Jorok Goldblade
I like the whole idea of ALchemy giving people back there powers from flashpoint.
He should go over to Arrow and power up Vertigo.
I like the whole idea of ALchemy giving people back there powers from flashpoint.
Why was Dawson's Creek on a TV in 1990? That show started in 98. Also the running between Iris and Joe was absurd. Usually I can ignore inconsistencies but man it was bad. He runs over to talk with Iris for like 10 full seconds and then runs back to Joe like no time had passed. Sure the travel time is nothing but talking with other people takes time. Would have been a better scene if Joe and Iris just knew he was running back and forth and acted like it was no big deal.
He has Iris, Felicity will be a supportive friend that verbally kicks his ass when he needs to, like in this episode.
He has Iris, Felicity will be a supportive friend that verbally kicks his ass when he needs to, like in this episode.
I love the pace of this show. Flashpoint got solved in one episode. This drama crap got solved with one episode. Good thing that e can move on from that.
He has Iris, Felicity will be a supportive friend that verbally kicks his ass when he needs to, like in this episode.
Edit: Also for those of you criticizing how Barry is too slow for the new speedsters, my head canon is that it's because dude just isn't trying as hard. He's trying to pace himself cause as we saw in the scene where he goes back and forth between Iris and Joe, he does get tired. I mean over the last few months he went so fast he went back in time and killed himself, then time traveled multiple times after that, and on top of that has been fighting baddies. Maybe he's either tired or just wants to slow down a bit.
That was a lot better than the premiere. More exiciting, the emotional beats hit harder too.
But..why isn't Barry wearing the tahyons device?
I don't think he's used it since he came out of the speedforce or at least they've never shown him put it back on.
Does Alchemy's helmet remind anybody else of Fallout's Tesla Armour helmet?
Sölf;219943244 said:Good episode. I like Alchemy, but I like creepy plague doctor looking villains all the time. xD
Does anyone have a link to the preview for the next episode?
I know JWS can slur his words a bit (he's also definitely looking a bit fitter than last season!), but yeah he definitely said 1998. They know what year Dawson's Creek started, Greg Berlanti wrote on it!
I might have missed someone mentioning it, but JWS was ON it, as Dawson's dad.
What, are you saying Jay Garrick is Dawson's dad?
Is Earth-3 the Dawsonverse?
The way Iris looks at Barry man.
The way Iris looks at Barry man.
He has Iris, Felicity will be a supportive friend that verbally kicks his ass when he needs to, like in this episode.
Respect their experience. There would be drama with Felicity again. You are right she is back to being a fun bubbly type now and it sucks we're only getting it on crossovers.
The way Iris looks at Barry man.
How would he know how to use the speed force within a day?If the Rival is as fast or faster than Barry why doesnt he go back in time and make some changes.
It would have been a nice change of pace if Barry was faster than the Rival and after beating him Barry says "I fought Reverse Flash and Zoom so sorry Rival you are too slow" I guess the writers of the show really wanted Cisco to help tag team Rival.
Fucking bobble head barry lmao
That would be god tier and I instantly thought of that in season 1.Wonder if the show will pull a Buffy season 6 big bad with Catlin.
If the Rival is as fast or faster than Barry why doesnt he go back in time and make some changes.
It would have been a nice change of pace if Barry was faster than the Rival and after beating him Barry says "I fought Reverse Flash and Zoom so sorry Rival you are too slow" I guess the writers of the show really wanted Cisco to help tag team Rival.
I'm gonna assume you guys both dropped Arrow like in S3 because Felicity has been doing exactly that for most of S4 and continuing on in the premiere of S5. The difference is that she gets more plot focus.
oooooo got 'em
Yeah that scene was amazing!oooooo got 'em
Jay said it was 1998. Not 1990.
I'm curious how this will work. Guessing the crossover will be the time to talk about it in Arrow, cause Arrow seems to mostly be going it's own way in the premiere as if nothing changed, or maybe the timing in both shows is slightly off and not simultaneous just yet.They're in a Post-Flashpoint timeline. David Ramsey confirmed at Comic-Con that Flashpoint would affect Diggle, and Mericle recently stated that Flashpoint would play a role in how Katie Cassidy would return to Arrow.
Felicity was the best thing about this episode and no I don't watch Arrow I don't care I still like Felicity mkay?
I'm curious how this will work. Guessing the crossover will be the time to talk about it in Arrow, cause Arrow seems to mostly be going it's own way in the premiere as if nothing changed, or maybe the timing in both shows is slightly off and not simultaneous just yet.
I guess the all creators under the Arrowverse show is just hedging their bets that if you watch Arrow you're probably watching The Flash at least, so having Barry do time travel fuckery and it impacts your show will just be a fact of life. Do wonder how this is gonna affect people watching the show linearly, i.e. binging, etc., rather than watching live.
Dr. Alchemy looks like a Fallout cosplay.
Felicity was the best thing about this episode and no I don't watch Arrow I don't care I still like Felicity mkay?
Thats because the only thing seemingly changed in Arrow is that Diggle now has a son. And Diggle isnt in the show for now. So they can get away with not explaining it til the crossover where it will be fully explained and all other changes revealed.I'm curious how this will work. Guessing the crossover will be the time to talk about it in Arrow, cause Arrow seems to mostly be going it's own way in the premiere as if nothing changed, or maybe the timing in both shows is slightly off and not simultaneous just yet.
I guess the all creators under the Arrowverse show is just hedging their bets that if you watch Arrow you're probably watching The Flash at least, so having Barry do time travel fuckery and it impacts your show will just be a fact of life. Do wonder how this is gonna affect people watching the show linearly, i.e. binging, etc., rather than watching live.
Jay Garrick's teeth are so goddamn white they are literally blinding me.
I'm curious how this will work. Guessing the crossover will be the time to talk about it in Arrow, cause Arrow seems to mostly be going it's own way in the premiere as if nothing changed, or maybe the timing in both shows is slightly off and not simultaneous just yet.
I guess the all creators under the Arrowverse show is just hedging their bets that if you watch Arrow you're probably watching The Flash at least, so having Barry do time travel fuckery and it impacts your show will just be a fact of life. Do wonder how this is gonna affect people watching the show linearly, i.e. binging, etc., rather than watching live.