I've really gotta say, this season sucks. It's a big shame because Flash in S1 was so good, and I still felt S2 was strong despite a clear step down from S1.
But S3...it's just awful. To sum up my problems:
The fun feels entirely sucked out of it. Everyone is moping around all the time now, this isn't how the show used to be! First it was moping about changing Cisco's brother's fate, now it's moping about Savitar killing Iris. It brings all the characters down and I end up just not caring.
They completely bungled the Flashpoint/reality changing plot point. I don't care about being faithful to some sort of comic event, this wasn't faithful to the show it was a part of. It was essentially one episode, there were barely any repercussions, and by the mid-season finale it basically didn't matter that Flashpoint happened (or rather, barely matters).
The Savitar plot-line sucks. At this point I don't care who it is. Whatever the answer is, it will be disappointing and something predictable. Wells being Reverse Flash was lightning in a bottle and they can't try to repeat that twist every year...but they have been. There's some serious diminishing returns at this point. It's boring to see Barry fight a speedster every year and frankly the stakes don't seem higher than the past. Clearly Savitar is going to turn out to be someone we know, but it'll be so late in the season that it's something we can't connect to with the same impact as S1 or even S2.
Caitlyn being Killer Frost is character assassination. Literally the only reason it's happening is because that is what she is in the comics. It would have been fine as a one off episode thing, but now it's just a permanent and stupid plot point. She has ice powers that make her go evil...this is so dumb. Either cure her somehow or don't have her powers also alter her brain (something we haven't seen with -any- other metahuman). She's been a main character since the pilot, it's an awful thing to do to the character with no logical reason.
I do like one thing, Julian is a nice addition to the cast. If only everyone would let loose and have some fun again.
At this point even if the last few episodes are great, it doesn't justify this entire plodding season. And I kinda doubt they will be at this point.
Arrow and Legends have been huge improvements this year so it really sucks to see Flash having such a weak year comparatively when in the past it was the strongest of the pack.