Something has been bothering me. Barry says he's only known Julian for 2 weeks. Joe says Barry and Julian have been hating each other for over a year. So shouldn't there be two Barrys?
I don't like this guy.
Catlin using her powers at the end of episodes the new wells standing up
Realizing you almost killed a kid would do that to you.(I did like the final Julian scene, even if it did feel unrealistic that he's softened towards Barry so quickly.)
AV club hates character driven stories confirmed
So the kid was bullied and then decided to create a giant hologram dinosaur monster haha, oh man. Sure, why the fuck not. Lol.
Is Barry supposed to be a sympathetic character? Because I sorta understand why someone wouldn't like him from an outsider perspective. To them he's an incompetent flake when people are trying to get work done that saves lives. Unless you know his secret, there isn't much reason to like him. He's "nice" but childish.
And then another Killer Frost stinger. This season is losing me. They're just pulling the same old tricks out of the bag.
Yeah, writing was really weak this episode but the character interactions themselves were fantastic. I absolutely love what they're doing with HR. Having Wells be a klutz is incredible.
Let's take bets on who the partner is.
I'm bettingHunter Zoloman.
As much as the black man getting iced and making the heel turn was bullshit, I'm glad it didn't get drawn out. It was mostly there as a demonstration that she isn't as in control as she thinks. (Which is also a valid reason to not to tell anyone about)This dude Nigel really thought he was gonna tell this woman that can freeze your shit in an instant what to do.
I like how versatile the actor is. Dude is playing a great klutz.I like the new Harrison Wells.
I also liked how this episode had a giant monster even if it was a hologram, but then again I love giant monster movies.
I like how versatile the actor is. Dude is playing a great klutz.
I'm sad I didn't make the HR Wells/HG Wells novelist connection.
I'm sad I didn't make the HR Wells/HG Wells novelist connection.
There was quite a bit of H Wells the time traveler speculation in season one. And HG Wells was actually in Legends of Tomorrow. They're not subtle about their fondness for him on these shows.
Julian is really Draco. Tragic backstory proves it.
While the episode is fine and nice to see more from Caitlin. I don't get why she hasn't told anyone of the Killer Frost thing. It seems just another dumb CW secrets thing than anything organic i guess thats the word. That black guy is an idiot how did he expect that to go.
Empire of the Sun
Would make sense this weirdness is popular in Earth 13.
Especially if it has been months this has been going on. If she has a strained relationship with her mother why isn't her friends not the first people to go before her mom. This seems just contrived drama later on especially since it will change little if it wasn't a secret and the main plot will probably go the same.That whole thing was so fucking stupid. So this dude does a sudden heel turn and plans on forcibly running tests on her mother's lab...and then locks himself inside the room after he's seen how easily she can freeze things...
I still don't understand why she isn't telling Team Flash who has experience with metahumans. Cisco is a metahuman, so they're obviously not going to automatically shun her. It makes no sense. It's really just highly manufactured drama. Caitlin is going to entrust her mom that she doesn't speak to with this knowledge before the only friends she has? Even with her mom being a specialist in cryogenics (how convenient), it doesn't ring true for her character. Going to her mom seems like a last resort move, not her first choice of action.
I didn't get the Gladiator thing.
Especially if it has been months this has been going on. If she has a strained relationship with her mother why isn't her friends not the first people to go before her mom. This seems just contrived drama later on especially since it will change little if it wasn't a secret and the main plot will probably go the same.
He is talking about Gladiator.I didn't get the Gladiator thing.
I wouldn't call running from old money tragic.Julian is really Draco. Tragic backstory proves it.
Kreisberg also worked on Warehouse 13 where the scientific genius HG Wells invented stuff for her stupid brother to write about. He is now doing that HG Wells story from the point of the stupid brother.
I guess that could be it like maybe she is worried about turning into Killer Frost.Cisco went a little weird on her last season after getting back form Earth 2 and thinking she was acting a little too much like Killer Frost.
How about running from a family who didn't support you and what you wanted to do with your life?I wouldn't call running from old money tragic.
Yeah, writing was really weak this episode but the character interactions themselves were fantastic. I absolutely love what they're doing with HR. Having Wells be a klutz is incredible.
Let's take bets on who the partner is.
I'm bettingHunter Zoloman.
It's also Harrison Wells. He has an identical twin on Earth-19
I wouldn't call running from old money tragic.
I think they were referencing the Spielberg flick.
No. It's not close, and it's not only because we had no idea who "Harrison Wells" was or what he was planning, whereas we already kind of know where Caitlin is heading; it's also because Panabaker isn't half as good at acting as Cavanagh. Like, they could still do stingers with him just klutzing around the lab, and they would be better than the Killer Frost stuff.But is it equivalent to Wells taking off his glasses, then standing up?
Julian is really Draco. Tragic backstory proves it.
I feel like this plot line's drama doesn't make any sense. On ArrowThat whole thing was so fucking stupid. So this dude does a sudden heel turn and plans on forcibly running tests on her mother's lab...and then locks himself inside the room after he's seen how easily she can freeze things...
I still don't understand why she isn't telling Team Flash who has experience with metahumans. Cisco is a metahuman, so they're obviously not going to automatically shun her. It makes no sense. It's really just highly manufactured drama. Caitlin is going to entrust her mom that she doesn't speak to with this knowledge before the only friends she has? Even with her mom being a specialist in cryogenics (how convenient), it doesn't ring true for her character. Going to her mom seems like a last resort move, not her first choice of action.
I'm mean most fans of this show will be the first to tell you that![]()
The guy that picked that Flash moment clearly isn't smart either.![]()
As a British person, Julian's one of my favourite characters this season. Some nice development toward the end of the episode there. Felton's a good actor.
As a British person, Julian's one of my favourite characters this season. Some nice development toward the end of the episode there. Felton's a good actor.