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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.

Good episode. I liked it more than the premiere, and Malfoy is going to be a fun character this season.

The heck was that at the end? Couldn't recognize the arm.
Harrison Wells
is faster than Barry?
Damn, whose arm was that at the end? Can't be Doctor Alchemy's. Savitar? Speed steal causes the husk? That would be a cool effect of speed steal.

Barry gives Wally looks everytime he talks about Flashpoint lol.


Jay really pulled Barry's ass out of the Speed Force to tell him to stop fucking stuff up lol. Really dug the character development he got this week.

Caitlin has her Elsa powers again woo


Kinda glad the end of the episode seems to be clear Doctor Alchemy is the main villain this season. Enough with the evil speedsters.

Fuuu, that could be one of them. Super advanced Alien tech could penetrate Iron Heights right now.

Barry will always be depicted as slower than other speedsters. That's just the way it is right now.
If we are talking about Quick who shouldn't be able to catch up to Barry in such a short amount of time.

Can't be having Barry moving mach 20+ and evil speedster's moving mach 5+. There's just no drama to that. Speedster math, etc. done on Comic Vine and reddit have Barry at or above mach 15+. There is no way that The Rival should be catching up to Barry but here we are *shrugs*

The only one who should be faster would be Thawne or possibly Zolomon. In regards to The Rival and Doctor Alchemy's conversation, Alchemy probably amped Clariss up to or near Barry's speed.


So...I'm trying to think about it.

Did Barry's changes really affect Diggle's kid over in Arrow, too? Or are we to assume that whenever we see an Arrow character on Flash, we're just seeing that version of them in the separate world that Barry created, post-Flashpoint, and Arrow is still in the "Original" Timeline?

Could be a nice segue into why a "Crisis" will be needed. Too many different Earths!
So...I'm trying to think about it.

Did Barry's changes really affect Diggle's kid over in Arrow, too? Or are we to assume that whenever we see an Arrow character on Flash, we're just seeing that version of them in the separate world that Barry created, post-Flashpoint, and Arrow is still in the "Original" Timeline?

Could be a nice segue into why a "Crisis" will be needed. Too many different Earths!

They're in a Post-Flashpoint timeline. David Ramsey confirmed at Comic-Con that Flashpoint would affect Diggle, and Mericle recently stated that Flashpoint would play a role in how Katie Cassidy would return to Arrow.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Fuuu, that could be one of them. Super advanced Alien tech could penetrate Iron Heights right now.

Barry will always be depicted as slower than other speedsters. That's just the way it is right now.
If we are talking about Quick who shouldn't be able to catch up to Barry in such a short amount of time.

Can't be having Barry moving mach 20+ and evil speedster's moving mach 5+. There's just no drama to that. Speedster math, etc. done on Comic Vine and reddit have Barry at or above mach 15+. There is no way that The Rival should be catching up to Barry but here we are *shrugs*

The only one who should be faster would be Thawne or possibly Zolomon. In regards to The Rival and Doctor Alchemy's conversation, Alchemy probably amped Clariss up to or near Barry's speed.

If the Rival is as fast or faster than Barry why doesnt he go back in time and make some changes.

It would have been a nice change of pace if Barry was faster than the Rival and after beating him Barry says "I fought Reverse Flash and Zoom so sorry Rival you are too slow" I guess the writers of the show really wanted Cisco to help tag team Rival.


They're in a Post-Flashpoint timeline. David Ramsey confirmed at Comic-Con that Flashpoint would affect Diggle, and Mericle recently stated that Flashpoint would play a role in how Katie Cassidy would return to Arrow.

Ah, I see. Thanks for filling me in!

Well, if it means that Canary will be back sooner rather than later, all the better.

Honestly, the only loser from tonight's ep was Dante. Poor guy...


Will drop pants for Sony.
So...I'm trying to think about it.

Did Barry's changes really affect Diggle's kid over in Arrow, too? Or are we to assume that whenever we see an Arrow character on Flash, we're just seeing that version of them in the separate world that Barry created, post-Flashpoint, and Arrow is still in the "Original" Timeline?

Could be a nice segue into why a "Crisis" will be needed. Too many different Earths!

Wasn't Diggle's son John Diggle, Jr who went by the name Connor Hawke/Green Arrow in that one episode of Legends?

What? How?

I freaking love this show. This is season 1 levels of hype I'm feeling right now. Jay Garrick, Dr. Alchemy, The Rival, Mirror Master, Killer Frost, Vibe, Iris being great... man. So good.

Do not look up info on Dr. Alchemy on wikipedia, especially about Dr. Alchemy on the tv show.

Berlanti should go to the Flash writers and declare for season 4 there can be no new speedsters.
Ah, I see. Thanks for filling me in!

Well, if it means that Canary will be back sooner rather than later, all the better.

Honestly, the only loser from tonight's ep was Dante. Poor guy...

She's supposed to be back around December/January.

Alchemy's power seems to be to turn people into a synthesis of versions from different realities, even if the "source" version is dead. Dumping Laurel's memories into Black Siren could create a character who's an awful lot closer to Comics Canary...
If the Rival is as fast or faster than Barry why doesnt he go back in time and make some changes.

It would have been a nice change of pace if Barry was faster than the Rival and after beating him Barry says "I fought Reverse Flash and Zoom so sorry Rival you are too slow" I guess the writers of the show really wanted Cisco to help tag team Rival.

Clariss possibly doesn't know how to time travel. When we were on Flashpoint it looked like Wally didn't even know about dimensions, universes, and time travel. It's safe to assume that Clariss wouldn't know either. So far the only people who know about dimensions, universes, and time travel are S.T.A.R. Labs, Arrow and Felicity, LoT, Harrison Wells, Jesse Quick, Jay Garrick, Hunter Zolomon, and Eobard Thawne.

So why didn't Zoom do just that, travel back and murder Barry? Unlike Thawne, he doesn't know the origin of Barry. Thawne does but Thawne won't kill Barry because if he kills Barry, he kills himself. If there is no Barry, there is no speed force and no Thawne. Thawne also exists to fuck and mock Barry.

Look, I get it and I agree with your concern. Barry should be and is faster than every speedster besides Thawne but the show doesn't allow him to be when it comes down to it. It should also be more apparent since he came out of the Speed Force rejuvenated with the Speed Force energy thus amplifying his powers even more.

But if there is one thing that the show has consistently shown us is that Barry is only as fast as he is confident. The less confident he is, the slower he is. He inconsistently goes all out when fighting other speedsters where he is beating them silly or he is just a bit slower than his opponents but then finds a way to beat them via teamwork or love.

We all saw it - Rival was indeed beating him in a race until Barry decided for a shortcut. But then we saw Barry manhandle the fuck out of Zoom until he was confused and lost some confidence and Zoom destroys his shackles. Then we see Barry destroy Zoom from S2's last episode where we clearly saw Zoom beating Barry in a race. It's..... Mindblasting.


Will drop pants for Sony.
GIVE ME MORE. I want Johnny Quick, Max Mercury, and Bart Allen.

I just had an odd feeling that the end of the season will have

Bart Allen showing up from the future and telling Barry that he is his son and he came back in time to save "Mom"


So does that tie in with this new timeline, does this mean that this timeline is the correct one. The one with baby Sara wasn't.

Shouldn't the legends of tomorrow cast know Barry mucked up the timeline?

Time is non linear so I don't know...... Speed Force
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