I don't want to let go of this moment.LETS GO
Damn Cisco going in though.
I don't want to let go of this moment.LETS GO
What was shown before the 16 hours earlier?
Haha the reveal ruined a minute before the show. Here we go?
Frost failed to snap back so Barry won this round of the battle rap.Killer Frost lobbing soft balls.
Jesus Christ, how did Flash become the worst paced show outta the CWTV shows? I know we all can't be SHIELD, but god damn can we at least be Arrow? That reveal happened and since then it's been rockin a rollin to the finish. This is stumblin and bumblin to the finish line with a fucking limp
Off the top of my head have them switch places
The Flash has been my least watched show this year, I don't care about anything happening, I missed a month of episodes and it feels like nothing has changed.The Flash isn't that bad and on the brink of cancellation
Arrow the GOAT
I actually have another one:The rest of the team actually figured this out already. They are working on the Savitar problem while letting Barry spin in his wheels. Killer Frost is in on it and is playing the long game.
SHIELD isn't on the brink of cancellation because of the quality of the episodes
I don't see how SHIELD's absolute lack of quality would save it from cancellation
I don't see how SHIELD's absolute lack of quality would save it from cancellation
Please let's not fill this thread with baseless comments of an unrelated series.