Dominators.What was that ending?
What was that ending?
I'm tired of speedster villains.
Harrison Wells daughter is faster than Barry?
So...I'm trying to think about it.
Did Barry's changes really affect Diggle's kid over in Arrow, too? Or are we to assume that whenever we see an Arrow character on Flash, we're just seeing that version of them in the separate world that Barry created, post-Flashpoint, and Arrow is still in the "Original" Timeline?
Could be a nice segue into why a "Crisis" will be needed. Too many different Earths!
Fuuu, that could be one of them. Super advanced Alien tech could penetrate Iron Heights right now.
Barry will always be depicted as slower than other speedsters. That's just the way it is right now.If we are talking about Quick who shouldn't be able to catch up to Barry in such a short amount of time.
Can't be having Barry moving mach 20+ and evil speedster's moving mach 5+. There's just no drama to that. Speedster math, etc. done on Comic Vine and reddit have Barry at or above mach 15+. There is no way that The Rival should be catching up to Barry but here we are *shrugs*
The only one who should be faster would be Thawne or possibly Zolomon. In regards to The Rival and Doctor Alchemy's conversation, Alchemy probably amped Clariss up to or near Barry's speed.
I don't know much about the character but I assumed it was Mirror Master.Someone said Savitar and that would make sense.
I think at this point I don't care how well or not Felicity is written. I just hate seeing her on screen.
They're in a Post-Flashpoint timeline. David Ramsey confirmed at Comic-Con that Flashpoint would affect Diggle, and Mericle recently stated that Flashpoint would play a role in how Katie Cassidy would return to Arrow.
I think at this point I don't care how well or not Felicity is written. I just hate seeing her on screen.
They're in a Post-Flashpoint timeline. David Ramsey confirmed at Comic-Con that Flashpoint would affect Diggle, and Mericle recently stated that Flashpoint would play a role in how Katie Cassidy would return to Arrow.
I think i was just spoiled by wikipedia. damn
So...I'm trying to think about it.
Did Barry's changes really affect Diggle's kid over in Arrow, too? Or are we to assume that whenever we see an Arrow character on Flash, we're just seeing that version of them in the separate world that Barry created, post-Flashpoint, and Arrow is still in the "Original" Timeline?
Could be a nice segue into why a "Crisis" will be needed. Too many different Earths!
What? How?
I freaking love this show. This is season 1 levels of hype I'm feeling right now. Jay Garrick, Dr. Alchemy, The Rival, Mirror Master, Killer Frost, Vibe, Iris being great... man. So good.
Wasn't Diggle's son John Diggle, Jr who went by the name Connor Hawke/Green Arrow in that one episode of Legends?
Do not look up info on Dr. Alchemy on wikipedia, especially about Dr. Alchemy on the tv show.
Yes If i remember correctly.
Do not look up info on Dr. Alchemy on wikipedia, especially about Dr. Alchemy on the tv show.
Berlanti should go to the Flash writers and declare for season 4 there can be no new speedsters.
Ah, I see. Thanks for filling me in!
Well, if it means that Canary will be back sooner rather than later, all the better.
Honestly, the only loser from tonight's ep was Dante. Poor guy...
If the Rival is as fast or faster than Barry why doesnt he go back in time and make some changes.
It would have been a nice change of pace if Barry was faster than the Rival and after beating him Barry says "I fought Reverse Flash and Zoom so sorry Rival you are too slow" I guess the writers of the show really wanted Cisco to help tag team Rival.
It's going to come out that the entire multiverse is because of Barry or another Flash, right?
GIVE ME MORE. I want Johnny Quick, Max Mercury, and Bart Allen.
So does that tie in with this new timeline, does this mean that this timeline is the correct one. The one with baby Sara wasn't.
Shouldn't the legends of tomorrow cast know Barry mucked up the timeline?
Time is non linear so I don't know...... Speed Force