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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Will drop pants for Sony.
JSA is in the 1940s

Conner Hawke is in 2046

There's a full century between them.

Time travel? speed force? Barry's mom? The writers will figure something out.

I wonder if the actress that plays Barry's mom was happy she got to do other stuff other than being murdered again.

Spinning Speed Force Punch and a Speed Force Punch to the Solar Plexus..... That will fuck anybody up lol.

I like that they are mixing up the ways Barry punches his opponents. Gonna need a spinning back fist and some hellbows!
So even the original Barry of this timeline knew time travel was a bad idea. Are we just following the dumbest Barry?

As big of an L as Barry took, comic Barry created a worse Flashpoint and his "putting things right" was the New 52. It took Wally to clean up comic Barry's time travel mess.


Anyone else notice Tom Felton isn't in the main cast? He got demoted to the Special Appearance category, which is above Special Guest that even Calista Flockhart didn't get it. Weird deal.

I just had an odd feeling that the end of the season will have

Bart Allen showing up from the future and telling Barry that he is his son and he came back in time to save "Mom"

just saw this. ew. no. grandson, not son.


Between Arrow having another "evil" archer and this show having more "evil" speedsters I'm kinda getting indifferent

I never really read DC comic, is it like this in the comics as well?


The Rival's actor has some serious Bale-face going on when he talks in the mask usually.

And everything he talked about being rivals made me think of like The Office with "assistant branch manager" talk.

Dr. Alchemy looks like a Fallout cosplay.


Between Arrow having another "evil" archer and this show having more "evil" speedsters I'm kinda getting indifferent

I never really read DC comic, is it like this in the comics as well?

Yes and no. The nature of television and how these shows are written means big bads are usually more prominent and pop in and out a lot. An evil speedster showing up every sixth episode in the comics is three to six months, but on a tv show is six weeks so it's all a bit more condensed and noticeable.

But I mean yeah there's like thirty different speedsters in The Flash.
I just thought about something.....

Does this mean that Diggle and Lyla never got back together? His new son looks like it would be more him and his brother's ex wife than him and Lyla.

Damn Barry.....


Since he got his powers back? He's one of the oldest and most experienced Speedster we have next to Thawne so I'm assuming he can do what Thawne and Barry can do also.

Neither of them can do that IIRC. Only Zoom could. Everyone else required very powerful, expensive, and complicated technology.

Edit: NVM, Barry did it late in season 2. I don't think Thawne can though.


ahahahaha I just picked up on a cute little reference in the show

Joe says "you know the two heads thing and all" to Albert. Alchemy foreshadowing.


Time rule inconsistencies aside I absolutely loved this episode. I also love the implication that there are now weird monks that can see into multiple timelines and how that'll come to bite Barry in the ass. That's incredible.

Edit: Also for those of you criticizing how Barry is too slow for the new speedsters, my head canon is that it's because dude just isn't trying as hard. He's trying to pace himself cause as we saw in the scene where he goes back and forth between Iris and Joe, he does get tired. I mean over the last few months he went so fast he went back in time and killed himself, then time traveled multiple times after that, and on top of that has been fighting baddies. Maybe he's either tired or just wants to slow down a bit.


You know if Barry delaying his mother's death by a few seconds caused this... WTF have the Legends been doing to the timeline?

Time Travel itself is not causing these problems, but Time Travel within the Speed Force. Speed Force has been described to me earlier in the thread to be a sledgehammer when it comes to time travel, whereas Rip Hunter and the Time Masters developed tech that is far more precise and elegant with it.

In addition, there have been MULTIPLE times where Legends have fucked up the timeline. Remember Star City?


Re: Barry's power level, he's only really beaten Zoom and Year One Reverse Flash. He's never really beaten Prime RF. He still has quite a while to go.
Felicity should be a Flash regular instead of Arrow. It´s the old fun Felicity when she is with Barry. It´s not a shipping thing, but her character is much better when she is with Barry. I want the fun Felicity back.


Felicity should be a Flash regular instead of Arrow. It´s the old fun Felicity when she is with Barry. It´s not a shipping thing, but her character is much better when she is with Barry. I want the fun Felicity back.

You know there would immediately be relationship drama between her and Barry, right?


Why was Dawson's Creek on a TV in 1990? That show started in 98. Also the running between Iris and Joe was absurd. Usually I can ignore inconsistencies but man it was bad. He runs over to talk with Iris for like 10 full seconds and then runs back to Joe like no time had passed. Sure the travel time is nothing but talking with other people takes time. Would have been a better scene if Joe and Iris just knew he was running back and forth and acted like it was no big deal.
I love the pace of this show. Flashpoint got solved in one episode. This drama crap got solved with one episode. Good thing that e can move on from that.

You're so, so naive.

He has Iris, Felicity will be a supportive friend that verbally kicks his ass when he needs to, like in this episode.


Why was Dawson's Creek on a TV in 1990? That show started in 98. Also the running between Iris and Joe was absurd. Usually I can ignore inconsistencies but man it was bad. He runs over to talk with Iris for like 10 full seconds and then runs back to Joe like no time had passed. Sure the travel time is nothing but talking with other people takes time. Would have been a better scene if Joe and Iris just knew he was running back and forth and acted like it was no big deal.

Jay said it was 1998. Not 1990.


Almost at the end of the episode. The fight scenes in this are pretty great, and the theme when Rival and Alchemy are confronting the Flash is perfect. This should have been aired with Flashpoint as a two hour premiere.
Really good episode, I like the whole idea of ALchemy giving people back there powers from flashpoint. I also like how when Barry said that he looked at wally lol.
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