Bitches love smiley faces
So next episode
they're going to induce Memento?
I might actually hate this show now lol
Yeah that's something Season 1 got right.It would have been a decent payoff off it was done way earlier in the season, but by now everyone had figured it out.
Well, bout time.
Now, how do you explain why a Barry, ANY Barry would willingly kill an Iris?
Nice to know good Barry is incompetent, evil Barry is competent.
Also, if Evil Barry knew about that women this whole time, why didn't he just kill her, herself?
So... They really did go that route.
Well I mean, if having mentor types constantly betray Barry became tired, I guess betraying himself was the next logical step.
Thinking about how much better Arrow is, that whole sequence where Barry was chasing Killer Frost through the city, all I could think was "Ollie would have easily just put two arrows in her in no time flat."
Need to update it with Barry.
Knew it! I'm not disappointed though. I want to see how they roll with this now. From what damn timeline is he from though. The level of time fuckery that had to cause this has to be insane.
The Flash S3 |OT| It Was Me, Barry
So many of us called it long time ago, Flash S3 is Arrow S3 level...
That spoiler made me so done tbh
Pretty hype for evil Grant Gustin. That was a much better reveal than Hunter Zolomon.
So is this good to use or too much of a spoiler, you wouldn't know without context lol
So is this good to use or too much of a spoiler, you wouldn't know without context lol
So is this good to use or too much of a spoiler, you wouldn't know without context lol
Well, bout time.
Now, how do you explain why a Barry, ANY Barry would willingly kill an Iris?
If you had watched the last.few.episodes you'd figure it out pretty quick. Maybe wait a week?
He's from the "Patty Wins" timeline.
She was Firestorm's rogue, and why she gave him so much trouble.
Ain't much to roll with, there are three fucking episodes left
Barry is the villain
So who is Savitar? Please tell me it's Future Flash
Off to Earth-3 to have some kinky Speed Force sex with Jesse.