So will Barry just keep the new suit a secret or nah? Wait, I know the answer already.
Is he keeping it?
So will Barry just keep the new suit a secret or nah? Wait, I know the answer already.
Is the Savitar reveal the new Berserk boat?
The coloring on the new suit was too bright for me.
Is he keeping it?
Not like that. More like, "hey Team Flash, Future Me got a brand new suit in the future. It looked awesome. Should we make that suit or nah?"
Barry won't tell them about it though. It's going to be treated like the White Emblem. Crisco decides that Barry needs a new suit and it just so happens that it looks exactly like 2024 Flash.
man that last scene was such a tease. I'll be surprised if the reveal of Savitar's identity lives up to everyone's expectations
most important thing is that Barry knows his future self has a cool new suit so hopefully they get to work on an upgrade in the present asap
It's gonna be Barry.
It isn't Ronnie or Eddie because neither of them had knowledge of Julian, for example.
Pre-Flashpoint Barry wouldn't either
So I'm still watching..but is it explained how HR can show his face in the future without issue? doesn't seem to be another face on the posters/book cover...
Isn't Wells a known murderer?
"I Know Who You Are" Promo promises Savitar's reveal... better later than never?
ChristFrom and including: Tuesday, October 4, 2016
To, but not including Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Result: 210 days
It is 210 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date
Or 6 months, 28 days excluding the end date
What if Savitar opened up to reveal...
He's just another Savitar.
So I'm still watching..but is it explained how HR can show his face in the future without issue? doesn't seem to be another face on the posters/book cover...
Isn't Wells a known murderer?
What if Savitar opened up to reveal...
He's just another Savitar.
It's mick
It's mick
I think we're supposed to relate with Barry how he got strung along in this episode 🤣Wow. Fuck this show. Your seriously gonna string us along for this long?
Either that orIt's Barry from another timeline, isn't it..Ronnie
Wait, how can it be 2025 if Barry disappears in the Crisis in 2024?I already deleted it off my DVR so I can't check, but was the date Barry traveled to Feb 3rd 2025?
Cause that's my birthday... wonder how I'm celebrating 8 years from now?
I asked myself the same thing. First I thought it was 2024 (which now that I think about it is when he said he was trying to get to) but then they said Iris died 8 years ago... 2024 is only 7 years after 2017, not 8.Wait, how can it be 2025 if Barry disappears in the Crisis in 2024?
Ok, so the writers can't add. Good to know.February 3, 2024
I already deleted it off my DVR so I can't check, but was the date Barry traveled to Feb 3rd 2025?
Cause that's my birthday... wonder how I'm celebrating 8 years from now?
Wait, how can it be 2025 if Barry disappears in the Crisis in 2024?
Ok, so the writers can't add. Good to know.
Mirror Master was always my favorite Rogue from the comics, but this version is a dud, I'm afraid: personality-free and falling far short of exploiting all the possibilities of mirror powers. Bring on the Earth-2 or Earth-16 or Earth-39 version