zolomon, he gets powers.
Ronnie was absorbed into the Speed Force somehow during the S1 ending.
but how and why would it be ronnie?
Well next week we'll see who he is.
Who's Wally? Don't you mean Wheels?Wally gotta wheel himself in and save the day.
Guess Savitar is LaurelThis is the grave from Arrow S4 all over again 😑😑
I bet the writers don't even know who Savitar is yet
It's gotta be Ronnie. Who else would she jump to trust? Lol
Maybe her dad or something 🤔
No we won't. We'll get a bunch of feet shots and "he" this and that until the finale.
Nah they said he'd be unmasked. That's the angle they are going with. I expect a reveal. Pulling a stunt like that two episodes in a row will just piss people off.
There never was an E1 Zolomam
Hold up. Why would Wally go into a catatonic state over a Ronnie reveal? I think we're missing something. Unless Wally's been trying to figure out who Ronnie is this whole time.
We're already pissed off lol.
This is the grave from Arrow S4 all over again 😑😑
Is it safe to say this reveal is Glenn & the dumpster levels of holding back a reveal? Or was it already at that level?
Hmm, I guess shattering someone's spine would do that. Christ that's gruesome.I think it's not the reveal of who Savitar is, but more so what he did to Wally.
It's definitely Ronnie though
Is it safe to say this reveal is Glenn & the dumpster levels of holding back a reveal? Or was it already at that level?
If it is just a suit, why did it hurt when piece breaks off?
If it is just a suit, why did it hurt when piece breaks off?
I like how this episode is dedicated to helping a timeline that Barry is trying to erase. If he's successful, this emo timeline will never happen.
Alright should I watch tonight's ep or is it garbage
Alright should I watch tonight's ep or is it garbage